The purpose of this document is to better explain the mutual expectations from the McHenry Warriors Lacrosse Club program.
What to expect from the Warriors Boys Lacrosse Club:
We believe in the connection between fundamentals, fitness, commitment, and success, so our practices are geared toward improving the players' specific lacrosse skills. We hope to create for each player an experience that is fun and provides the opportunity to enjoy both the sport of lacrosse as well as good sportsmanship, leading to success.We measure success in many ways, and the development of the players as young men is an important part of what we will do. However, wins and losses do become more important at the high school level. Positions will be evaluated and determined based on the Coaches’ decisions. Below are some things of which to be aware:
Program Philosophy, Shared Beliefs and Values
· Work hard together as a team, play as a team, and have fun as a team.
· Parents, players, and coaches all operate with integrity
· Shared responsibilities between Parents/Athletes/Coaches including communication and support
What to Expect from the Club:
· Good communication between coaches and players.
· Timely notifications of plans, schedules, and other events from the Club Board and coaches to players and parents.
· Firm and fair application of team, school, and state rules.
· Clear instruction and coaching.
· Safe and well-maintained fields and proper equipment for the players.
Players are responsible for providing their own helmet,gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, athletic cup, and mouth guard. Game jerseys and shorts are provided with your registration and uniform fees. All players are reminded to please wear your jerseys to school on game day to promote our team.
Playing time:
Wealways hope to give as many players who want to play lacrosse the opportunity to do so. Players will be evaluated on their practice attendance, lacrosse skills, drive, determination, attitude, and their potential to contribute to the team. Please know that playing time is not guaranteed and the coaches will do their best to get every player in each game.
For Parents
The success of this season and future seasons are based on the participation of parents and the promotion of a positive, healthy environment. The Board and Coaches are volunteering their time to help your boys learn and compete in this great sport of lacrosse and to grow the Club within McHenry and surrounding areas.
What we expect from parents:
· Timely payment of fees as outlined on the registration form(s), submission of all waiver and IHSA forms, including physicals, and communication to the Board secretary of any hardships.
· Participation in fundraising efforts, supporting the boys’ activities when able.
· To contact other boys, the coach, or the Board ahead of time if your son needs a ride to a practice or game.
· Allow the kids to play uninterrupted.
· Keep your cheers positive for McHenry.
· Do not harass or otherwise advise the referees. They do make mistakes, but complaints will not change the call or help in future calls.
· Be a great host at our field and be a gracious guest at other fields.
· Allow your son to be the expert. After the game, ask him how he thought it went, before you tell him what you think.
· If you have a comment or complaint, please bring it directly to the coach or Board members at the appropriate time. We believe in an open, healthy discourse.
· Show support, honesty, integrity, dignity, respect, positive attitudes, and equal treatment for the players, coaches, and Board members. Be a great role model for your son!
If you or your son has any questions or concerns at any time, contact Coach Tolan or any member of the Board below. If we don’t know, we cannot help!
President, Amy Peterson, 847-951-3857
Vice President, Randy Trost, 847-812-7590
Secretary/Treasurer, Karol Coats, 815-382-2102
Board: Angie Andrew, 815-403-1285
Gary Waters, 815-222-7849
Coach Adam Tolan: 847-732-0327,
For Players
Athlete General Objectives:
· All of our efforts must be educationally sound as we are an extension of the high school and community. Support academic excellence, citizenship, and family values.
· Players are expected to take care of their academic and family responsibilities first.
· Develop individual skills and advance the program to a higher level.
· Be competitive each game.
· Support a healthy environment in which to play, one with competition and creative athletic expression.
· Show mutual respect and treat with dignity all fellow teammates and ensure all teammates are accepted and included, both on and off the field.
· Support the Club with fundraisers and events, and promote the team positively when able.
· Show respect towards all coaches or advisors who are participating to help the team.
· Players will directly seek understanding and resolution when questions or problems arise with coaches and/or teammates.
· While off season activities are not required, some kind of strength, agility, and conditioning is highly encouraged. All Players must realize that this is a physical, contact sport and the better conditioned a player is, the more they will benefit theirs and the team's success.
Player Rules:
1. Players, NOT PARENTS, are responsible for being aware of team communications via email, Facebook, text, or the website, as well as distributed printed materials.
2. In accordance with the policies outlined below, players are expected to notify Coach Adam via email at or cell 847-732-0327 or Coach Mike at 773-896-8046 if they cannot make practice or games at least 1 hour before the scheduled time.
3. Players must meet academic standards as outlined by the MCHS Athletic Dept/IHSA.
4. In accordance with the policies outlined below, athletes are expected to notify the coach if they cannot make practice, games, or if they have any questions or concerns.
A. For EXCUSED missed practices:
· 1 day of missed practice, the player is NOT penalized, as long as notification guidelines below are followed. If not, player is subject to missing game time.
· 2 days missed practice, 1/2 game penalty.
· 3 days missed practice, full game penalty.
5. Players are expected to commit to the team and attend all practices. While boys have jobs, it is not fair to expect to play in games when practice time is missed. Therefore, attendance at practices is considered mandatory, and the coach will monitor and restrict playing time based on the following:
a. Missed Practices:
· With 1 day of practice missed, the player is penalized and will not play ¼ of the game.
· For 2 days missed, ½ game penalty.
· All 3 days missed, full game penalty.
§ These rules start as of the March 10th practice.
§ Penalties are to be enforced at the next scheduled game.
§ Any player missing practice is subject to the penalty unless:
o The player has a note from their parents or doctor to report the missed practice was due to an illness. Players claiming illness must have a parent or doctors note to return to practice.
o The player notifies the coach at least one week (7 days) prior that a job, family, or school event, etc will cause the practice to be missed.
o In the above cases of exception,(excused practice) only one (1) excused absence is allowed in the calendar week. A second or third, even if excused, MAY result in missing game time, the amount to be determined by the coach.
b. Late to Practice: Any player late to practice more than three (3) times in a two-week period, results in a penalty of at least one quarter during the next scheduled game. Additional time is at the discretion of the coach.
· Late is defined as the player not in pads/practice gear, ready to stretch at the published start time of practice.
c. Communication for missing practice will only be accepted from players on the team. Parental excused absences are only acceptable in the case of an illness or extreme circumstance.
d. If a player attends school during the day, the player is expected at practice.
e. Unexcused absences (not showing up or calling within the allotted amount of time will result in the player missing playing time in the next scheduled game.
· 1st unexcused absence will result in a player sitting out for 1/2 of the next game.
· 2nd unexcused absence will result in a player sitting out for the entire game.
6. Insubordination: Insubordination will not be tolerated, and any negative attitudes or comments towards players or coaches will result in disciplinary actions as outlined below:
a. First offense: Discussion with the parents and notification submitted to the Board.
b. Second Offense: Same as above, and the player is suspended for the next scheduled game.
c. Third Offense: Suspension from the next game with a meeting between the board and parents held within 48 hours to discuss further disciplinary actions including possible dismissal from the team. Note: If the player is dismissed, the parents forfeit all fees and dues previously paid to the Club.
Commitment to the program:
During the season, student-athletes are expected to do everything in their power to help our program succeed and excel, to maintain a successful academic record, and to be a good sportsman on the field and a good citizen off the field.
Thanks for everyone’s support!
Please print. Player:______Parent:______
Signature. Player:______Parent :______
Date: ______ • PO Box 2024 McHenry IL 60051