Request for Assistance/Referral for Evaluation of Section 504/Chapter 15 Eligibility

** School Initiated Referral

Date:Individual making request:

Student Name: Date of Birth:




Home Phone:

This referral will go to the Section 504/Chapter 15 Building Designee who will present it to the Section 504/Chapter 15 Committee for review. The Committee will review the referral/request along with the student’s educational records to determine what, if any, additional data needs to be collected, and the type of evaluation to be completed

Please indicate on this form any behaviors you may have noticed within your class, or concerns you have about this student. The nature of the evaluation and the appropriateness/effectiveness of the assistance ultimately provided is dependent upon your thoroughness, specific comments and your ability to present your concerns in observable, measurable terms.

Check those which apply:

The student presents with:_____a skill deficit (can’t do!)

_____a performance deficit (doesn’t do!)

_____opposition (refuses to do!)

_____no learning issues

Behavioral Concerns:

Academic Performance

____decline in quality of work_____inconsistent performance day to day

____decline in grades earned

____incomplete work

____work not handed in

_____failing grades due to:

_____lack of effort/motivation/interest

_____incomplete assignments

_____poor test scores

_____lack of preparation/participation


____lacking basic math skills_____difficulty with fractions

____lack of fluency with basic facts_____difficulty with decimals

____cannot add or subtract multi-digits_____difficulty with word problems

____cannot multiply_____difficulty with basic algebra concepts

____cannot divide_____difficulty with language of math

____difficulty with procedures_____difficulty with application of concepts

_____difficulty with multistep problems


____weak basic reading skills____difficulty with spelling

____lacks use of phonological knowledge____unable to write complete

____limited sight vocabulary sentences

____difficulty with comprehension____difficulty with

____lacks use of strategies punctuation

____weak in background knowledge____cannot organize a

____does not use context clues paragraph

____limited reading vocabulary____cannot express thoughts

____reading rate below grade level in writing

____lacks fluency

____lacks automaticity in word recognition

Comments Specific to Academic Performance:

Classroom Conduct

____disruptive in class____defiance; breaking rules

____inattentive____frequently needs discipline

____lack of motivation____cheating

____lack of concentration____fighting

____sleeping in class____throwing objects

____impaired memory____defiance of authority

____negative attitude____verbally abusive

____in-school absenteeism(skipping class____obscene language or gestures

____school attendance____sudden outbursts or temper

____tardiness to class____vandalism

____disturbs others____physical aggression

____poor peer interactions


____frequent visits to the nurse____apparent weight loss or gain

____frequent visits to the restroom____mood swings

____nervousness, anxiety____pale or flushed complexion

____seems depressed____bruises, burns, cuts, scrapes

____difficulty seeing the board____talks freely of alcohol or drug use

____difficulty copying

Other Behaviors:

____erratic behaviors day to day ____withdrawal, a loner

____change in friends and/or peer group____other students express concern

____sudden unexplained popularity____daydreaming

____seeks constant adult attention____blames others

____seeks constant peer attention/approval ____compulsive achievement

____seeks adult advice w/o specific problem

____time disorientation____preoccupation with school success

____apparent changes in personal values____perfectionism

____limited affect____difficulty accepting mistakes

____defensiveness____rigid obedience

Comments Specific to Conduct, Behavior, Observations; Anecdotal Records:

Interventions Attempted:


____small group instruction

____breakdown large assignments

____individualized classroom instruction

____modified or shortened assignments

____individualized directions

____individualized worksheets

____taped lessons

____peer tutor


Behavior ManagementReinforcers

____clarification of rules____praise

____teach desired behaviors____daily or weekly effort report

____eliminate distractions____reinforce correct responses

____provide routine schedule____positive notes sent home

____structured classroom____contracts

____give more choices____principal



____use of logical consequences

____refer to principal

____preferential seating

Additional Relevant Information:


For Building Use Only

Action Plan:



Section 504/Chapter 15 Building Designee


Request for Assistance/Referral for Evaluation of Section 504/Chapter 15 Eligibility- 7/2011

**School Initiated Referral
