McDowell Girls Lacrosse Steering Committee Meeting

June 19, 2012

7:00 pm

Attendance- Dory Grack, AJ Grack, Audrey Cardinal, Bill Bright, Lu Bennett, Bruce Bloomster, Eileen Olsen, Kirk Olsen, Justina Tushak, Stacy Camino, Marissa Rosenbaum, Lori Panitzke.

  1. Coaches Report: Marissa discussed the upcoming Summer Lacrosse camps at McDowell and the summer eights program. Summer eights starts on July 9 and goes through August 9. All equipment has been ordered. The camps will be held the weeks of June 25-29 and August 6-9 at McDowell Gus Anderson field. Prizes will be awarded. Fall ball will be Sept-Oct on Tues and Wed nights. Winter clinics start Nov-Dec at the Penn Briar. The game schedule is in place for Spring 2013. Also mandatory weight training will begin in July and will be held in McDowell Weight room. Discussed Spirit wear. Kirk stated that the boy’s lacrosse team hires an outside contractor for their gear. Marissa will look into this and find out the costs Audrey sent an email to all players regarding the quilting project. She offered the project could be finished at her house. Discussed if the middle school players need warm –ups. This was tabled and will be discussed at a future meeting.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Bill stated that checks need to be paid for the coaches gifts. Discussed the overnight trip to Black Hawk and that the bus driver had to be paid overtime. Concession wrap-up a standing $200.00 stays in the concession box. Kirk suggested selling water and Gatorade at the summer eight games. The bill from Colleen Stubbs needs to be paid, that is the last thing that is outstanding. The new fiscal year begins July 1. Changing over to quick books.
  3. V.P report. Lu stated there is one outstanding uniform out but is it will be turned in. A senior player has it and wanted it to take her senior pictures in. The new goalie shaft is in and Chrissie will be turning in all equipment. We are no longer working with Promo Specialties they are difficult to work with. We will work with Red Door and Creative Imprints.
  4. Middle School Report: Bruce Bloomster is resigning as the middle school girl’s lacrosse coach. A transition plan is being discussed. Anyone with suggestions for a coach will be very much appreciated. He stated parental support is very important to this organization and we must encourage parents to participate. Bruce discussed possibly having a middle school coordinator to assist the coach in working with the team program needs. .
  5. Fundraising: Katrina Chabula will give an update on August 4th(Possibly) Ideas were discussed including tag days and Delta sonic coupons. Also discussed a beef and beer event off season to raise money.
  6. Equipment move: from HQ to Zuckville. At Zuckville the middle school uniforms and Banners. Gill/Frame for tent, 2 boxes of water bottles, Bruce and Marissa will deliver tonight. The concession stand supplies can also be stored here.
  7. By Laws: Original charter ties us to the Erie Spears. We would like to get our own charter. Eileen will check into getting the coaches and teams registered for US lacrosse. Possible join meeting with boys lacrosse to exchange ideas. Kirk can coordinate this if we choose to do it. Sue Swan can also help with any questions. Bill will send out 1099s at the beginning of the year. Donna Skelly is the new point person for the web site. Discussed on obtaining our own not for profit tax id. Discussed hiring and training local referees. Kirk and Neal Brokman ( a local boys lacrosse ref) can help with this. Again, discussed parental involvement, ideas on how to get parents involved. Possibly requiring mandatory work in the concession stand. Next year’s banquet date is needed. June 13 was discussed as this would be a convenient date as playoffs are over and school lets out June 11. The parent meetings are scheduled for Sept 10 and Jan 7, 2013 at 7:00 PM

Meeting adjourned- 9:15 pm

Next meeting is July 31 at 7:00

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen Olsen, Secretary