PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor M S Streeter; Councillors H D Beddow; P S Board; V Gay; M Green; E E Greensmith; B M J Gregory; C Gregory; A C Lloyd; T R Lloyd; A J Pearson; J Shallcross; T Walker and the Town Clerk.


At the commencement of the meeting The Mayor, Councillor Streeter, invited all those present to stand in a two minute silent tribute to departed merit.


Apologies were received from Councillors C Evans and T A Evans.


The Mayor, Councillor M Streeter, referred to the appointment of a Youth Councillor and reminded Members that the appointment had been made initially for a period of one year. Since the last meeting of the Council, in October, every Town Councillor had been contacted and she was pleased to announce:

That the Town Council were pleased to confirm that, following his splendid contribution to the work of the Council by bringing the views of the younger generation to the table during his first year in office, they had much pleasure in extending Youth Councillor Michael Green's term of office until September 2016.


Councillor Richard Lloyd declared an interest in items 8 (Community Asset Transfer) and 15 (Morrisons Section 106 Agreement); and Councillor Gay declared an interest in item 16 (Community Transport Funding).


The Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14 October, 2015 were confirmed as a correct record.



Further to Minute 92 of the last meeting the Town Clerk reported that a number of Members had met with the Officer of the County Council responsible for play areas and discussed the proposals for the further improvement of the equipment on the site. Estimates in the sum of £14,200 had been obtained for a more toddler friendly access ramp/net on the existing multi-play structure; a back to back roundabout; removal of the old swings and safer surfacing in that area and the provision of new double bay swings with alternative flat seats, cradle seats or basket swing (the basket swing at an extra cost of £1,000).

RESOLVED: That the installation of the abovementioned equipment be approved to include the basket swing.


Inspector Bowcott attended the meeting together with PCSO Hughes. PCSO Hughes submitted a written report and the following matters were considered:

·  use of a mini motor bike around Salisbury Avenue, the rec, Douglas Place bungalows, Park Avenue etc. Because the culprit uses the footpaths and alleyways it has been difficult to apprehend him. Members were asked to encourage the public to use 101 to report this ASB as and when it was happening;

·  presentations on the use of legal highs at the school and the youth club;

·  a discussion on the 'loss of faith' in the 101 service - there was evidence that the public were turning to the social media to discuss ASB problems;

·  advise against training Members in the use of the computer for scanning the images recorded on the new CCTV cameras. All Police staff working in Saltney would be trained in the use of the computers and the Police felt that to train Members would involve them in court appearances etc. It was also mentioned that the computers, which were owned by the Town Council, were also use for other police matters and the Town Clerk warned that the Town Council's Data Protection Registration would need to be amended accordingly;

·  the closure of shops trading in legal highs in the CWAC areas had lead to a move out of town and the sale within the Township would be closely monitored;

·  Travellers Encampments. Inspector Bowcott reported that Wrexham had a policy for dealing with unauthorised Traveller Encampments and Flintshire were about to publish a similar policy. The Police would deal with public safety; consultation with relevant agencies, including the local council; maintain a police presence and ensure that there were no obstructions to the highways. The County Council would deal with public health issues; education; road safety and the eviction process. There was a discussion on the merits of using Section 60/61 Orders to close the encampments but it required a deal more time consuming proof;

·  Police surgeries were to be held at Douglas Place on Wednesday 2 December from 12-2pm and at Ewart Street Community House on Friday 4 December from 1-3pm.

With regards to Policing in general Members expressed their appreciation of what PCSO Hughes did in the community but concern at the lack of other Officers within the Town. Inspector Bowcott revealed that a new Neighbourhood Policing Policy was awaiting approval and that the force was aware of the shortcomings of the 101 system and the problem was being addressed. There were reductions in the police budget in the pipeline but it was felt that the cuts would not be as bad as originally feared.

There had been an increase in ASB and thefts although, through lack of faith in the 101 system, reports were not reaching HQ. Members asked if, even for a short time, the number of Officers operating within the Township could be increased and Inspector Bowcott agreed to take that suggestion back to DHQ for consideration. He also gave Members his direct dial line number and encouraged them to telephone him direct if they continued to have concerns.

RESOLVED: That the reports be received and that both Inspector Bowcott and PCSO Hughes be thanked for their attendance.


Mr John Griffiths, a Member of staff from the County Council's Streetscene attended the meeting and the following matters were discussed:

·  the return of the waste paper skips to the supermarket sites;

·  replacement street sign at Woodall Avenue;

·  the hedge adjoining the footpath from Larch Avenue to Park Avenue;

·  problems with owners still letting dogs run free on the rec and not collecting the faeces, also allowing them to run free in the fenced off children's play area;

·  school hedges encroaching on to footpaths;

·  gulley cleaning on Saltney Ferry Road.


Councillor T R Lloyd, as a member of Flintshire County Council declared a personal/non-prejudicial interest in this item.

Mr Ian Bancroft, Chief Officer (Organisational Change) attended for the following items:

1. Members received an Advice Note from the County Monitoring Officer with regards to the Declaration of Interests in the discussions on Community Asset Transfer.

RESOLVED: That the note be received.

2. With advice from Mr Bancroft, Members considered the consultation document from the County Council on the feasibility of a Community Asset Transfer of the Saltney Library. Members noted that the final deadline for response was 11 December and any costs involved would have to be included in the budget considerations for 2016/17.

Mr Bancroft outlined the procedures associated with CAT of the library and the possibility of financial assistance, capital and revenue, from the County Council in the relocation. The present temporary building was leased by the County Council and was reaching the end of its useful life. He confirmed that the land was not owned by the County Council but was leased from the Catholic Church.

3. Members then gave further consideration to the EOI's that the Council had submitted under the County Council scheme, namely:

·  Saltney Youth Centre

·  Saltney Community Centre

·  Saltney Sports Centre

·  Saltney Library

·  Victoria Road Allotment Land

·  Play Areas at Park Avenue; Bradshaw Avenue; Balderton Brook; North Street - Billy's Park; Boundary Lane and Tegid Way;

·  Sandy Lane Playing Field

·  North Street Playing Fields

·  Park Avenue Playing Field

·  Bradshaw Avenue Playing Field

·  St David's High School Playing Field

RESOLVED: That 1) at the present time the Town Council concentrate on the possible asset transfer of the following:

·  Saltney Youth Centre

·  Saltney Community Centre

·  Saltney Sports Centre

·  Saltney Library

2) the County Council be informed that it is the intention of the Town Council to investigate further the possibility of the asset transfer of the library to be located on the site of the Saltney Youth and Community Centre.


The Mayor submitted a written report which she circulated to all Members - a copy of which is in the Official Minute Book.

RESOLVED: That the report be received.


Further to Minute 100 of the last meeting, the Town Clerk reported that he had received responses to his urgent letters with regards to the inadvertent renaming of the Electoral Wards within the Township, from Steve Halsall, Chief Executive of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission and Leighton Andrews, Minister for Public Services. They both had confirmed that the error had been corrected on the website and that the signed copy received by the Minister included an addendum explaining and correcting the error with the names re-instated as Mold Junction and Stonebridge.

RESOLVED: That the report be received.


Members considered the further action required to enforce resolutions 1; 2 and 3 of Minute 70 of the last meeting with regards to the crucial issue of the wilful neglect of the river maintenance including the total lack of essential dredging operations.

The Town Clerk reported that in the Natural Resources Wales River Maintenance programme for 2015/16, available on their website, all the rivers in Wales were listed together with their proposed individual maintenance schedules. There was mention of weed control; grass cutting; tree management; vermin control and the maintenance of flood defences, but not one mention of dredging. Indeed in their audit report on the latest floods in North Wales the answer to much of the problem, they suggested, was to allow the rivers to spill over onto their natural flood plains.

RESOLVED: That 1) due to the wilful neglect of river maintenance over a period of many years including a total lack of dredging operations; the Rivers Dee and Balderton Brook have become dangerously shallow, suffering serious reductions in flow and overall capacity and to obviate the ravages of inland flooding and also in the interest of public health and safety this Town Council demands that both rivers be properly dredged without delay between:

a) the old Queensferry Bridge and Chester Old Wharf on the River Dee; and

b) the outlet to the River Dee and the Boundary Lane Road bridge on the Balderton


2) the Prime Minister; the Secretary of State for the Environment; the Party Leaders in Parliament; the Welsh Government; all associated MPs and AMs; Flintshire County Council; Cheshire West and Chester Council; Airbus and all Local Councils within the River Dee catchment area be called upon to actively support this demand for dredging operations to recommence forthwith.


The Town Clerk reported that the draft Annual Report of the IRPW was available on its website. The Panel had proposed several changes to the remuneration of members of Community and Town Councils. Comments were invited before the end of December and the final report would be published in February 2016 for implementation in the 2016/17 financial year.

The Town Clerk reminded Members that, unlike principal authorities, where determinations were mandatory, community and town councils must firstly decide by resolution which determinations, if any, were to be adopted by the Council. The rates set out in the paper cannot be amended, although individual members may opt out of receiving payments (by advising the Town Clerk in writing).

The determinations affecting community and town councils fell into five categories:

  1. to ensure that some of the expenses incurred by members in representing the community can be met - up to a maximum of £100;
  2. to allow expenses of partnership and engagement outside the council to be met;
  3. to ensure costs of holding civic office are catered for;
  4. to allow for particular senior/demanding roles to be recognised - up to 3 posts at £500 per annum;
  5. to permit the payment of an allowance for the care of dependents to be met where necessary in order to allow members to attend meetings.

RESOLVED: That items 1; 2;3 and 5 be included in the Town Council's prescribed payments.



The Town Clerk reported that, following the recent by-election, the County Returning Officer had received some negative feedback as to the suitability of the abovementioned building for use as a polling station. The CRO continually reviewed the situation with regards to polling stations and he had requested the comments of the Town Council as to the suitability of the building. Other venues that had been suggested to him include the school; the BCUHB Clinic on St David's Terrace and the Youth and Community Centre on Sandy Lane.

RESOLVED: That the County Returning Officer be informed that the Town Council are of the opinion that the Scout Hut is the most suitable place for the Polling Station for the Saltney Mold Junction Ward.