Enclosed are the draft minutes for the October 5, 2000 Executive Board meeting.
Executive Board Minutes-- October 5, 2000
Present: Linna Barnes, Susan Sellers, Ginny Hillhouse, Madelyn Hamilton, Scott Bisset, Michelle Yu, Kevin Byrne, Meredith Walters, Gabriel Romero, Terry Schott, Diane Cockrell, Charlotte Joseph, Jerry Loux, David Koss, Rosanne Hurwiz, Carole Brand, Lynn Lowman, Patty Rapp, Andrea Gates, Jim Patterson, Linda Rigsby, Daniel Robinson, Laurie Rodich, Shawn Strauss, Beth Wong, Tom Jones, Luella Mast, Bob Baum
The meeting was called to order by President Barnes at 7:33 p.m. Ms. Barnes indicated that at the request of the Cluster Coordinators the meeting would be conducted more tightly with two minutes for committee reports and with strict adherence to parliamentary rules.
The agenda was amended to drop the report of the CIP committee and add reports from the Safety, Health and Operating Budget committee reports. The consent calendar was moved and approved.
Ms. Barnes reported on the math audit report, indicating that it did not contain any surprises, showing that the math curriculum is disorganized and algebra instruction has problems. Ms. Sellers indicated that Montgomery Public Schools (MCPS) is conducting focus groups to discuss the math audit, inviting community leaders into the discussion. Ms. Barnes discussed the data from the math audit, noting that most of the data came from “Schools at a Glance.”
Ms. Barnes also discussed the meeting of the Commission on Children which discussed diversity in the schools. The organization is considering sending out a survey to local PTAs on diversity. She indicated that she suggested that the organization concentrate on schools that have successful diversity programs. Mr. Koss suggested that MCCPTA not endorse the proposal because it was ill formed and not thought through. Ms. Lowman noted she would favor developing a baseline of diversity. Ms. Gates asked how MCCPTA would identify successful schools. Ms. Joseph stated that successful schools can be identified and should be featured in the Spotlight. Mr. Loux pointed out that the MCCPTA does not have the past data to make the information meaningful.
Ms. Barnes noted that there was an inquiry on a letter to the editor published in the Montgomery Journal signed by some members of the Executive Board. She stated that she had discussed the matter with lawyers who indicated that the by-laws of MCCPTA applied to endorsement by PTA officers in partisan elections but do not apply to nonpartisan elections such as the election to the Board of Education. She therefore believed that no further inquiry was necessary. She stated that she is asking three former MCCPTA presidents to review the issue and see if there should be changes to the by-laws or provide additions to the standing rules on this issue. In response to a question, Ms. Barnes stated that she did not need a motion to appoint that committee. Mr. Robinson made a motion to have the committee review whether sanctions should be imposed on signers of the letter. Ms. Rigsby seconded the motion. She noted that such an investigation should review whether there were violations of the county or state PTA by-laws. Ms. Cockrell asked whether past activities should be reviewed such as the work of a prior vice-president of Administration in managing a campaign for the Board of Education. Ms. Barnes indicated no. It was also asked whether Ms. Rigsby’s letter to the editor in the Journal should be reviewed since her office was identified. Ms. Barnes noted that Ms. Rigsby’s position was given by the Journal and was not provided by Ms. Rigsby. Ms. Joseph stated that MCCPTA at one time was the only one to insist that members running for the BOE resign. She indicated that several other county PTA boards had since adopted that rule. Mr. Byrne opposed the motion because it was divisive and would led to a split the MCCPTA which would hurt the MCCPTA and the children it represents. Ms. Strauss concurred with the statement. Ms. Hillhouse stated that there should be a formal internal inquiry for to avoid outside inquiries on whether state or county PTA by-laws were violated. A motion to extend the time for debate was made and seconded but was defeated. Mr. Robinson, as maker of the motion, was given time to address the motion. He indicated that he agreed with Mr. Byrne that an inquiry might divide the MCCPTA but felt that sanctions should be reviewed so as to prevent future problems. The motion failed by a vote of 15-9 with four abstentions.
Ms. Barnes asked for review of bluebook information to get an updated list. She also mentioned the town meetings by Dr. Weast in the various areas. The future meeting dates are October 16, 2000 at Montgomery Blair HS for the Blair, Einstein and Kennedy clusters; October 19 at Blake HS for the Northeast Consortium and Sherwood cluster; October 25 at Richard Montgomery for Churchill, Richard Montgomery, Rockville and Wootton clusters; November 6 at Walter Johnson HS for the Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Walter Johnson, Wheaton and Whitman clusters; and November 9 at Northwest HS for the Northwest, Quince Orchard, Poolesville and Seneca Valley clusters. There will also be multicultural meetings on November 20 at Montgomery Blair HS, November 29 at Gaithersburg HS and November 30 at Fallsmead Middle School. All meetings for parents are from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. It was reported that 116 parents attended the first meeting in Damascus. Ms. Barnes indicated that she would let others know that cluster coordinators should have been informed of the meetings ahead of time. Ms. Joseph stated MCPS should be told to send copies of the math audit to cluster coordinators.
Michelle Yu discussed the correspondence. She indicated that Dr. Weast had invited Ms. Barnes to join a committee relating to health. Ms. Barnes stated that someone would be appointed to the meeting. Other correspondence on a mental health issues and training of supportive staff was described.
Mr. Bisset advised cluster coordinators that the prior insurer, instead of refunding insurance payments to individual local PTAs, has sent one refund check to MCCPTA. He stated that local PTAs that had already paid the insurance should have the insurance refund credited to the new insurance policy with a refund offset to the individual PTA. In response to a question from Ms. Lowman, Mr. Bisset stated that individual PTAs should contact him to make arrangements but he would contact those that not have contacted him
VP for Educational Issues.
Ms. Sellers indicated that she had attended Trend Benders meeting.
Ms. Hurwitz indicated that the Gifted Child committee would have training for local PTA Gifted and Talented committee chairs. She reported that her co-chair was developing the agenda. She noted that the meeting was scheduled for October 25 but conflicted with one of Dr. Weast’s community forums.
Ms. Cockrell stated that there would be a meeting of the High School committee on October 25, 2000 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Room 120 at the Carver Center to hear about safety. Pam Montgomery from MCPS Safety and Security will speak as will -----. She will have a subsequent meeting for HS and MS PTA presidents. She and Ms. Sellers are reviewing a program to aid in reading in the Gaithersburg Cluster.
Mr. Baum stated that the state PTA is having a meeting on October 14 to discuss legislative issues. He noted that the MCCPTA Delegates assembly will have its legislative issues meeting in November. Chris van Hollen will be invited to speak again. He also noted that an issue had been raised on schools being overcrowded as soon as they are modernized or have had additions completed. Mr. Byrne related that, in the Board of Education visit to the Rockville Cluster, Ms. O’Neill, the President of the Board responded to a question on cell phones by reporting that Sen. Jean Cryor will once again propose an amendment to the law on use of cell phones in schools with a difference that the amendment would apply only to Montgomery County.
Ms. Strauss reported that here is a problem in MCPS in hiring and retaining nurses, partly due to a national nursing shortage and low starting salaries. She noted that only 30 percent of the nurses have computers to link into the MCPS system. She asked that local PTAs invite nurses to speak to them to explain their jobs. She also indicated that attention needed to be paid to the issue of tobacco free schools and that MCCPTA should take the lead in pushing for the program with appropriate funding from the state’s share of the settlement of the tobacco lawsuit. She submitted a copy of a letter she had co-signed that had been sent to Dr. Weast, asking why he had not appointed a study committee to review data relating to tobacco use in schools, which he had promised to appoint. She also indicated that Dr. Weast had announced the formation of a Student Health Council. Ms. Strauss stated that yesterday was Walk Your Student to School Day with much public attention and support in the Silver Spring area. She reported that Doug Duncan, the county executive and other dignitaries attended ceremonies at East Silver Spring HS while other dignitaries such as Congresswoman Connie Morella, attended ceremonies at Rock Creek Forest ES, with Police Chief Charles Moose directly traffic. Ms. Strauss asked that planning of the occasion on a countywide basis should begin soon for next year.
Mr. Koss indicated that Ms. Barnes has been invited to the insider stakeholders meeting which will be held on Friday. He stated that he was having a meeting to update and possibly revise the Operating Budget compact in October to coincide with the MCCPTA officers meeting. He stated that the first drafting session for the MCCPTA Operating Budget Compact will have Marshall Spatz from MCPS speak on the Operating Budget. He noted that the final version of the compact will be voted at the November 9, 2000 MCCPTA Executive Board meeting to be passed on to the Delegates Assembly on January 2, 2001. Ms Barnes stated that she hopes that the next Office’s meeting will be October 29 or October 30. Ms. Barnes also noted that there were conflicts on January 2, 2001. She asked that the Delegates Assembly meeting be moved to January 3, 2001. Mr. Koss will review the meeting dates and work with Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Barnes on the meeting date.
Mr. Jones stated that the renewals of First Class are due at the end of the month. He reported that MCPS is looking to change First Class to Microsoft Outlook and will be testing it later this month. He will also be cleaning out folders that have not been used in 500 days. The technology committee will be having joint meetings with the NAACP Parent’s Council, tentatively scheduled for November 15, November 16, and December 14, 2000.
Mr. Loux noted that in the last week of October there will be a release of the amendments to the CIP. There will be a meeting with Joe Lavornga on November 2, with cluster coordinators. He noted that Dr. Weast interest’s lie more with operating budget issues than with capital budget issues.
Ms. Hillhouse indicated that a draft copy of the Blue book has been submitted which was 75 percent complete. She stated that the information in the blue book should not be used for political or commercial purposes. She noted that MCPS has just put out its telephone list. In response to a question, she stated that it will include organizational charts from Community Superintendents. Ms. Barnes expressed concern on the timing of the Blue Book publication. She asked that Ms. Hillhouse work with the MCCPTA secretary on this matter. Ms. Hillhouse noted technical problems in coordinating work with the MCCPTA secretary. Ms. Barnes noted that she would discuss the matter with Ms. Hillhouse privately.
Ms. Hillhouse moved the presentation of the nominating committee to the Delegates Assembly in October. The nominees are Daniel Robinson and Cassandra Abdelmeguid from the Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Walter Johnson, Wheaton and Whitman area; Angela Hansen from the Blair, Einstein and Kennedy area; Gigi Godwin, and Tim Knobloch from the Churchill, Richard Montgomery, Wootton and Rockville area; Yvette Edgehill-Smith from the Magruder, Damascus, Gaithersburg and Watkins Mill area; Karen Freeman and Lauri Rodich form the Northeast Consortium and Sherwood area; and Danny Winborne and Ann Black from the Northwest, Poolesville, Quince Orchard, and Seneca Valley area. The motion stated that the ballot would be for each area and those not chosen within their area would be placed on a ballot for an at-large position on the committee. Ms. Hillhouse noted that the committee should have at least seven members with one representative from each area. Ms. Barnes added Lisa Dobbs and Andrea Gates to the nominating slate. The motion was seconded. It was asked whether nominees will be allowed to speak. Ms. Barnes stated that she will leave that to the Executive Board. Mr. Byrne raised a question on whether the names of the initial slate of the nominating committed should have been submitted to the Delegates Assembly in the September meeting, noting that the minutes of the September Executive Board meeting indicated that the Board had voted to delay submission of the slate to the delegates. Ms. Hillhouse responded that, in her report to the delegates, she felt obligated to report why the slate for the Nominating Committee was delayed beyond the date stipulated in the by-laws. Mr. Byrne stated that in giving that report she should have submitted the initial set of names of those proposed to serve on the Nominating Committee. Ms. Mast spoke against the motion stating that it was too limited. She made a substitute motion that the names of all volunteers be submitted to the Delegates Assembly to be voted on by the membership. She further moved that each nominee for the Nominating Committee be invited to prepare a one-page resume, including a short paragraph on why he or she wishes to serve on the committee. The motion was seconded. Mr. Byrne and Mr. Baum questioned whether the motion was the same as the original motion. Ms. Mast clarified the differences between her motion and the previous motion. Mr. Baum moved an amendment to Ms. Mast’s motion to have the seven people with the highest votes, elected to the Nominating Committee consistent with Article 8, section 6 of the bylaws requiring representation on the nominating committee from each area. The motion was seconded. The amendment was passed. The substitute motion was then voted on and passed. Ms. Hamilton noted that nomination will be taken from the floor. Ms. Mast asked that all nominees present a resume on their experience and a statement on why they wish to serve on the nominating committee.
Ms. Hillhouse deferred to Mr. Bisset on the Office committee who reported that new computer, scanner and printer has been ordered and will be shipped by Dell next week.
On the rules and procedures committee, Ms; Mast invited new members to the committee. She submitted a compilation of the standing rules discussed so far by the Executive Board in monthly meetings. She requested comments on the Vice President for Programs duties. Ms. Hamilton stated that she was satisfied with the description. Some grammatical suggestions were made.
Area and Cluster reports.
Mr. Byrne noted that the Rockville cluster had its meeting with the Board of Education. He estimated that approximately 80 parents were present. He noted that, in responding to a question about the math audit recommendation on ending ability grouping, several Board members indicated that they were resistant to the idea and thought that ability grouping could be improved and made more flexible.
Seneca Valley indicated that they had the town meeting with Dr. Weast with insufficient notice. They have made their displeasure known to the Community Superintendent.
Ms. Strauss stated that there was a meeting with Mr. Williams on the problem of more children showing up at school than were expected.
Ms. Lowman of the Springbrook Cluster noted that they were notified immediately of a student’s death by their community superintendent, which was appreciated
Ms. Rapp stated that there were problems in site selection of a new elementary school in the Quince Orchard.
Mr. Patterson and Ms. Gates reported that the Wheaton cluster is busy in meetings and working in communication. Mr. Loux reported that the Richard Montgomery cluster is working on coordinating with a new Spanish parents group.
V.P. for Programs
Ms. Hamilton noted that Ms. O’Neill, Dr. Weast and Dr. Williams spoke at the Delegates Assembly and were well received. She stated that for the October meeting, all candidates except Mr. Burnette have agreed to attend. All except Mr. Burnette have answered the written questions which will go out in the President’s letter. She has asked some people who have not endorsed candidates to prepare questions for the Assembly. Other areas are conducting candidates’ forum and dates were announced.