From the Guidance Department:
Dear Students and Families,
Student schedules for the 2014-2015 school year can be accessed as of August 15th, and viewed and printed via the Student Portal. If you cannot remember your Student Portal information or your account is disabled, please send an email from your First Class account to: . Understand that office hours are 8am-4pm, Mon.-Fri,, and someone on staff will get back to you as soon as they can. Transfer student schedules will be mailed/emailed once all placement evaluations have been conducted. Grid schedules will be provided to all students during the first scheduled homeroom, as necessary room and/or staffing changes may have occurred in the interim.
Please know that every effort was made to honor your course requests, but in certain cases that was not always possible. If you did not receive a course that you signed up for, it was either canceled, full, or in conflict with other course requests. In these instances, counselors have either scheduled the alternate course(s) you provided during the course request process, or the best elective available to fulfill necessary graduation/promotion requirements.
For students enrolled in Academic Support, Humanities and/or Mathematics, these support blocks may be taking the place of a credited elective. Please know that you are still considered “fully enrolled” with these support blocks, and any “missing” credits can be made up in subsequent years.
If, for some reason, you feel you need to change your schedule, please complete and submit the 2014-2015 Schedule Change Request Form, available online or in rm. 156, The Guidance Office in the Arts and Humanities building.
Senior Counselor Seminars will run the weeks of Sept. 15, 22, and 29 - there will be a make-up session on Thurs Oct. 9 since there is a full day holiday on Sept. 25.
Freshman Counselor Seminars will run the weeks of Oct. 13, 20, and 27. Monday seminars ONLY will start on Oct. 6 since there is a full day holiday on Oct. 13. Until then, freshmen should attend the course currently listed in conflict with Counselor Seminar (usually Study/Sem 9th; in some cases, a music or support block).
Thank you very much! All of us at LHS are looking forward to a positive and successful school year!