MCCC CIS244 Assignment #7

Design a Video Store Database

1.  Make a copy of the Gradebook2003.mdb. Name it Videostore.mdb.

2.  Rename students table as customers.

3.  Change the StudentID field in customers to CustomerID.

4.  Remove AccessExp field.

5.  Rename Semester field to MemberSince.

6.  Save the Customers table.

7.  In the relationships window, delete all relationship lines then delete tables.

8.  Delete all other objects, except the customers table.

9.  Create a 2nd checkout table that contains:

o  The customer who checked out the video

o  The name of the movie

o  The date video is checked out

o  The date video is due back (assume 3 days)

o  The price of the rental (assume $3.00)

10.  Create a 3rd table to hold all movies. This table should contain:

o  The movie ID

o  The name of the movie

o  The genre of the movie

o  The format: VHS or DVD or other?

o  One or two other fields you can think of

o  Save the table with any name you choose

11.  Use datasheet view to enter any 10 movies into table #3

12.  In the checkout table, use lookup wizard to create a dropdown for the Customer field.

13.  In the checkout table, use lookup wizard to create a dropdown for the Movie field.

14.  Create a form to “check out” customers.

15.  Add data to “test” 10 customers checking out videos.

16.  Create a report showing which videos are checked out.

17.  Modify the data to show that 3 customers returned their videos.

18.  Run the report again. Does it show the correct information?

19.  For this assignment, please email the entire database to . You may have to use WINZIP to compress the database. Some email clients will strip an MDB file attachment. Or, you can put it on my thumbdrive in class.