MCAS Writing Prompts from 2003-2007
2007 MCAS ELA: Long Composition
Grade 4 Writing Prompt
Think about the best time that you have ever had. Maybe you played all day with friends outside, went on a special trip, participated in a game, or spent some time at camp.
Write a story about this best time. What were you doing? Who was with you? Where were you? Why was this the best time ever? Give enough details in the story to show the reader what happened.
Grade 4 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Think about a time when you had a great adventure. It could have happened while on a school field trip, going to a relative’s home, going on vacation, going to the movies, going to the library, or something totally different.
Write a story about this great adventure. Where did you go? What did you do? Who was with you? Give enough details to show the reader what happened and why the adventure was so great.
Grade 7 Writing Prompt
Heroes have special qualities that people admire. Heroes give us examples of the courage and strength it takes to face difficult situations and challenges in life.
Think of someone who is your personal hero. In a well-developed composition, describe this person and explain two qualities you most admire about him or her.
Grade 7 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Your principal has decided to allow students to paint a mural on a wall of the school. The picture should show scenes, images, or stories that represent something positive about your school or community. The principal is looking for suggestions for the mural.
Think about what you would like to include in the mural. In a well-developed composition, describe your idea for the mural and what it reflects about your school or community.
Grade 10 Writing Prompt
Works of literature often feature characters who overcome hardship and misfortune.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who overcomes hardship and misfortune. In a well-developed composition, explain how the character overcomes adversity and why this success is important to the work of literature.
Grade 10 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Often in works of literature, characters have a mixture of positive and negative traits.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who blends positive and negative traits. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character demonstrates both positive and negative traits, and explain how the character’s traits are important to the work of literature.
2006 MCAS ELA: Long Composition
Grade 4 Writing Prompt
Think about your favorite thing to do in your free time. Maybe you like to pretend, play sports, read, play a musical instrument, dance, or do something totally different. Write a story about a fun time that you had doing your favorite thing. Give enough details to show the reader what happened and why it was fun.
Grade 4 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Who is your favorite person to spend time with? Think of a special day or important time you shared with this person. Write a story about a special time that you spent with your favorite person. Give enough details to show the reader what happened when you spent time with your favorite person.
Grade 7 Writing Prompt
After-school activities give students an opportunity to do something they enjoy outside the classroom. Some students play sports, while others might enjoy acting or other activities. Your school wants to add some new after-school activities and is taking suggestions from students. In a well-developed composition, suggest a new after-school activity and explain why students might enjoy it.
Grade 7 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Most schools have a mascot––an animal, object, or person that represents the school. Your school is changing its mascot and your principal has asked the students to suggest a new one. Think of a mascot for your school. In a well-developed composition, describe the mascot you have chosen and explain why it would be a good choice for your school.
Grade 10 Writing Prompt
Works of literature often feature characters with the ability to inspire or lead others.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character with the ability to inspire or lead others. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe how the character inspires or leads others, and explain why this character’s ability is significant to the meaning of the work of literature.
Grade 10 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Works of literature often feature characters that question the values of the societies in which they live.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character who questions the values of the society in which he or she lives. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe what the character questions about society, and explain why the character’s questioning is important to the meaning of the work of literature.
2005 MCAS ELA: Long Composition
Grade 4 Writing Prompt
Think about a time you tried something new. Maybe it was your first day of school, your first time on a bike or bus, the first time you tried a skill learned in class, or the first time you tried a new sport. Write a story about when you did something for the first time. Give enough details to show the reader what happened.
Grade 4 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Think about a special day you had at school. Perhaps you won an award, went on a field trip, played a fun game, or learned something really interesting. Write a story about this special day at school. Give enough details to show the reader what happened, and why it made the day special.
Grade 7 Writing Prompt
Seventh grade is an important year. Learning new things and having new experiences may have changed you. Your English teacher would like you to write about how you have changed since the beginning of the year. In a well-developed composition, describe two ways in which you have changed and explain what effect they have had on your life.
Grade 7 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Many people like to have a place where they can go to relax or unwind. It could be indoors or outdoors. Some people prefer quiet surroundings, while others like a busier Think about a place you like to go to relax or unwind. In a well-developed composition, describe the place and explain why it is relaxing.
Grade 10 Writing Prompt
Often, works of literature include characters that change as a result of a particular event.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that has been changed by a particular event. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe the event, and explain why the character’s change is important to the work of literature.
Grade 10 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Honor can have different meanings for different people. Literature is full of characters that can be considered honorable.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that is honorable. In a well-developed composition, identify the character, describe what makes the character honorable, and explain why the character’s honor is important to the work of literature.
2004 MCAS ELA: Long Composition
Grade 4 Writing Prompt
Think about a friend who has been an important part of your life. How did you become friends with this person? Think about when you met, what you did, and how your friendship grew.
Write a story about this friendship. Give enough details to tell the reader about this friendship.
Grade 4 Make-Up Writing Prompt
A change in the weather can be wonderful. Sometimes we are surprised at how a snowy, rainy, windy, or sunny day can change the way we feel. The weather can bring chances for fun, creativity, time alone, time with your family, or something out of the ordinary. Give enough details to show the reader what happened on this day.
Grade 7 Writing Prompt
Many students have personal goals, such as making the honor roll, playing a musical instrument, or being a top scorer in a video game. To be successful in reaching goals, it helps to have certain qualities. Some of these might include self-discipline, determination, or a positive attitude.
Think about a goal that you would like to achieve. In a well-developed composition, state your goal. Describe at least two qualities you will need to reach your goal, and explain why each quality is important to be successful.
Grade 7 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Every year students across the state transfer from one school to another. Sometimes it is difficult for these students to adjust to their new surroundings. Imagine your school would like to have a student-run welcoming committee, and it is taking suggestions for helping new students adjust to your school. Suggest at least two ways that the committee can help new students adjust to your school. Explain why these suggestions would be helpful.
Grade 10 Writing Prompt
Heroism can mean different things to different people. Literature is full of
characters that can be considered heroic.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character that, in your opinion, is heroic. In a well-developed composition, identify that character and explain why he or she is heroic.
Grade 10 Make-Up Writing Prompt
The difference between what one expects and what actually happens, or irony, is often an important part of literature.
Select a work of literature you have read in or out of school in which there
is a difference between what is expected and what actually happens. In a
well-developed composition, explain the situation and tell why it is important
to the work you have chosen.
2003 MCAS ELA: Long Composition
Grade 4 Writing Prompt
You woke up one morning and learned that it was snowing. School was closed for the day! It was a dream come true. Suddenly you had time to take a break from the usual routine and do what you wanted to do. Write a story about a snow day off from school that you remember. Give enough details in your story to show what you did and how wonderful the day was.
Grade 4 Make-Up Writing Prompt
All of us have a favorite place where we get to do what we want. It could be an indoor place, an outdoor place, or even an imaginary place. What is your favorite place? Write a story about what you get to do in your favorite place. Give enough details in your story to show your favorite place and what you get to do there.
Grade 7 Writing Prompt
Many young people enjoy favorite hobbies or activities outside of school. These can include sports, performing arts, or collecting special items, to name a few. Think about an activity or hobby in which you participate. In a well-developed composition, describe this special interest or activity and explain why it is important to you.
Grade 7 Make-Up Writing Prompt
Imagine that your principal is interested in rewarding the students in your class with a special day at the end of the year. The principal is looking for suggestions for entertainment, a possible field trip, or a variety of activities. Think about what would make the day wonderful for you and your classmates. In a well-developed composition, describe the special day and explain why the students would enjoy the day.
Grade 10 Writing Prompt
The protagonist is the main character in a work of literature who often changes in some important way by the end of the work.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a protagonist
who changes in some important way by the end of the work. In a well-developed
composition, identify the protagonist, and explain why the protagonist changes in some important way by the end of the work.
Grade 10 Make-Up Writing Prompt
In literature as in life, people can make choices and must live with the
consequences of those choices.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select one character who makes a choice. In a well-developed composition, identify the character’s choice and explain what happens as a result of this choice.