Student Name
McAdams Varsity Band Syllabus
Second Grading Period
Varsity Band grades for these nine weeks will be earned in the following areas:
Chromatic scale 5 points
Scales/Arpeggios 20 points
Tone 10 points
Terms 10 points
Ensemble Rehearsal Skills 10 points
Concert 15 points
Clap & Count 10 points
Sectionals 20 points
1. These will be “build up” grades. Everyone will start with a zero and accumulate grade points.
2. All scales and arpeggios are pass/fail. There is no in between. Anything that is not passed during class may be re-tested before or after school (by appointment).
3. Bonus points can be earned by playing material off correctly the first time and/or by meeting deadlines along the way.
4. Penalties will be deducted for not playing the material off by the assigned date.
Scales (25 Points)
Chromatic (5 points)
The F chromatic scale must be performed full range (bottom to top to bottom), with chromatic fingerings, slurred, and in eighths at M.M. = 60+. The chromatic scale will earn 5 points when passed. A 1 point bonus will be earned if played perfectly the first time by the assigned date. A 1 point penalty will be deducted for each week delayed in passing off the assigned level. You will receive two tries when trying to pass.
______Points______Director Signature
(Due by week 4)
Scales and Arpeggios (concert key) (20 points)
Scales and arpeggios must be performed full range, with correct fingerings and articulations with quarter note set at M.M. 68+. Both the scale and the arpeggio of a level must be performed without error in order to pass the level. When passed, all levels will each earn 5 points. A 1 point bonus will be earned if played perfectly by the assigned bonus week. Full credit will be given if played during the full credit week. A 1 point penalty will be deducted for each week delayed in passing off the assigned level. You will receive two tries on each step when trying to pass.
PointsDirector Scale Step 1 Step 2 Director Initials Step 3 Bonus Full Credit
EarnedInitialsLevelScale Say/Finger Play Arpeggio Play by:
______level 1C Concert ______C Concert1st week 2nd week
______level 2G Concert ______G Concert2nd week3rd week
______level 3D Concert ______D Concert 4th week 5th week
______level 4E Concert ______E Concert5th week 6th week
Tone (10 points total)
Each time you play something for a director, you will be evaluated on your tone quality. The number of points earned for tone will be determined by averaging the tone evaluations. The minimum tone score (for the entire semester) to be considered for Honors is a 8.5; to be considered for Symphonic is 8; to be considered for Concert 7.5 and Varsity is a 7. 10 points will be the maximum amount earned for tone.
______Total Tone Grade: ____
Tone Chromatic Tone level 1 Tone level 2 Tone level 3 Tone level 4
Terms (10 points total)
More than one test will be given over the terms for these nine weeks. You must be able to give the definition for each term and/or give the term for the definition. Each term/definition correctly identified will earn 1 point (10 points maximum). The highest score you make will be used for your grade.
Terms test (10 points total)
Concert (15 points)
There will be one concert this nine weeks; the traditional Christmas concert at McAdams. The concert is worth 10 points of your final grade. This grade will be determined by performance at the concert, effort in warm-up, promptness to warm-up, audience etiquette.
Performance grade (5 points) Warm-up grade & Listening grade (5 points)
Sectionals (20 points)
_____ Points ______Director Signature
20 Points Maximum
Attending all sectionals will add 20 points to your grade. Missing a sectional will result in a 5 point loss. Tardiness will deduct points from your grade. Sectional/listening time missed may be made up (with director’s approval) on Friday after school. Sectionals will take place after school from 3-4 pm.
Monday- Flute/Oboe; Tuesday- Trumpets; Wednesday- Clarinet/sax; Thursday- low brass; (Percussion during class).
Ensemble Rehearsal Skills (10 points)
_____ Points______Director Signature
10 Points Maximum
Each student will be evaluated on your ensemble rehearsal skills at every rehearsal, including rehearsals outside of the school day as well as those during the regular school day. At the end of the year, the grades from each of the four nine weeks will be averaged and will be used as part of your audition for next semesters’ band placement.
Ensemble rehearsals include:
- Attending all rehearsals, unless excused IN ADVANCE. Excused rehearsals may be made up.
- Being in place at the right time the rehearsal is scheduled to begin.
- Having music, a pencil, your instrument in optimal condition, all supplies needed to maintain the condition of your instrument, all accessories required by the music (mutes, mallets, pitch pipe, etc.) with you in place at the start of rehearsal.
- Listening to and following all instructions and announcements.
- Maintaining your attention on the rehearsal (not allowing yourself to be distracted from or distracting others from the rehearsal).
- Having your individual part prepared for each rehearsal (able to play notes, rhythms, articulations, and dynamics accurately).
- Knowing where we are in the music at all times…ESPECIALLY when you are not playing because you have a rest or because others are working without you.
- Maintaining regular visual contact with the conductor.
- Understanding of your part within the context of the music (melody, harmony, accompaniment).
- Listening to and adjusting how you sound within the context of the ensemble (blend, balance, tuning, quality of tone, etc.).
- Understanding the form of the music.
- Sight-reading ability.
- Leading in the ensemble by your own understanding and playing.
Clap and Count (10 points)
_____ Points ______Director Signature
Bonus: Full Credit:
1. Clap/Count and then play on Concert F @______BPM. 5th week_____ 6th week ______
2. Clap/Count and then play on Concert F @______BPM. 6th week______7th week ______
Add up your total grade ______