Minutes DSICC

September 20, 2016

Convened and welcome at 8:30 a.m.

Approval of Minutes from May 24, 2016

The team reviewed the minutes. Jon Duley moved to accept them, and Marsha Turner seconded. There was no discussion and the motion unanimously carried.

Social Contract Review

The group reviewed the 2016-17 Social Contract.

DSICC Purpose/Process (Materials, Courses, Pilots) Roles

The group reviewed the DSICC Guidelines.

Pilot Program Updates

Health Curriculum - There was no update given. An update on the Health Curriculum will be provided at the November 1, 2016 Meeting.

Collections - ELA Jen Arnswald reported that 9th and 10th grade teachers are implementing the new language arts curriculum. The Technology Department is working on student access to the online resources. Teachers will receive coaching from Houghton Mifflin in the next few months.

IQWSTJen Arnswald and Wayne Piercefield reported that the Middle School received the new materials, and the teachers are beginning to incorporate the new material into their lessons. Wayne Piercefield shared positive feedback from Mrs. Abadeer on the implementation.

Teen LeadershipJon Duley reported on the IGNITE Teen Leadership program at Welch. The focus is on relationship building and shaping the environment in the school. The program, facilitated by Jason Little, currently has nine participants.

Elementary Science There was no update given. An update on Elementary Science will be provided at the December 12, 2016 Meeting.

District Data Update

Jen Arnswaldshared the M-STEP and SAT data at both the district and building levels. Each group was given information on their specific building, and was given time to review and analyze the data. Groups reported out on a point of pride within their building data.

District School Improvement Plan Review

Ben Kirby distributed the 2016-17 District Improvement Plan Highlights document and the District Goals, Strategies and Activities.

Building School Improvement Updates

Matt Vogel, Jefferson PrincipalThe Jefferson staff has spent staff meeting time working with the 5D+ evaluation tool. Jefferson has 90 Chromebooks coming which will be used for student assessments. Ensuring students are prepared to take assessments online is one of Jefferson’s School Improvement goals. There is a need for two Title I Interventionists at Jefferson. The positions are currently posted on the Job Opportunities page of the IPS website.

Mitch Mercer, Emerson Principal .The Emerson staff has spent time reviewing their School Improvement Goals and how the fit into the teacher evaluation tool.

Jon Duley, Welch PrincipalThe Welch High School has found a parent representative to serve on their school improvement team. The teachers are working on their growth plans. The Virtual program has 53 enrolled, 25 of which are new to the district.

Wayne Piercefield, Middle School PrincipalThe Middle School staff has spent time working with the teacher evaluation tool and tying it to the School Improvement plan. The staff have also spent time aligning their growth goals to the School Improvement plan.

Scott Yenchar, Boyce PrincipalMost of the Boyce staff meeting time has been used on training teacher to use the 5D+ evaluation tool. Boyce staff has reviewed the SI plan and will spend time making the plan more specific.

Darin Magley, Rather Principal. Darin reported that staff has spent time on the teacher evaluation model. Rather has had their first SI meeting. They have four new parents participating. Their goals include aligning the SI and evaluation goals, creating an action plan for parent involvement. They also reviewed their building data.

Dayna Ellis, Twin Rivers Principal Staff has spent time training on the 5D+ evaluation tool as well as working on Math Expressions. The staff is planning a Parent Involvement Math Event.

Ben Gurk, High School PrincipalThe high school staff has reviewed the School Improvement plan. A graphic and summary of the plan is being shared with stakeholder groups, and it is now posted on the IHS webpage. The high school has established a 2016-17 initiative (Smart Goal) that 100% of IHS seniors will apply to college, the military, or a career certification program.

Title I Update

Marsha Turner reported that the district’s Consolidated Application was approved on August 30, 2016, and grant funds are available. Carryover funds will be available to be budgeted after the Final Expenditure Reports from 2015-16 are completed.

Section 35(a)(5) Early Literacy grant

Marsha Turner reported on the Early Literacy grant the district received last year. The grant was used to provide summer book packs for students in grades K-3. There is approximately $6,000 left over from the 2015-16 grant that will be available for use this year.

The grant is available again for the 2016-17 school year and Marsha presented three proposals to the group for review.

  1. Summer book sets for students in grades K-3
  2. After-school tutoring program
  3. Home School Library

The group discussed each proposal thoroughly. The number of students impacted was an important factor in the consensus to incorporate both proposals 1 and 3 when submitting the final grant application.


Jen Arnswald reported on the MIBLSI (Michigan Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative). The district implementation team received their first training at the Ionia ISD on September 19, 2016. Jefferson, Boyce and Rather Elementary will begin PBIS behavior training in January 2017. Jen Arnswald is the district’s MIBLSI liaison and Marsha Turner is district’s coordinator. Lakewood, Saranac and Portland schools are also participating in the MIBLSI training this year.

Social Contract

There were no issues with the social contract.

A motion by Tim Blackmer to adjourn was seconded by Jon Duley, all were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 10:58.

Respectfully submitted by Adrienne Barna.