Accreditation of Medicines Counter Assistant programmes
This template should be used to demonstrate how the training provider meets the GPhC’s accreditation criteria for education and training programmes for medicines counter assistantsThe accreditation submission should include:
· This template, completed in full, to include:
- A narrative explaining how each criterion is met. The narrative must be written in prose, clearly explaining how the criteria will be met. Reference to links, file names, or module titles on their own are not acceptable.
- Full reference to the documents you are providing as evidence.
· Any other pertinent information.
You should provide documentary evidence to support the information that you have provided within the template. Following review of your submission document and associated evidence you may be required to submit additional items of evidence, if this is necessary you will be notified in advance of your accreditation event.
The process for reaccreditation of medicines counter assistant programmes will follow the same format as described for accreditation. The submission documentation must include, additionally, an introduction section which includes the following:
· An overview of how the programme has developed since the last accreditation event, including a summary of any major changes
· Information on the number of trainees who have undertaken/are undertaking the programme.
· A summary of the response to any conditions and recommendations that were made by the accreditation team at the previous event. Where a provider opted not to action a recommendation, an explanation of the rationale for this decision should be provided.
Please ensure that you refer to the guidance within this template as failure to provide your submission in the correct format, with the required level of detail and clarity, could lead to your accreditation event being cancelled or postponed. Information on how to submit your documentation can be found on the last page of this document.
If you have any questions regarding your accreditation submission please contact the GPhC’s Quality Assurance (Education) team on 0203 713 7973 or 7974.
Name of training provider:
Name of course to be accredited :
Contact name:
Job title:
General notes regarding completion of the template· Except where single pieces of information or lists are asked for, your commentary must be written in prose. Directions to other documents only will not be accepted.
· Hyperlinks may be used within your commentary to signpost to evidence but please check that the links are not broken and that external access is permitted.
· Please ensure that all documentary evidence provided is referred to within your commentary.
Referencing additional materials
· For ease of reference, all supporting material should be numbered and named appropriately (for example, Appendix One – Trainee Handbook, Appendix Two – Staff CVs)
· Please ensure the same document name is used throughout the submission and in the appendices.
· When referencing supporting material within the submission, please indicate the document clearly (for example, in bold) and use the full name and appendix number throughout.
For reaccreditation only
Provider’s commentaryGeneral note: Except where single pieces of information or lists are asked for, the provider’s commentary should be written in prose. Directions to other documents only will not be accepted. Supporting documents should be included as an appendix to the application template.
(Please delete the guidance notes when completing commentaries.)
Introduction for reaccreditation / Include:
• An overview of how the programme has developed since the last accreditation event, including a summary of any major changes
• Information on the number of trainees who have undertaken/are undertaking the programme.
• A summary of the response to any conditions and recommendations that were made by the accreditation team at the previous event. Where a provider opted not to action a recommendation, an explanation of the rationale for this decision should be provided.
1. The Training Programme
Provide information on how your training programme meets the General Pharmaceutical Council’s (GPhC) requirements and is at the required academic level.
Criteria / Provider’s commentaryGeneral note: Except where single pieces of information or lists are asked for, the provider’s commentary should be written in prose. Directions to other documents only will not be accepted. Supporting documents should be included as an appendix to the application template.
(Please delete the guidance notes when completing commentaries.)
a. The course content covers the knowledge and understanding associated with units Pharm 05 (unit 4) Pharm 07 (unit 5) and Pharm 32 (Unit 15) of the Pharmacy services skills S/NVQ level 2 (QCF) / Course summary to include module or unit titles and the phasing or sequence of the modules or units in the programme.
(Complete Appendix 1)
b. The programme is taught at Qualifications Credit framework level 2. / Evidence that the training programmes is at the required academic level
c. The programme is planned with reference to the Medicines Counter Assistant template. / Refer to the mapping of the course in Appendix 1.
d. Assessments have been developed by subject experts from the Pharmacy sector and directly relate to modules contained in the syllabus for the Medicines Counter Assistants template. / Summary of activities and assessments to include assessment methods.
Also details of individuals, course panel or equivalent group responsible for the development of the programme. CVs should be provided (see supporting documentation)
Additional information on the training programme.
Provide additional information on your course. This must include:
· How the course is delivered, for instance distance learning, day release,
· Total expected total student workload (guided learning hours), number of curriculum hours for each part of the course, contact time with training provider.
· Anticipated duration of the training programme and maximum and minimum permitted durations.
· How the training programmes is funded.
2. Academic and management structures
Provide evidence that you have adequate academic and management structures in place.
Criteria / Provider’s commentarya. Assessment process and strategies assure appropriate standards in assessment and that students are able to demonstrate fitness for purpose. / Information on the management of quality assurance procedures. Details of marking criteria, how marking is done and by whom, measures to ensure consistency, how borderline issues and dealt with.
Course regulations covering re-sits, resubmissions and extenuating circumstances including rationale.
b. In the processes of programme review and development, the training provider has taken account of advances in pharmacy practice , for instance recent POM to P reclassifications, and developments potentially impacting on pharmacy / Details of how the course will be reviewed and details of individuals, course panel or equivalent group responsible for the review and how any changes will be disseminated to students. CVs should be provided (see supporting documentation).
c. Course regulations include procedures for appeals against assessment decisions / Course regulations and procedures for appeals against assessment decisions.
d. Course regulations include procedures for dealing with suspected plagiarism and/or malpractice / Course regulations and procedures for dealing with suspected malpractice/plagiarism.
Additional information on your academic and management structures.
Provide additional information on your academic and management structures not covered in criteria 2a to 2d above.
3. Resources
Provide evidence that you have adequate resources to support the delivery of your training programme.
Criteria / Provider’s commentarya. Buildings, human, equipment, and other resources available to the training provider are sufficient for the effective delivery of the course to the numbers of students on the course, and overall. / Information on human resources including numbers with names of staff associated with the training programme(s) with descriptions of their roles, qualifications/credentials backgrounds and contractual status in relation to the training provider. CVs should be provided (see supporting documentation).
Information on equipment and support services.
Current and planned annual intakes.
Admissions policy and marketing strategy
Commentary on completion and success rates of students on this course, or a similar programme if this is a new course
b. Record keeping systems are able to generate data on candidates completing, completion rates, student sector of practice and disability. / Information on record keeping systems.
c. Systems are in place for issuing certificates of completion to successful students in the GPhC’s approved format / Confirmation that systems are in place.
The certificate must include the following wording ‘this course has been accredited by the General Pharmaceutical Council.’
There must be a list of units completed by the student
d. There is an appropriate mix of tutors, mentors and assessors. / Information on who is responsible for tutoring, mentoring and assessing the student. Clarify roles and responsibilities of the training provider and others, for instance the workplace supervising pharmacist and what support is provided by the training provider for those supporting the student
e. The student has access to a personal tutor or tutors for academic guidance and pastoral care. / Description of student access to tutors and mentors including who is the tutor and how tutors are accessed by the student for instance face to face, online, by telephone.
f. The student is instructed in the use of information resources. / Information provided to students on available resources.
g. There are adequate student feedback mechanisms in place. / Evidence of two-way communication between course provider and students. Details of student feedback mechanisms, for instance questionnaires, and how the information gathered informs course development. Description of mechanisms for feeding back to students on performance.
h. The training provider seeks to provide the student with a positive learning experience. / Information about how the is student supported and support given to tutors and mentors
Additional information on your resources.
Provide additional information on your organisation. This must include:
· How the training programme is funded
· Information about the range of education and training provided, including modes of delivery.
· Brief details of all training packages marketed to pharmacy support staff.
Supporting documentation
The following list is indicative of the documents you will need to provide:
• Training materials (reference criterion 1a)
• Assessments (for instance MCQs, workbooks) and assessment criteria (reference criteria 1d and 2a)
• Staff CVs, including names, descriptions of roles, credentials/qualifications and background (reference criteria 1d, 2b and 3a)
• Course regulations covering assessment (reference criterion 2a)
• Course regulations covering appeals (reference criterion 2c)
• Course regulations covering plagiarism (reference criterion 2d)
• Sample certificate (reference criterion 3c)
• Learning contact outlining the responsibilities of training provider, tutor and student. (reference criteria 3d)
• Student handbook (reference criteria 3d to 3h. Also criteria 2a, 2c and 2d with regard to course regulations)
• Supervisor handbook (reference criteria 3d to 3h. Also criteria 2a, 2c and 2d with regard to course regulations)
Expand table as necessary
Appendix 1 – Mapping to programme requirements
The programme must cover the content of Units 4 (Pharm 05), 5 (Pharm 07) and 15 (Pharm 32) of the NVQ (QCF) level 2 Pharmacy Services
Use the tables below to provide a cross reference for each element listed ,mapping the element to the contents of your course. The cross reference should include the name of the document referenced with the page number(s).
Unit 4. Assist in the sale of medicines and productsTo demonstrate knowledge and understanding in this NOS , assistants should be able to apply: / Name of document and unit/module number / Page / Accreditation team use only
Legislation, policy and good practice
4.1. A working knowledge of the pharmacy protocol on the sale of medicines and SOPs including:
a. What is listed in them
b. How to use them
c. Why it is important that SOPs should be followed at all times
4.2. A factual knowledge of the legal responsibility and authority of the pharmacist and others in the organisation
4.3. A working knowledge of legal and ethical requirements for confidentiality
Specific health related knowledge and skills
4.4. A working knowledge of the main actions and side effects of the active ingredients within commonly used non-prescription medicines
4.5. A working knowledge of the differences between:
a. General Sales List (GSL) medicines
b. Pharmacy (P)
c. Prescription Only Medicines (POM) items
Procedures and techniques
4.6. A working knowledge of the use of questioning techniques such as 2WHAM
4.7. A working knowledge of the needs of different types of individuals
4.8. A working knowledge of the sources of information to access
4.9. A working knowledge of the information that is suitable to give individuals
4.10. A working knowledge of the type of information/advice that needs to be referred to a pharmacist or a pharmacy technician
Unit 5. Receive prescriptions from individuals
To demonstrate knowledge and understanding in this NOS , assistants should be able to apply: / Name of document and unit/module number / Page / Accreditation team use only
Legislation, policy and good practice
5.1 A working knowledge of the importance of working within the limits of their own role and recognising when to refer to an appropriate person
5.2 A working knowledge of Standard Operating Procedures regarding the receiving of prescriptions and the importance of adhering to them at all times
5.3 A working knowledge of current legislation relating to prescription charges and exemptions and differences in practice across the UK
5.4 A working knowledge of regulations and procedures relating to prescriptions for clinical trials
5.5 A working knowledge of the relevant national and local guidelines, policies and procedures that are available and how and when they should be accessed
5.6 A working knowledge of the different types of prescribers
Specific health related knowledge and skills
5.7 A working knowledge of the different types of prescriptions and when they are used
5.8 A working knowledge of the details required on a prescription and why they are necessary
5.9 A working knowledge of exemptions and how individuals can claim refunds, including the use of official forms and prepayment certificates
Procedures and techniques
5.10 A working knowledge of how to deal with individuals with special needs
5.11 A working knowledge of the transactional and administration procedures as required by governmental regulations and those that apply to the workplace
Records and documentation
5.12 A working knowledge of the importance of maintaining dispensary records
Unit 15. Assist in the issuing of prescribed items
To demonstrate knowledge and understanding in this NOS , assistants should be able to apply : / Name of document and unit/module number / Page / Accreditation team use only
Legislation, policy and good practice
15.1 A working knowledge of the limits of their own role and when to refer to an appropriate person
15.2 A working knowledge of principles for issuing dispensed medicines and products and the local Standard Operating Procedures that relate to this
15.3 A working knowledge of the current ethical and legal requirements that govern the issuing of a prescription
Procedures and techniques
15.4 A working knowledge of how to deal with individuals with special needs
15.5 A working knowledge of the importance of confirming the individual’s identity before issuing dispensed items
15.6 A working knowledge of the importance of providing information on:
a. the storage and maintenance of prescribed items
b. possible side effects
Records and documentation
15.7 A factual knowledge of the importance of maintaining dispensary records including the use of the dispensary computer
15.8 A factual knowledge of how medicines are administered
Materials and equipment
15.9 A working knowledge of the importance of selecting the correct equipment for use
15.10 A working knowledge of the properties of different types of container types and when to use each
Submitting your accreditation documentation to the GPhC
You must send the following by post:
· 6 Hard copies of your completed submission template (each copy should be bound or stapled, no box files, ring binders or lever arch files).
· 1 Hard copy of your supporting documentation
· 6 USB memory sticks each containing:
- A .PDF version of your submission document
- A .PDF version of each item of documentary evidence
Quality Assurance (Education) Team
General Pharmaceutical Council
25 Canada Square
E14 5LQ
Delivery instructions: Please instruct the courier to deliver the documentation/package to the courier loading bay
(deliveries will not be accepted at the main reception building)
and the following by email:
· A Word and a .PDF version of your completed submission template
Please ensure that the hard copies and electronic copies arrive with the GPhC’s Quality Assurance (Education) Team on, or before, the submission deadline. The deadline for submission documentation is normally six weeks in advance of the accreditation event; however, you will be notified of your exact deadline date once the date of your accreditation event is agreed.
Accreditation submission template – Medicines Counter Assistant courses, 2015-16 15