●Student President: Victoria Fosdick;
Art Club- Open to all MC students interested in art and sharing their art work on campus.
- Student President: Michael Hellard;
- Advisor: Prof. Lydia Etman;
- Advisor: Prof. Erika Lizeé;
- Advisor: Prof. Clare Sadnik ;
Black Student Union- open to all MC students who are interested.
•Student President: Je’nyce Johnson;
•Advisor: Dr. Amanuel Gebru;
•Advisor: Prof. Tim Lumas;
Bujinkan/Criminal Justice - open to all students interested in learning this martial art & criminal justice
- Student President: Angel Salgado;
- Advisor: Prof. Leeann Mulville;
- Advisor: Prof. Chad Basile;
●Student President: Alec Aivazian;
●Advisor:Prof. Perry Martin Jr.;
●Student President: Erika Szaldobagyi;
Cookies for Kids Cancer-open to all MC students who are interested
- Student President; Jay Madhok; )
- Advisor: Jerry Mansfield;
- Advisor: Thanh Trinh;
●Student President: Philip Jones; Philip_
●Student President: Calvin Tan;
●Advisor:Prof. ScarletRelle;
- Student President: Steven Littua;
- Advisor: Prof. Esmaail Nikjeh;
Feminism Today –opentoallMCstudents
- Student President: HadarAmran;
- Advisor: Melanie Klein;
●StudentPresident:Oren Robles;
●Advisor: Prof. Thomas Brock Cushman;
●StudentPresident:Jennifer Naud;
●StudentPresident:Timothy Camerano;
●Advisor: Chuck Brinkman;
Future RadiologicTechnologists-opentoallMCstudentsenrolledintheradiologyprogram.
●StudentPresident:Rebecca Reed;
●Advisor:Prof. RobertDarwin;
●StudentPresident:Michelle Aclan;
●Advisor:ProfessorNenagh Brown;
●StudentPresident: Josh Vicente;
●Advisor:to be determined/ Fall 2017
InternationalStudentOrganization–opentoallMCstudentswhoareinterested in other cultures
●StudentPresident:Chloe Demosthenous,
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship- open to all MC students who are interested in the Christian faith
- Student President: Cheyenne Ouijuda;
- Advisor: Prof. BethGillis-Smith;
Latter Day Saints Student Association (LDSSA) – open to all interested MC students
- Student President: Henry Van Slooten;
- Advisor: Prof. Joelle Hannah;
Math Club – open to all MC students interested in Math
- Student President: Alessandra Capotosto;
- Advisor: Prof. Diana Nguyen;
- Advisor: Prof. David Mayorga;
Mock Trial Club- open to MC students interested in critical thinking, argumentation and public speaking, and the criminal justice system through conducting Mock trials.
- Student President: Avery Joffe;
- Advisor: Prof. Lee Ballestero;
Nature’s Finest club—Open to all students wanting to explore nature, and grow their own greens.
- Student President: Nicolas Boomhower;
- Advisor: Prof. Martha Ahlstrom;
OutdoorAdventures-opentoMCstudentsinterestedinoutdoorsports activities
●StudentPresident: Cynthia Amaro;
●Advisor:Prof:Brian Swartz;
PeerHealthClub-opentoallMCstudentsinterestedinliving a healthy lifestyle & wellbeing
●Advisor:Prof. LisaNoack;
●StudentPresident:Patrick Gordon-Davis;
●StudentPresident:Nima Golshani;
●Advisor: Prof. LeeBallestero;
Psychology Club- Open to MC students interested in Psychology.
- Student President: Danielle Baker;
- Advisor: Prof. Julie Campbell;
Raider Cheer Squad – open to all students interested in being part of the Raider cheerleading squad
●Captain: Summer Fitch;
●Advisor: Kim Lewis;
●Advisor: Vance Manakas;
RAINN/NOMORE-opentoallstudentsinterestedin supporting awareness of domestic violencevictims
- StudentPresident:Jade Barth;
- Advisor:Prof. KariA.Meyers;
- Advisor:Prof. ChadBasile;
●StudentPresident: Javier Berjon de la Parra;
Spectrum Club: open to all MC students interested in supporting issues affecting LGBTQ students
- Student President: Rebecca Norwood;
- Advisor: Prof. Sally Ponce O’Rourke,
- Advisor: Raquel Olivera,
●StudentPresident:Jennifer Lasalle;
Woman Excelling in Math and Science(WEMS)-open to all MC students
- Student President: Ria Regi;
- Advisor: Prof. Farisa Morales;