/ 15° international congress on dry stone walling
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Dates : 9, 10, 11 September 2016

In the wider framework of its continuous efforts to promote research and scientific knowledge, and in parallel, to inform all publics on important issues that are widely interesting, the Foundation of Cephalonia and Ithaca (IKI), in cooperation withother Institutions, organizes the XV° international congress on Dry Stone,that instituted and carries outthe Société scientifique internationale pour l’étude pluridisciplinaire de la Pierre Sèche (S.P.S.).

Place : Town of Argostolion, Island of Cephalonia- Ionian islands, Ionian Sea

Venue : Town’s Library Hall (Korghialenios Bibliothiki)

Organizing Institution :Foundation of Cephalonia and Ithaca (IKI)

Date : 9-11 September 2016

Supporting Authorities: Municipality of Cephalonia, Region of Ionian Islands

Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Environment.

Preliminary Program of the Congress

Friday 9 September

09:00 Arrivals -Registration

10:30 to 12:30 General Assembly of the S.P.S.

LUNCH (free)

14.30 Opening Session, Interventions by representatives of authorities and institutions

15.30 Presentations of papersand discussion

17.30 Coffee-break and visit of posters

18.00 Presentation of papers and discussion

20.00 End of the 1st day

21:00 Welcome Reception – Dinner (offered by local institutions)

Saturday 10 September

09.00 Presentation of papers and discussion

11.00 Coffee-break and visit of posters

11.30 Presentations of papers

13:30 Lunch, visit of nearby sites (folk museum of Cephalonia, etc. )

15.30 Presentations of papersand discussion

17:30 Coffee- break and visit of posters

18.00 Round Table (UNESCO)

20.00 End of the 2nd day

21:00 Symposium, Official Banquet (offered by local authorities)

Sunday 11 September

8:00- 18.00 All day Excursion to the island’s most significant locations and places of interest Light lunch included (offered by IKI).

Deadline for proposals of papers: 31/03/2016


-‘Ada Acovitsioti-Hameau, Secrétaire Générale SPS, "Maison de l'Archéologie", 21 rue République, 83143 Le Val, France,tel (0033).(0)4.94863924, fax (0033).(0)4.94864812 Email:

-Professor Elias BERIATOS, Vice president of the executive committee of IKI –

Registration form (must be returned before the 31stmay 2016)

Name, Forname
Occupation or
Address / Street:
Country: Postcode:
Telephone, fax, e-mail
I would like to attend the Congress / As a participant  Speaker  Display a poster  With a display 
As a professional  As a private individual 
I propose / A paper  A poster  A film  An exhibition 
Entitled :
I need / Overhead projector  Slide projector  Video-player VHS 
Power-point  Room for display: ...... panels (...... m, in length)
I send / the abstract of my paper and its translation in :
English  French 
I attach to this form
I will send you before the 30/06/2016 /  my registration fee of :
3-day rate: £180  £140 
Day rate:  £60x... = ...... €  £45 x .....= ...... €
Paid by order to :
Société Internationale Etude Pierre Sèche,
Crédit Agricole Mutuel de Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Brignoles, France,
N° compte: 08061080008
International account number:
IBAN: FR76 1910 6000 0208 0610 8000 860–BIC: AGRIFRPP891
