Maysville Band Boosters Meeting

Minutes from December 12, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 6:00

Attending: Joy French, Miss. Gibson, Mr. Murphy, Kathy Combs, KC Frick, and Mari Frick, Margaret Wise, Tammy Hean, Carmen Brooks, Jared Bradley, Jerry Miller, Lynette Hensley, Corri Wilson, Stephanie Hill, Becky Combs, Josh and Katie Leasure, Shayna Moore, Chris Merlo, Blair Foster, Chad?

Joy welcomed all of the 8th grade parents to the meeting. Mari explained all of the information sheets, and answered questions. Trips were explained and the need to participate in all fund raising was stressed as a way to help with all expenses. Parents were asked to please use a check when possible and if cash was put into the box to always show Mr. Murphy or Ms. Gibson so they could verify that it was there. Joy donated 1 more gift card and we had enough to give the parent of each student represented a door prize. Joy then announced that we were going into the meeting and if the parents wanted to leave they could; there was a mass exit of all but 3.

Correction to the minutes included date changes subs are being made on 2/1/17, no April payment, we host John Glen on April 4th. February 23rd is pre contest not concert, Joy declared the minutes approved as presented.

Directors Report: April is too late for the Toronto meeting, so it will be held in February after the booster meeting which has been moved up to 5:45 to accommodate the meeting at 6:30. This meeting is to insure that passports or Birth Certificates are ready, ordering your money in advance so that you get it in time. Visa gift card aren’t always International and whatever else needs to be brought up.

In March we can finalize the meals that we’re serving. We need the memo to go out about the spaghetti dinner, Shayna volunteered to talk to Sam’s Club about a donation for the meatballs, and for when John Glenn is here we can have the same menu. There are 22 events with 22 students for solo and ensemble. Sectionals will start and be counted as part of their grade. We are paying 1 judge again this year when we get together with Moran and Crooksville. Pep Band is doing well 2 games have been canceled due to weather. Jim Mc Cormick won the hog raffle and when he went to Phillips they knew nothing about it. Margaret will take care of this.

There is a new incentive this year for the kids grades 6-12 on May 13th to participate in the 1st Music Extravaganza this is the day before the Band Banquet on the 14th.

Middle school not going to contest this year due to the trip. Ms. Gibson is trying to get a music library going and asked for permission to purchase the needed hanging folders $175.00 limit Kathy Combs made the motion, Mari Frick 2nd motion passed.

Trailer will be fixed soon, they’re replacing the axle

The MC did a great job for the Christmas program, we received a Thank-you from her for Band-a-Palozza, and she seems very supportive of the band.

Treasure’s Report: Brian Brown the Drill Writer has been paid . We collected $779.77 from pass the hat at the Christmas concert. $60.00 for custodian gift cards. No headway has been made on the collection of the negative student accounts. Trip money is due 1/15/17 to keep on track. Band Boosters have $8,699.72 available to them, Student accounts is at $10,214.40. Outstanding bills Sam’s Cub $300.00 for the Bob Evans gift cards.

Upcoming dates/Fund Raisers

Crown sales will be booked in February.

Sub sales 3/13-21 & 4/24-5/3

Mattress sale is still slated for Palm Sunday, Mr. Murphy is trying to change that.

Old Business:

New Business:

Upcoming Dates and Expenses:

Toronto payment dates for 2017 2/15/17, 3/15/17, and 4/15/17

February 23rd pre-concert concert at Morgan.

John Glen Joint Concert April 4th at Maysville

April 6th Spaghetti Dinner

Banquet is May 14th @ 4:00

Mandatory parent meeting in May date to be determined

Spring concert May 16th

Pat Payne Dance Contest, March 5th Margaret will have details

Motion to adjourn Kathy 2nd Margaret