The Hanksville Town Council meeting convened its regular session on the7th of Aprilin the Hanksville Community Center; meeting commenced at 6:00p.m.

Present: Mayor Dale Sellers, C. Celeste Sellers, C. Chylene Whipple, C. Molly Keaton andC. Susie Hatch

Absent: None

Employees: Clerk Lisa Wells, Treasurer Jessica Alvey, Maintenance Jeff Pei and Eric Wells

Public in Attendance: Keith Hunt, Curtis Whipple, Gayemarie Ekker, Rita Ann Lewis, Chris & Kathryn Hoggatt, Cheryl Pritchard, Sheldon Hatch, Veronica Hauser, Sarah Wilson

Meeting to Order: Mayor Dale Sellers

Pledge: Mayor Dale Sellers

Prayer: Jessica Alvey

Roll Call: Mayor Dale Sellers

Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes ofMarch 2016 council meeting: C. Celeste Sellers; Second C. Molly Keaton Aye: All in attendance

Report of Officers:

Councilmember Celeste Sellers:

New sample testing rules will not affect the town.

Shirley Wilcox’s project is complete but maintenance needs to finish the cleanup or the area; they will haul off the clay and replace it with rejects to restore the area.

Councilmember Molly Keaton:

Working on mapping out the cemetery .

Roads application is still in process; the application has to be reviewed by UDOT and an engineer. The mayor will calculate the materials needed for the roads project. There are 2.4 miles of city roads and the laying width is 13’, overall average width is 26’.

Councilmember Susie Hatch:

Planning the 4th of July has begun; C. Hatch is looking for volunteers for the events. Duke Alvey will no longer be setting up the fireworks for the town, the responsibility for fireworks will be the fire departments. Chief Brandon Whipple has been informed and there is certification required to handle the fireworks.

Budget for the Rock Church was looked at; money from 2 grant sources has not come in yet.

There was some discussion about the old steeple; there will be a continual need for money to support ongoing projects at the old rock church.

Councilmember Chylene Whipple:

Firehouse doors – estimate of $900 - $1200 to fix the doors. Maintenance will fix the doors in house.

The water was turned on for the swamp cooler for apt #4; may need a portable AC unit.

The roof area above the clinic is soft and needs to be repaired.

Maintenance Jeff Pei:

Reported that the sewer pond is about done; they have burned a bunch.The valves for the shutoff have not been installed and some gravel needs to be hauled in to fill the area to finish the project.

Roads – they will be spraying, dragging and mowing the sided of the streets. They will just be spraying for goat heads to keep the cost down.

Parks – water was started last week; they found 6 leaks in the lines. 2 leaks they knew about from last fall, the other 2 were new this spring. They will be mowing to grass this week and will fertilize as soon as the grass greens up a little bit.

Affordable housing – Met with Jaron and he has been outlined with weeds around the housing area. There is a rodent issue that maintenance has been addressing. The laundry room – the new washer is not working correctly.

Shop – still cleaning the shop; there is one box of town records and one box of canal company records. Old auditorium seating is in the maintenance shed could be auctioned off. The 4-wheeler is broken and can possibly be fixed in house.

Mosquito abatement – will begin fogging late April or May.

Equipment – working on preventive maintenance charts.

Treasurer Jessica Alvey:

Discussion of budget. Council members need to submit their budget items for the next fiscal year by next council meeting. We are over budget on employee wages due to changing the seasonal part-time maintenance position to year round part-time maintenance position. The budget will have to be amended in June to reflect old church expenses, truck repairs and wages. Council members considered ways to cut expenses to stay on budget.

Clerk Lisa Wells:

  • Bills were presented (see attached spreadsheet)
  • Motion to approvebills for payment C. Chylene Whipple; Second C. Molly Keaton Aye: All in attendance.

Mayor Dale Sellers:

Nothing to report.

Tabled items: NONE

New issues and Public Comments:

  • Sarah Wilson – Thank you to CC Construction for the excellent work on the Rock Church. Thanks to all council members for all their work and dedication to the town.
  • Cheryl Pritchard – Hanksville has the most awesome fireworks for this small town. She would like to put up donation jars around town and at Lake Powell advertising the fireworks and gathering donations. She is willing to put up the jars. She is frustrated by the goat heads and weeds; says there are many willing to donate time to the weeds and spraying if we can; last Fourth of July was a nightmare at the arena due to the goat heads. There was discussion of town clean up on May 21st.

Gayemarie Ekker - representing a non-profit, Happy Canyon Rim Research & Field Foundations, presented her plan of relocating a cabin from the Biddlecome/Ekker ranch from the Robbers Roost area to Hanksville. She is in search of property to locate the cabin and other items from the ranch and build a museum to pay tribute to the men and women who came and stayed in this country and outlaws and miners who passed through. The Foundations was set up to preserve and to protect the natural resource and human history of the Robbers Roost country, to offer educational opportunities and the option for individuals to reconnect with the land and spirit. She came tonight to see if there would be support from the town in this project and any help locating property would be appreciated.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: C. Celeste Sellers; Second C. Chylene Whipple Aye: All in attendance Adjourned 7:05pm

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