March 21, 2017 Regular CC Meeting
City of Oronoco
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Regular City CouncilMeeting @7:00pm
Mayor Ryland Eichhorst called the meeting to order at 7pm.
Present: Mayor Ryland Eichhorst, Councilor Beau Hanenberger, Councilor Trish Shields, Councilor Carl Krause, Attorney Fred Suhler, Engineer Joe Palen, and Assistant Clerk Rebecca McGuire.
Councilor Nancy Quimby arrived at 7:01pm.
Councilor Trish Shields motioned to accept the agenda, Councilor Carl Krause second; all in favor, motion carried.
Steve McNamara at 1115 Riverwood Dr. – gave a hand out to council. The hand out reads as follows:
I attended the Water and Sewer meeting last week. Joe Palen presented the feasibility study for Riverwood Hills water looping. After discussing the proposal, the committee voted. The vote result was Phase 1 passed 5 to 1 to proceed with funds from the water fund. I reread the email from Sandy and it covered the main road not the secondary roads. Steve went over comments on the water looping project about whether it was critical to complete this year, complaints about the water pressure and fire hydrants in the subdivision. At the Water and Sewer meeting Joe stated that future development will solve the water pressure. Not that it won’t help but is looping right now the best way to spend our money when a development is coming in the future? I talked with Cain this afternoon. Our water system is large for city capacity. Maybe have a future developer take on that cost and expand the water system for more users (Starting the next phase of the water project). Also the current plan for Phase 1 looping will dig up Ryan and Connie Craddick daughter’s memorial. The City should modify the plan to protect this memorial. I’ll let Connie speak more about that.
Connie Cradick, Head of the HOA for Riverwood Hills, at 1020 Istas LN – I am writing in regards of the proposed looping. I’m not sure if council seen what was proposed by Engineer Joe Palen, before it gets too far I wanted to give you our concerns. She gave council her hand out and read it as follows:
Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members.
Again, thank you for your dedication and hard work to represent the needs of our community. We’re writing to each of you today to clarify a few points as you prepare to make future decisions on behalf of the Oronoco community, especially for the Riverwood Hills area.
First of all, we’d like to clarify and ensure that it is abundantly clear that the concern raised in prior meetings regarding the water pressure issues within Riverwood Hills were raised in RESPONSE to the proposal to approve a new subdivision, Riverbend, that would hook on to our existing water lines. Riverwood Hills residents have been on this water line for many years and yes there are water pressure issues; however, our main point was that if you add 17 additional homes onto that same line then the water pressure issues that are minimal now will become worse without first fixing the existing infrastructure. Please ensure to get resident input prior to making decisions.
In the Sewer and Water Committee meeting last week, it was voted on and denied that residents should be assessed to pay for this water line fix since they are asking for it. Please do not consider assessing residents for this water line fix as the fix is only needed if you add additional homes, which we were not in support of.
Secondly, Mr. Joe Palen provided the Sewer and Water Committee with a feasibility report for Riverwood Hills water main. Part 1 of his proposal suggests adding a water loop from the main line to Istas LN SW cul-de-sac which goes through 2 residential lots, one being ours. We have some significant concerns with this proposed path as it would go over a memorial garden for our daughter, Makayla Marie who passed away when she was 20 months old. This memorial garden is extremely sentimental to our family and we spent many hours building it. It is about 75’ long and about 20’ wide and goes directly along our neighbor’s lot line. It’s filled with many trees, flowers, shrubs, swing bench, paved patio, and granite boulders engraved with sentimental messages. I’m not going to lie when I saw that proposal, my heart sank. There is no existing easement on that property. There are other options. I’m assuming Joe was not aware that was on our property. I’m not sure that part one is the right solution. Is it worthwhile when it may be resolved later with the new subdivision?We have not seen proof about the water pressure being better with more homes. It isn’t clear in the report what the current water pressure is and what the future pressure would be given these changes to confirm the value add for the cost. Are we sure certain there is a substantial benefit to outweigh the cost? Also, in the back yard are our GEO Thermal lines. We’d like you to strongly consider using the existing easement and platted walking pathway as it is free from trees and is already slated as an easement. Please do not ask me to add an easement over my daughter’s memorial garden.
Mayor Ryland Eichhorst: We are sorry for your loss. We were not aware of any circumstances in that area. The feasibility study was part of the process. I appreciate you coming forward.
Tammy Green, who lives next to Connie: I have a picture over head of where the property is and where the memorial is. She handed this to Council to pass around. I echoConnie’s concerns. When I moved to the Oronoco area, everyone knows about the property piece and we are all respectful of the area. (She went on to describe the memorial and everyone in the neighborhoods respect for it.) Councilor Trish Shields: it isa part of our culture in that area. Tammy: itsMakayla’s visual. The second thing was an elevated concern survey to have to go through this route, showing this route as a priority and survey the water pressure. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst: there are several concerns about the water pressure. There are some good reasons for looping we will discuss later in the meeting. Tammy: If people where more aware that there was a water pressure issue when moving in… I have not heard that this is a priority, not heard it being a huge issue back there in Riverwood Hills.
Mayor Ryland Eichhorst called for 3rd call and closed public forum at 7:14pm.
- OCSO ~ Sgt. Rick Carmack
- FIRE DEPARTMENT* ~ Dan Sundt, Fire Chief
- Runs: 3 (3/3 MVA, 3/8 PI mutual aide, 3/11 MVA)
- Meeting Minutes
- Kwik Trip grant: $500 from Kwik Trip for smoke detectors/CO alarms to give away. Councilor Beau Hanenberger motioned to accept the $500 Kwik Trip grant for the use of smoke detectors/co alarms for give away, Mayor Ryland Eichhorst second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Mutual Aid agreement between Wabasha county mutual aid organization (that we are a part of) and Buffalo County, WI. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst made a motion to agree to the Mutual Aid Agreement between Wabasha County Mutual Aid Organization and Buffalo County, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; all in favor, motion carried.
- FIRST RESPONDERS* ~ Jeff Allhiser, 1st Responder Director
- 6 Runs: 3city, 3township
- Meeting Minutes
- New Applicant: Casey Imme.Background check was completed and came back good.Councilor Trish Shields motioned to approve Casey Imme to 1st Responders, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Discussion about not adding things to the agenda during the meeting – council requested Jeff to bring the use of renting the Fire Hall for personal use to the next months meeting.
- EOC ~ Pat McGovern, Director
- 2017 – 2018 City Insurance Policy Renewal LMC is in progress.FYI- will bring final to Council next month.
- Liability Waiver form. Attorney Fred Suhler explained the form to Council. Councilor Trish Shields motioned to approve the LMC City form checking the box that member does not waive, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Pay Equity Compliance Certification.FYI;this is in compliance.
- Ordinance 17-3 Street Layout Ordinance: changesadding#9-11 to the ordinance. Councilor Beau Hanenberger explained the ordinance additions. Councilor Trish Shields: Please clarify secondary access. Must it be a paved road? (Discussion on paved road. If it is a permanent road, it should be paved. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst said that the motion is for what is currently brought to us in how it is worded. Attorney Fred Suhler gave his thoughts on the layout of the ordinance. I drafted the ordinance to reflect what was in the minutes. You can adjust this in the future. Councilor Carl Krause asked if it covered black top. I hate to see us go backwards.) Councilor Carl Krause motioned to deny Ordinance 17-3 Street Layout, Councilor Trish Shields second for discussion, (Councilor Beau Hanenberger asked if we can add a change in the motion, to friendly amend it instead of denying it. Attorney Fred Suhler suggested sending it back to P&Z. Councilor Beau Hanenberger: we thought it stated somewhere in the ordinance that paved roads are already covered in the ordinance. Adding the language would be redundant. Attorney Fred Suhler is wondering if it is in the ordinance. Questions on what to do?) Voice vote all ayes, motion to deny Ordinance 17-3 passed. This will go back to P&Z for review and changes. Attorney Fred Suhler would like to review this as well.
- Resolution 2017-4 Approving Plans & Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids.This is for Zumbro Hills Dr SW. Bids close April 13th. Councilor Beau Hanenberger made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-4 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids, Councilor Trish Shields second; voice vote ayes for Mayor Ryland Eichhorst, Councilor Trish Shields, Councilor Beau Hanenberger, and Councilor Nancy Quimby. Councilor Carl Krause voice vote was anaye. Resolution 17-4 passed.
- Ordinance 17-4 Pool Ordinance and Summary for publishing(requires 2 separate votes).Mayor Ryland Eichhorst motioned to accept the Pool Ordinance 17-4, Councilor Beau Hanenberger second, (Beau gave an over view of the ordinance. Safety concerns were brought to P&Z. Information was gathered from surrounding cities to create the ordinance. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst asked about diving boards, it is somewhat a safety issue. Councilor Beau Hanenberger said that if it’s a 10 foot pool, diving boards should be permitted. It was not a hot topic. Councilor Trish Shields asked about draining the pools into a septic. Councilor Beau Hanenberger said that if it is pumped into the septic – you would ruin your own septic, so it would be foolish. P&Z member, Orest, went over it with a fine tooth comb with clean water concerns in mind. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst went over a few more points, especially #4. P&Z Chair Brian Breider was talked to about the ordinance for clarification too. Attorney Fred Suhler said we do not have a public sewer system but we do have a storm system that is maintained. Discussion continued about people draining pools and what is acceptable – questioning if the ordinance language is not acceptable. Attorney Fred Suhler reviewed the ordinance and feels it is worded ok). Voice vote all ayes, Ordinance 17-4 Pool Ordinance passed.
Councilor Beau Hanenberger motioned to accept Ordinance 17-4 Summary for publication, Councilor Trish Shields second; voice vote all ayes, motion passed.
- DOWNTOWN ORONOCO GOLD RUSH DAYS* ~ Chair: Councilor Beau Hanenberger,
- Meeting Minutes:March13, 2017- received and forwarded after packets went out. Councilor Beau Hanenberger went over keys points of the meeting.
- PARKS & TRAILS*- Parks & Trails Chair*
- MeetingMinutes: March 6, 2017. Councilor Trish Shields went over T-Ball. Sign up will be coming up in April.
- Camping Permit renewal.This is for summer camping, 17 weeks, permit is $234.25, Memorial weekend thru Labor Day weekend. DOGR is a separate permit in July.Councilor Beau Hanenberger made a motion to accept the camping permit renewal for $234.25, Mayor Ryland Eichhorst second; all in favor, motion carried.
- LAKE SHADY ~ Katie Dudley, Lake Shady Committee Chair*
- Weekly Construction minutes. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst went over the meeting. We are trying to get Viet to continue to work. The weather has been warm. We are allowing trucks to bring in rock to the dam area. The idea is to build up the area to reduce the flow of the water. We are trying to get as much done before the rain comes. The goal is still to complete the project this spring. Councilor Carl Krause asked who is going to pay for the road. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst said that Carl makes a good point. Ourmeeting discussion on Monday was to discuss the condition of the road. The road has been videotaped and measured. It is all documented. Road repair is in the contract. It would be Viet’s liability. Councilor Trish Shields made it pretty clear that if they are going to use MN Ave they are liable to repair it. (Discussion continued on road repair and liability. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst explained how the traffic would flow because the bike path area is new. The point is to have them keep off the edges. We are committed to complete the project this spring. There is a lot of cost going into this to make it happen. Trish: If we don’t complete this project this year, our grant runs out and as a tax payer, we could have to pay money back. I have to work from both sides to reduce the loss of the project.) Councilor Beau Hanenberger said that over by the park it has flooded twice. Councilor Trish Shields: that part is not completed yet. (Discussion continued on engineering and what still needs to be done and if things will flood. Engineer Joe Palen helped explain how it’s meant to work when it’s completed. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst also explained why the ripples are being done; vegetation still needs to be planted. We will see flooding still but to a lesser degree. Engineer Joe Palen:it’s hard to judge at this time when the project is not completed.)
- Salvage Agreement: signed for accepting historical items, FYI.
- Water Damage: Insurance Claim (in progress).This is an FYI. We are currently getting bids for waterproofing the Gold Rush room.
- Torch – estimates are in the packet for review. (Discussed the two estimates to compare costs.)Mayor Ryland Eichhorst suggested letting Cain decide what would be better for him since we hired him as a professional; he is the maintenance supervisor and it is his responsibility to maintain his budget. Councilor Carl Krause would like to see us not waste money and make the decision. Councilor Trish Shields made a motion to approve up to $700 for the torch use and allow Cain to decide what is appropriate for his use and need. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst said we can bring it to Cain to be cost minded and review the 5 year agreement. Councilor Beau Hanenberger second for discussion; Councilor Carl Krause and Councilor Nancy Quimby did not approve, the rest of Council was in approval of the motion. Motion passes.
- Pesticide: $1000, this is a yearly expense. Councilor Beau Hanenberger motioned to approve the pesticide for $1000, Councilor Carl Krause second; all in favor, motion carried.
- Part-time seasonal employee @ $11.00 per hour up to 25 hours per week.We budgeted for the summer only (3 months starting in June). Cain would like to increase it to 6 months. Councilor Trish Shields feels that given the seasonal temps right now, it will be a longer mowing season. I would be in favor of extending it 5 months starting in May. Councilor Beau Hanenberger said that last year they were really busy. He questions if we have the money in the budget, if it can be taken from another area. Assistant Rebecca McGuire let the Council know that we only budgeted for 3 months for this year’s budget. (Discussion on what is the best thing to do. Councilor Carl Krause said he would like to see only 4 months. What do they do when there is nothing to mow? Councilor Trish Shields: they had him working in the parks. He was never idle. Mayor Ryland Eichhorst: we may not get STS when we want them with their new management. I would like to think there is some cushion in the budget for longer seasonal help. Councilor Trish Shields would like Clerk Sandy Jessen to review it, if it can be taken from Parks and Trails budget too.Councilor Beau Hanenberger made a motion to approve the 3 month that are in the budget and have Sandy see if we can fund 2 more months and if we have it in the budget, to approve the additional 2 months now.