Time and Place of Meeting

The February meeting of the Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) Title III Task Force took place on Monday, February 9, 2004 at 3:30 p.m. The meeting was held in Room 228B of the PeconicBuilding on the Eastern Campus.


The following people were in attendance: Asberine Alford, Dee Laffin, Michelle Cummings, Art Lundahl, June Ohrnberger, Judy Koodin, Tina Good, Lois Mignone, Bernadette Garcia, Hedi BenAicha, Catherine Wynne, Tim McHeffey, Maureen Bybee, Jian Zhang, Princess Williams, Phil Christensen, Dan Awodiya, Tom Roslack, Shonda Williams, and Diane Bosco.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of the December 8, 2003 meeting were reviewed and three changes were approved. Prof. McHeffey’s name was added to the attendance list and two announcements were edited for improved tone and accuracy.


Dr. Alford thanked Dean Koodin and the Student Services staff at the Eastern Campus for arranging the Task Force meeting. She then announced the projects and activities that had been approved for Title III financial support since the last meeting.

Dr. Alford again encouraged Task Force members to communicate with colleagues and/or implement discipline-specific faculty professional development seminars for the spring 2004 semester.

Dr. BenAicha informed the group that Title III funds had been allocated to each of the three campus libraries to support faculty development and/or the implementation of recent (within the last five years) program and course review recommendations. He asked that Task Force members encourage faculty to contact their respective chairs and librarians for assistance, if necessary, in identifying instructional materials. The purchasing of library materials is centralized under his direction and Dr. BenAicharecommended that faculty work with their campus librarians to identify recent, relevant cost-effective resources to support and improve their discipline-specific collections.

Committee Reports

Program Review Fair.

Dr. Laffin announced that the second of the three program/course review “fairs” would take place on the Eastern Campus on Tuesday, February 24. The arrangements were in place and Dr. Laffin thanked (1) the Executive Dean and his staff, (2) the Student Activities staff, and (3) Dr. Kathy Rogers, Chair or the Eastern Campus Congress, for their assistance in planning, advertising and implementing the poster fair. Task force members were encouraged to spread the word and attend, if possible. Prof. Lundahl volunteered to work with Dee Laffin to facilitate the third poster fair, tentatively planned to coincide with either the March or Aprilmeeting of the Ammerman curriculum committee.

Great Teachers’ Institute.

Dr. Ohrnberger delivered a report on the 2004 Great Teachers’ Summer Institute. The tentative participant application form was distributed for review, comments and suggestions for improvement. She reported that the subcommittee would be meeting on February 12 to finalize application and proceed with other planning activities. Task force members were encouraged to contact sub-committee members with other comments, suggestions or concerns.


Dr. Laffin gave a brief summary of the recent discipline-specific professional development activity hosted by the college-wide mathematics department. She announced that an electronic evaluation system, designed by Lanette Raymond in her capacity as researcher for the Title III grant,had been developed to facilitate assessing remaining Title III activities. Participants in Title III activities will now be asked to provide e-mail addresses in order to facilitate internet-based assessment.

Professional Development Conference Day

Under the direction of Dr. Manning, the college will host a one-day professional development activity partially supported with Title III funds. The professional development day will be Thursday, May 20, 2004 and will be held on the Grant Campus. This professional development activity will be held in conjunction with the Hauppauge Industrial Area (HIA) Technology Summit, also scheduled for May 20 on the Grant Campus. This conference includes a very large business, technology and industrial exposition as well as a keynote speaker, workshops, demonstrations and learning forums.It is hoped that some “cross pollination” will occur by having the faculty professional development workshops and a large community activity in proximity. The Professional Development committee will meet on February 27 on the Ammerman Campus to discuss the event.

General Education Assessment Retreat

Dr. Christensen announced that he is in the planning stages for having a two-day retreat on General Education Assessment. It is tentatively planned for the second week of June, 2004 and will include administrators and other academic personnel involved in conducting gen ed assessment. SUNY requires a seven year cycle for gen ed course reviews and the retreat will be a vehicle for department chairs, and others, to learn more about the course review process. He noted that the gen ed course reviews can be more complicated and problematic because most require tri or bi-campus review committees. Dr. Christensen asked the task force membership to submit topics that might be included in the retreat and shared that he anticipated the retreat to be a “terrific” event. Michelle Cummings volunteered to contact Gurney’s to check on that site’s availability and cost.

End of Year Report

Dr. Alford announced that she is compiling the fourth year annual report for the Title III grant. The report, required by the federal government, includes a summary of all Title III activities and expenditures completed between October 1, 2002 and September 30, 2003. In addition to reporting statistical data, the annual report requires a narrative description of the achievement of, or challenges to, reaching the grant’s fourth year goals and objectives. Dean Roslackreported that over 100 people participated in Title III technology training and volunteered to work withDr. Alford to compile fourth-year data on technology expenditures required for the year-end report.

Other Business

Dr. Alford announced the names of faculty and administrators who will be attending Title III funded conferences and workshops in the near future. She reminded the task force members that attendees utilizing Title III funds are expected to submit a conference report that will be included on the grant’s website. In addition, she reminded attendees to participate in as many different workshops as feasible and to be on the lookout for potential speakers for future Title III and professional development activities. Dr. Alford also asked the task force members to consider volunteering to attend the following conferences:

ChairAcademy, March 4-7, 2004 in RestonVA

The Teaching Professor Conference, May 21-23, 2004 inCherry HillNJ

AAHE’s Communities of Practice Assessment Conference,

June 12-15, 2004 in DenverCO

AAHE’s Pedagogy Conference, April 1-4, Dan Diego, CA


It was agreed that the next Task Force meeting scheduled for March 8, 2004 will take place on the Grant Campus. Dr. Awodiya will make the room arrangements. Dr. Alford thanked the task force members for their continuing fine effort, support and appreciation for the goals and objectives set out in the Title III grant.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.

Submitted by:


Dee Laffin

February 27, 2004