ORD. NO. __08-041___
1. Chapter 32 of the Leon Valley Code, “Schedule of Fees” Section 32.1900 “Emergency Medical Service Fees” is hereby repealed and replaced to create a new Section 32.1900 as follows:
§32.1900 Emergency Medical Service Fees
A. Payment for Transport to an Area Hospital or Morgue:
1. BLS Emergency Transport ……………………………………. $ 550
2. ALS 1 Emergency Transport ..………………………………… $ 650
3. ALS 2 Emergency Transport ………………………………….. $ 750
4. Morgue Transport ………………………………………………. $ 550
B. Surcharge for Transport of Non-Residents …………………………… $ 125
C. Payment for Full Cardiac Arrest Code Terminated In The Field With No Transport:
1. Resident …………………….……………………………………. $ 550
2. Non-Resident ……………………………………………………. $ 675
D. Payment for Aid Rendered Only:
1. Leon Valley Resident …………………………………………… $ 125
2. Non-Resident ……………………………………………………. $ 150
E. Payment for ALS or BLS Mileage (Per Loaded Transport Mile):
1. Leon Valley Resident ………………………………..………….. $ 18.00
2. Non-Resident ……………………………………………………. $ 18.00
F. Payment for Medications:
1. Aspirin, 81 mg, Chewable……………………………………….. $ 2.00
2. Albuterol, 2.5 mg/3 ml, with nebulizer ...…………...………….. $ 16.64
3. Atropine Sulfate, 1.0 mg/5 ml or 0.5 mg/5 ml ………………… $ 13.69
4. Amiodarone, 150 mg/3 ml ……………………………………… $ 20.00
5. Butarphanol Tartrate, 2 mg/1 ml ………………………………. $ 31.45
6. Calcium Chloride, 10%, 1 gm ………………………………….. $ 13.70
7. Calcium Gluconate, 10%, 10 ml …………………………..…… $ 13.26
8. Diphenhydramine, 50 ml ……………………………………….. $ 13.70
9. Dextrose, 25%, 10 ml …………………………………………… $ 15.40
10. Dextrose, 50%, 50 ml, 50 g ……………………………………. $ 13.94
11. Diazepam, 2 mg/2 ml …………………………………………… $ 26.12
12. Epinephrine 1:10,000, 1 mg/10 cc …………………………….. $ 13.69
13. Epinephrine 1:1000, 1 mg/1 ml ………………………………… $ 12.28
14. Glucagon, 1 mg ………………………………………………….. $ 91.50
15. Glucose, Oral, Tube …………………………………………….. $ 15.15
16. Ipratropium Bromide 0.5 mg/2.5 ml with nebulizer ……………$ 16.63
17. Lidocaine, 2%, (20 mg/ml), 5ml ……………………………….. $ 13.69
18. Magnesium Sulfate, 50% ………………………………………. $ 15.50
19. Morphine Sulfate, 10 mg ……………………………………….. $ 31.99
20. Nitroglycerine, Per 400 mcg Spray or 0.4 mg Tablet ……….. $ 14.20
21. Naloxone, 1 ml …………………………………………………… $ 24.75
22. Oxygen and Related Supplies …………………………………. $ 16.22
23. Sodium Bicarbonate, 50 ml …………………………………….. $ 14.05
G. Payment for IV or IO Therapy:
1. Normal Saline, 250 ml ………………………………………….. $ 12.95
2. Normal Saline, 500 ml …………………………………………. $ 13.12
3. ALS Disposable Supplies – IV Initiation ………………………. $ 20.12
4. ALS Supplies – IO Needle, Adult/Pediatric …………………… $ 119.00
H. Payment for BLS Supplies:
1. BLS Supplies – Spinal Immobilization and Cervical Collar …. $ 33.52
2. BLS Routine Disposable Supplies …………………………….. $ 60.00
I. Payment for ALS Supplies:
1. ALS Supplies – Defibrillation/Pacing Supplies ……………….. $ 50.10
2. ALS Supplies – Endotracheal Intubation ……………………… $ 28.19
3. ALS Supplies – Airtraq® or Other Fiber Optic Laryngoscope.. $ 85.17
4. ALS Supplies – Trachlight® or Similar Light Wand ……………$ 51.95
5. ALS Supplies – CPR Res Q Pod or Similar ………………….. $ 111.50
6. ALS Supplies – Esophageal Intubation, Combitube or Sim. .. $ 97.50
7. ALS Supplies – Surgical Airway ……………………………….. $ 170.70
8. ALS Supplies – Needle Thoracostomy ……………………….. $ 85.00
9. ALS Supplies – Capinography …………………………………. $ 22.40
10. ALS Supplies – CPAP ………………………………………….. $ 55.00
11. ALS Supplies – IV Blood Draw Procedure……………………. $ 13.94
12. ALS Routine Disposable Supplies …………………………….. $ 60.00
J. Payment for Additional Medics:
1. Extra Attendant (Priority 1 Patient or CPR) …………………... $ 120.00
2. Extra Attendant (Weight 300+ lb Patient) …………………….. $ 60.00
3. Extra Attendant (Stairs) …………………………………………. $ 60.00
K. Definitions:
1. BLS Emergency Transport – means transportation by ground ambulance vehicle, and medically necessary supplies and services at the Basic Life Support care level (Emergency Medical Technician – Basic).
2. ALS 1 Emergency Transport – means transportation by ground ambulance vehicle, medically necessary supplies and services and either an Advanced Life Support (ALS) assessment by ALS personnel or the provision of at least one ALS intervention. EMT-Intermediate scope includes (but not limited to):
- Administration of IV fluids (except blood or blood products).
- Peripheral venous puncture.
- Blood drawing.
- Monitoring IV solutions during transport that contain potassium.
- Administration of approved medications, IV, Sub Q, sublingual, nebulizer, inhalation, or IM.
3. ALS 2 Emergency Transport – means transportation either by ground ambulance vehicle, medically necessary supplies and services and the administration of at least three medications by intravenous push/bolus or by continuous infusion excluding crystalloids (hypotonic, isotonic and hypertonic solutions) such as dextrose, normal saline or ringer’s lactate; or transportation, medically necessary supplies and services, and the provision of at least one of the following ALS procedures:
- Manual defibrillation/cardioversion.
- Endotracheal intubation.
- Central venous line.
- Cardiac pacing.
- Chest compression.
- Surgical airway.
- Intraosseous line.
Note: Aspirin and oxygen do not qualify as an ALS 2 level transport. However, three separate administrations of the same acceptable medication during a single transport does qualify for payment at the ALS 2 level of service.
4. BLS Routine Disposable Supplies – include (but are not limited to) disposable sheets, pillows, bandages, dressings, tape, splints, suction tubing and containers, yellow blankets, burn sheets, OB kit, disposable gloves, masks, irrigation solution, cold packs/hot packs, and similar items.
5. ALS Routine Disposable Supplies – include (but are not limited to) EKG paper, EKG electrodes (excluding defibrillation pads), NG tubes, syringes (excluding medications and pre-filled syringes, vials or ampules), blood glucose test strips, disposable pressure infusers, lancets, filter needles and similar items.
6. Loaded Transport Mile – means the total miles traveled from the place where the patient is loaded on board the ambulance to the hospital or morgue.
7. Full Cardiac Arrest Terminated In The Field With No Transport – means that BLS or ALS interventions were used on the patient but the patient was legally pronounced dead after treatment on the scene. The patient was not transported by ambulance. These patients are billed at the BLS transport rate and are not charged for mileage.
8. Morgue Transport – means that that BLS or ALS interventions were used on the patient but the patient was legally pronounced dead after treatment was started and after the patient was moved to the ambulance, but before the ambulance left the scene for a hospital. These patients are transported to the morgue, billed at the BLS transport rate, and are charged for mileage.
9. Aid Rendered Only – means that the patient received assessment and/or treatment for an illness or injury and the patient refuses transport to a hospital. “Aid Rendered Only” is synonymous with “Treatment – No Transport”. If ALS supplies, IV supplies or medications are used during treatment, these are charged to the patient in addition to the Aid Rendered Only charge. A patient assessment requires measurement and documentation of at least two vital signs (pulse, respiration, blood pressure, etc.).
2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after approval, passage and the meeting of all publication requirements under the law.
PASSED and APPROVED this 19th day of August, 2008.
City Secretary
City Attorney