Mayfield Town Council Meeting

May 9, 2012

Regular meeting of the Mayfield Town Council was held on May 9, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Mayfield Town Hall, located at 52 North Main Street, Mayfield, Utah.


Billie Coates – CouncilmemberCatherine Bartholomew – Town Recorder

Desirae Christiansen – CouncilmemberVan Malmgren – Maintenance Supervisor

Wayne Connelly - Councilmember

Mayor John Christensen presiding

Absent – Daren Hill – Council member


Mel and Catherine Coulter

Jim Gregerson

Bill Jensen

Mayor John Christensen called the meeting to order and welcome everyone to council meeting.

Pledge of Allegiance was given by John Christensen

Prayer was given by Catherine Bartholomew

Mayor Christensen said that the first thing on the agenda would be to vote in a new councilmember. We have two applications; one from Amanda Bennett and one from Catherine Coulter. Amanda was not able to be present at the meeting but had given a letter to the Mayor of why she would like to serve on the Council, the Mayor had Catherine read the letter. Catherine Coulter was present at the meeting and the Mayor turned the time over to her to tell us why she would like to serve on the Council. After some discussion the Mayor had the Council vote by ballot, Catherine count the votes and it was two votes for Amanda Bennett and one for Catherine Coulter. Amanda Bennett will serve the remaining term for Daren Hill.

Bill Jensen and Jimmy Gregerson were present at the meeting to discuss with the Council the problem of the several trailers that are on the property next to Mr. Gregerson. There are about four and they have connected the trailers to power, water, and to a septic tank and even dish network. We only allow someone to live in a trailer for two weeks before it needs to be moved off of the property. Mr. Jensen and Mr. Gregerson were also concerned because they go off the hill behind the trailers and are shooting their guns and there are always people down around that area. Mr. Gregerson stated that it has lowered the value of his home and he would like them removed. The Mayor stated that he will check into the history of that property, and then have Billie contact Grant Hansen to see if our zoning ordinances allow this.

Mr. Jensen is also concerned about how fast the traffic travels up the canyon road and was wondering what we could do about it. The Mayor stated that he would talk to the County Sheriff’s about coming into town and spending time up on the canyon road. Desirae also talked about cameras that take pictures and then tickets can be issued. Wayne talked about maybe putting two stop signs along the road but we would need to look into that to see if it is legal.

Minutes for the month of March and April were presented to the Council. After reviewing the minutes motion was made by Desirae Christiansen to approve the minutes as read, seconded by Wayne Connelly. Motion carried.

Bills for the month of May were presented to the Council for approval. After going over the bills, motion was made by Desiree Christiansen to pay the bills as presented. Seconded by Billie Coates, motion carried

Van asked if he could have some time now before the Council because he still has so much to do. He stated that he had talked to David Madsen about graveling Keith Larson’s road. David’s bid to do from Keith’s corner to the back of his tin shed would be about $1,570.00. He asked David to give us a bid on the strip outside of the cemetery and he said it would be around $1,720.00 to gravel that. He also talked to David about doing the road on 600 North by Erval Hansen’s home the cost to do gravel on that road would be approximately $5,500. 00. Van would like David to replace the culvert in the road also and that would be an additional cost of $680.00.

Van stated that there was two hydrants at the Park that need to be replaced. He cannot get them to shut off completely. Van would like to see a gate put in by the old pavilion at the Park to help the Lions have access to get all of their equipment and on the lawn for the 24th of July so they do not need to drive over the new sidewalk and sink in the new grass. The Council felt like we need to look at that in the budget for the coming year’s projects.

Van would like to put in three or four new trees at the entrance of the cemetery. He stated that there are already bubblers there to water them. He would like to put in grass and a sprinkling system and make that area around the directory look really nice. He had looked at trees down at the nursery and they would be about $170.00 a piece and they were between 6 and 7 feet tall.

The cemetery clean-up is going to be this coming Saturday. Desirae and Catherine will make sure we have cookies and drinks. The Council discussed improvements at the cemetery and what needs be done on the cleanup day. The Mayor would also like us to look into down the road being able to pave the cemetery roads.

Billie Coates asked Van to remove the pile of dirt by Johnny Anderson’s as soon as possible with the new backhoe. It is hard to see what cars are coming as you pull out into the road.

The Mayor discussed with the Council graveling Keith Larson's road. After some discussion motion was made by Billie Coates to have David Madsen do that project, seconded by Wayne Connelly. Motion carried. Desirae said she would call David and tell him to go ahead on the Keith Larson's road. Desirae would also like to have Van get the trees at the cemetery.

Catherine stated that we had received a grant for the Utah Department of Transportation in the amount of $3,600.00 to do a new sidewalk project in town. It needs to be along a state road so the only one left would be across from the store going from Main Street to 100 West. She had talked to Todd Peterson that had done our sidewalks previously but he is no longer interested in doing it. She had contact Quin Snyder for a bid but we need to have two bids, the Mayor suggested Dell Cox. She said she would call him and we could open them next meeting.

Catherine stated that we had only received two building permits for the whole year.

Catherine talked to the Council about the increase of our property insurance. Utah Local Government Trust has hired an independent company to reevaluate every town that they have insured. After Van and I met with him and he went over what we have our increased cost to have coverage is about $2500 more a year.

Richard Bjerregaard had contact Catherine and he has completed the new directory at the cemetery and was hoping that we would have a new map and a list of everyone buried in the cemetery. After making some calls Catherine said that she had contacted sunrise engineering and because they are doing a GPS on our water system they felt like they could easy help us with a cemetery map and getting what we needed for the directory. There might be some cost possibly up to $3,000.00. The Mayor stated that he had also talked to John Iverson and he felt like we could maybe get it in with part of the grant money.

Catherine presented to the Council a tentative budget for the coming year of 2012 2013. She asked the Council to please review it during the coming month and if they have any questions to please come and talk to her. We will have a special budget hearing next month at 6:30p.m. to go over the new budget and to revise this year's budget.

Billie Coates has been working on our General Plan and she stated that she would like to get the community involved and get their input on what we need in our town. She would like to send out or take around a flyer asking for their ideas. The council felt like that was a great idea.

ADJOURN – 8:55 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held on June 13, 2012, starting at 6:30 PM for a public budget hearing and then at 7 PM for the regular meeting.






Town RecorderDate