JJ RusselWork Count:697

12115 W. Gamekeeper Dr.

Kuna, ID 83634



JJ Russel

Laura lived on a small farm with her Mom and Dad. They had many animals on the farm, but Laura’s favorite was Maybelle, the barn cat. Maybelle lived in the hay loft of the big red barn. Something exciting was going to happen soon. Maybelle was going to have kittens.

One bright spring morning, Laura ran to the barn. Her golden braids flying behind her. Laying there in the warmth of her bed was Maybelle, but she was not alone. There were two tiny white kittens, a yellow one, and two that were black as coal.

When Dad came in from working the fields that night, Laura excitedly told her parents about the new additions to the family. “Well we certainly don’t need all those cats around here. Mr. Adams up the road could use some mousers. In the morning we will take the whole litter down to live with him.”

“That’s not fair,” cried Laura. “Maybelle’s home is here with us. You can’t take her away.” Her father gave her a very stern look, the look that his mind was made up. Laura ran out into the barn and laid down in the soft hay right next to Maybelle and her kittens. She cried and cried.

The next morning early, Laura’s father gathered Maybelle and her kittens. Laura and her father made the two mile drive to Mr. Adams’ farm and left Maybelle and her family there. Laura cried all the way home, but it didn’t do any good because her father had made up his mind.

Later that afternoon, Laura went back to the red barn to get Maybelle’s bed out of the loft. As soon as she got close she heard a very quiet “Meow” coming from the bed. She peered over the side and there to her surprise was one of the tiny white cats. Laura couldn’t figure out what was going on.

After supper, Laura went back to the barn to cuddle the tiny white kitten and to her surprise, there was another white kitten and the yellow kitten mewing quietly. “Goodness,” thought Laura what was happening? Could her dad be playing a trick on her?” Laura was afraid to tell her parents because her father may make her take them back to Mr. Adams’ farm. So she sneaked back in the house and crawled in bed.

The next morning it was pouring rain. Her father was worrying about the crops,so it was easy for Laura to get into the barn without being noticed. She crawled up the ladder to where the bed was and to her surprise, one of the black kittens was back. Now Laura knew the truth, Annabelle was bringing the kittens’ home.

At lunch, Laura told her parents what she had seen. Her father’s eyebrows came together tightly over his eyes. “Well,” he said, “if she is thinking this is home, I guess we had better go find her if we can. It has been raining hard all day. She may need some help.” Laura squealed in delight. Annabelle and her kittens were coming home.

Laura and her father got into the old green pickup and headed two miles down the road to the Adams’ farm. No Maybelle ortiny black kitten. The rain was still pouring down. “Laura,” he said, “I don’t see how Maybelle could carry the last kitten home in this weather. I just don’t see.” Laura began sobbing.

When they got home, Laura ran straight to the barn and up the latter to the box. There was Maybelle all wet and looking very tired with the last little black kitten curled up and purring softly. Laura put her hands to her mouth and cried she was so happy.

Maybelle and Laura looked at each other. Maybelle seemed to be telling Laura how nice it was to be back on the little farm, in the bed, in the loft, in the red barn at Laura’s house. “This is the best day of my life,” said Laura to Maybelle. Outside the rain kept pouring down.