May School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes


Tuesday, May 10th, 2016 Spirit Center Conference Room 6:45pm

Mission Statement

Annunciation School is a Catholic parish School. We are a united and caring community of students, staff and parents committed to learning based on Christian values within our rich Catholic heritage. We provide our students with an outstanding religious and academic education, addressing the needs of the whole child.

Present: Council Members: Colleen Knapp, Andrea Markley, Becky Studt, David Gartner, Mike Lori, Wendy Bagley, Robin Stubblefield, Greg Heymans, Scott Guilliat Principal: Jennifer Cassidy, Pastor: Father Brian Park, Parish Council Liaison: Maureen Mook and APO Liaison: Matt Moosbrugger

Absent – Steve Peterson, Dave Rutt and Tom Konz

I.  Call to Order

i.  Opening Prayer – Fr. Park

ii.  Approval of Agenda – Robin Stubblefield and Colleen Knapp

iii.  Approval of April Minutes – Becky Studt and Mike Lori

II.  Open Public Forum

i.  Parents may bring forth concerns. Concerns will be taken into consideration and deferred to the appropriate administrator or board member for possible resolution at a later date. Personnel issues are not considered; they are handled by the principal.

III.  Old Business

i.  Fund-a-Need Update – Jennifer Cassidy – Met with Janet(LADC) and Jim about preschool accreditation. Some modification on playground equipment – integrate some different equipment ask the kids and Jeff Wisdom. STEM experiences with equipment – growing garden, hanging things on fence. No issues with spacing requirements. Maybe use courtyard for 3 y/o. Need to get Father’s approval.

ii.  Principals Talk – Jennifer Cassidy – State of the school. Shared financials, income/expenses, enrollment, strategic plan objectives, IB goals, initiatives for next year, Beth Sable and Jeremy Nichols spoke about their experiences with teaching IB.

iii.  Enrollment – Jennifer Cassidy – 29 kindergarteners and possible 2 more with recent tours. 354 registered, plus other tours still needing to be scheduled. Good mix of grade levels.

iv.  Volunteer Awards – Wendy Bagley – Nominations running in the weekender. Send to Jen Renstrom if you want to submit someone.

IV.  New Business

i.  Length of School Day – Jennifer Cassidy – Jennifer has been talking to the staff about adding extra time to the end of the day. Teachers feel more time is needed and plus parents mentioned it in school survey. We have shortest day for Catholic Schools. Committee proposed extending school day to 2:45 and getting out a week earlier in June. Propose to have this start for the 2016-2017 school year. Email Jennifer Cassidy with any issues/questions.

ii.  One on One Program for Middle School. – David Gartner – Discussing 1-1 computers for classes. Do we have support for more technology with only one part time IT person. Would need to add a tech fee, looking at leasing of certain laptops etc.. More need for tech usage – teachers want to do more with technology since they have been having more training they want to put it to use. Would have to create a policy for home laptop usage.

iii.  Officer nominations – Robin Stubblefield Chair and Mike Lori Vice Chair – Approved by SAC.

V.  General Reports

i.  Pastor-Father Park – Playground – John Paul II school in NE that could use some of our old equipment.

ii.  Principal-Jennifer Cassidy – No updates besides what she has already discussed

iii.  Development Director –Tom Konz – Absent

iv.  Parish Council – Maureen Mook – Colleen Knapp and Sheila Steichen came to last Parish council meeting. Working with parishioners with young kids to get them thinking about Annunciation school. New comers breakfast on April 24th seemed successful. Focusing on making connecting between school and parish.

v.  APO – Matt Moosbrugger – Teacher Appreciation is now Staff Appreciation week. It was a successful event – decorations, treats. Don’t forget rest of staff besides teachers. Everyone goes above and beyond. Kindergarten round up on May 13th at 9:00am. APO will have a quick presentation. Rummage sale in June.

VI.  Committee Reports-All committees must have 1 goal for the year

i.  Advancement – Wendy Bagley – Focus on Auction

ii.  Long Range Planning – Jennifer Cassidy – On track

iii.  Policy – Robin Stubblefield – Folder coming with fined tune policies – SAC, parent stuff etc..

iv.  Preschool Ad Hoc – Jennifer Cassidy – focusing on enrollment

v.  Budget – Dave Rutt - No report

vi.  Facility – Scott Guilliat – Written report

vii.  Marketing – Andrea Markley – Written report

viii.  Nominating – Becky Studt – No report

ix.  Technology – David Gartner – Working on getting quotes for new phone system. Hoping that redoing network stuff will help cut costs. Have 1 quote back and waiting to hear from others.

x.  Middle School Ad Hoc – Colleen Knapp – No report

VII.  Other New Business

i.  End of year party at Colleen’s house. Tuesday, June 14th. SAC, APO, Parish and Auction Chairs invited.

Adjournment – Robin Stubblefield and David Gartner