May 2016

May is Marvelous Math Month

Try to incorporate fun and math at home. Working with your children at a young age is very important to their learning later on in school. As well, several acitvities in and out of the classroom, with a math theme, will be happening during the month.

Some actvities are:

Math Trivia during mornig announcements

Bulletin Board competition centered on Math.

Photos of students engaged in Math.

Students have received an acitivity that they can play at home with their family on the web.

Harry Potter Night at the TRCC. There will be several tables of Math actvities based on the book itself. This will be on Wednesday, May 18th between 4:30 and 7:30. Dress up as your favorite character from that series of books and come on down to the TRCC.

Note: In the new Math 2+2 now equals 5

Helping Others in Need

We are all aware of the devastating forest fires that are ravaging Fort McMurry. These people are in need of our help. The Red Cross is accepting donations to try and comfort them a bit in their hours of need. We, at Ecole Riverside School, are having 2 bake sales: Grades K to 3 students will host a bake sale on Wednesday, May 11. The public is invited to attend from 11:00 to 12:00. The grades 4 to 8 students will host a second bake sale on Wednesday, May 18. If you decide not to buy any baked goods, a donation would certainly be welcome.

Thank you so much!!

Preparing for September.

We are now accepting Kindergarten and other registrations for the 2016-2017 school year. While priority is given to catchment area families and French Immersion students, the School District of Mystery Lake does offer a “School of Choice “ option to those families that wish to register at a school outside the catchment area. The deadline for the “School of Choice” registration form is May 15th, 2016 and is honoured on a first come first serve basis and if there is room in the class for extra students. To register, you will need your child’s Birth Certificate, Manitoba Health card and immunization records.

From the Gym

Our gr. 3 to 8 students participated inthe annual Knights of Columbus Track Meet and did very well finishing in second place. It was a very close race for first place. Our 8and 10 year olds won the trophy for their age groups this year. A big thank you to all the coaches who gave many volunteer hours to coach our student athletes. The future looks good for next year!

There is also a badminton club for students in grades 6, 7, and 8 during the month of May.

Pretty soon it will be softball season in mid May.

Thursday, June 9th at 6:00 pm.

Come in with your child and see what your child will be doing in kindergarten and how you can prepare your child for his/her first steps into school life. Get a free surprise!

École Riverside School Announces

Full Day French Immersion Kindergarten Classes are now open for registration.

Why French Immersion? / Pourquoi l’Immersion française?

Speaking French opens up many more opportunities in life.

Parler français ouvre davantage les portes sur le monde.

French immersion students become excellent communicators and learning another language increases achievement in reading, language skills, and mathematics.

French is spoken in several countries around the world and makes travel abroad much more exciting.

Le français est la langue officielle ou seconde dans plusieurs pays du monde, alors les voyages deviennent encore plus intéressants.Myth: A parent needs to already know some French for their child to enter French Immersion.

Fact: We don’t expect children to know any French before arriving to our Kindergarten French Immersion programs.

Myth: “We don’t know French so we won’t be able to help our child with his/her work.”

Fact: 90% of parents who have their children in French Immersion don’t speak or write French. Consider French Immersion for your child at École Riverside School.

Entry points are Kindergarten at any time and Grade 1 by December. Please visit us for more information. 677-6115

École Riverside School offers a large Lunch Program to our students.


Spring Wheels

Shhhhhhh!! With the snow now gone (knock,knock on Mr. Wamboldt’s head), many students are riding their bicycle or scooter to school. This, of course, is tremendously encouraged for its physical benefits. We would like to remind our students, however, to wear a helmet for protection, to not ride on the schoolgrounds once here and to lock their bicycle up on the stands intended for them. Students should not be sitting on nor touching a bicycle that does not belong to them. Scooters may be stored in the nurse’s room in the office area.

Dates to Remember

Monday, May 9 – WISE (Women in Science Education) presentations

Tuesday, May 10 – Parent Council meetin in library at 6:00

Wednesday, May 11 – Immunizations for grades 6 and 8. Catch-ups grades 5 and 7

Wednesday, May 11 – Grades K to 3 hosting a Bake Sale. Open to the public from 11:00 to 12:00

Friday, May 13 – District PD. No school for all students on this day.

Wednesday, May 18 – Bake Sale hosted by grades 4 to 8. Open to the public from 11:00 to 12

Thursday, May 19 – Health Fair grades 6 to 8

Monday, May 23 – Victoria Day. No school for all students on this day.

Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24 and 25 – Camping for grade 8 students

Thursday, May 26 – Mystery Lake in Motion. A walk or run for grades 7 and 8

Monday, May 30 – Our liaison officer from the RCMP, Officer Sandra, will give a presentation called “Think Before You Send”

Lunch Program

École Riverside offers a supervised lunch hour for our students enrolled in the Lunch Program. This program has limited spaces with priority given as follows:

Students in the French Immersion program who live outside the catchment area.

  1. Students in the English program who live outside the catchment area, including Paint Lake.
  2. Students returning must be paid up to date in order to enroll the next year.
  3. Students who live in the Riverside catchment area.

The cost for the Lunch Program is $40.00 a month per child, $400.00 a year, to a maximum payment of $80.00 a month per family, $800.00 per year.

To register for the lunch program, advance payment for September and October, is mandatory and must be paid to Mme Krokosz in the office by Monday June 13, 2016. Payments for the remaining months should be paid on or before the first of each month in order for your student to continue with the program. If payments are not received at the beginning of each month your lunch privileges can be suspended.

Cash or Cheques are accepted. Postdated cheques for the whole year, dated the 1st of the month are also accepted. There is a $25.00 charged for NSF cheques.

Starting in July, online payments will be an option. These Payments can be made after July, online through Parent Connect. More information will be available after July regarding online payments. Advance payments for September and October will still need to be paid to the school by June 13 2016.

Please check out our website for more information.

19 Bucks an Hour!

If there are any parents out there who can spend an hour helping the Lunch Program at our school please give Mrs. Debby Smith a call at 778-8168 or Mr. McDonald at 677-6115. During the lunch hour between 12:00 and 12:25 you will supervise the students outside and then from 12:25 to 1:00, you will supervise and help the students inside while they eat their lunch. Yes, $19.00 an hour! Just ensure that the Child Abuse Registry, and Criminal Record Check are completed. Even if you cannot make it everyday, give us your name anyway, please, so that we have a back-up list to call upon in case of sickness or other.