May 10, 2016 Minutes of the Jordan-Elbridge Band Booster Meeting

Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Fundraising Ongoing:

Fingerlakes Bottle Redemption - money to band and FRP

Candy Bars - See Gina McBeth

Seymour Loft - has started see Mike C. to sign up

Don’t forget


School budget vote is May 17 - budget vote 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in events entrance

Carnival - May 22nd

Director’s Report

Parade band is going well almost 80 kids have joined. Practice is going good and drumline may add another practice. Winds are not practicing until May 23rd.

T-shirts have been ordered and will be here for the parade.

Chaperones will be needed to help with buses, help with following the band with water to keep the band and parents to help set up water station at the parade.

Field band is coming along, there will be a preview night on June 14. Raffles for vets who bring someone new.

Schedule for the fall is as follows:

Week 1 JE; Week 2 Baldwinsville; Week 3 Medina; Week 4, West Genny/Auburn; Week 5 Liverpool; Week 6 Vestal; Week 7 Central Square; Week 8 Championships

Visual ideals talked about mountains and the flags that the guard will use, costume design, toying with the theme and how to explain the story.

President’s Statement

Cleaning the basement has started, anyone who wants to help can come next practice night, determining which flags we will sell and which ones we will keep. We’ve purchased large totes and we need more bags and markers.

Uniforms are bagged and boxed by uniform, doing sizes and refolding, last thing to take care of will be material.

Old Business Update

Scholarships information is out and the applications go directly to Michelle.

Insurance update - have applied and we are now pending.

Still waiting for photos for walls - will ask Mr. Zehner.

Talk about Aarons thank you letter and photo.

Public to be Heard

Discussed the sip and paint - possibly July 21st

Talked about sending sympathy card to deceased family members of former boosters


Mary Jo moved to purchase more bags and totes - put aside $400, Connie second. So approved.

Mike ChiaramonteYay

Michelle FieldYay

Erika KitevelesYay

Mary Jo DavisYay

Connie DrakeYay

Mary Jo motion to approve the minutes, second by Connie. So approved.

Mike ChiaramonteYay

Michelle FieldYay

Erika KitevelesYay

Mary Jo DavisYay

Connie DrakeYay

Discussion on the April 2016 minutes. Operational cash as of April 30- $56,703.39.

Talked about fundraising accounting and audit

Mary Jo accepts the treasurer report for March and April 2016, Michelle second.

Mike ChiaramonteYay

Michelle FieldYay

Erika KitevelesYay

Mary Jo DavisYay

Connie DrakeYay


Guard uniform discussion that the seniors want to buy the uniforms but the board decided the uniforms should stay in the possession of JE.

Budget Proposal by Zach Moser

A discussion was had regarding the 2016/2017 operating budget.

Zach explained the entire budget and explained his reasoning for increasing and decreasing.

Connie discussed the fundraising piece and FRP’s. Need to present the FRPs in a way where parents understand the need to pay, but we have to be careful to not word it as mandatory

Also discussed fundraisers and how we would implement them going into upcoming season. .

New Business

Band Camp Picnics


Seymour Loft is ongoing, email to sign up. $10 goes to FRP

Kids Carnival is May 22 12-3 p.m. Set up is at 11 and tear down goes until 4.

7 games, face painters and Inspire Dance will perform

Garage Sale

July 9 Elbridge

July 16 Jordan

Will sent out a suggested list of donations, whatever is leftover will go to the Rescue Mission

We have a storage unit in AllStorage where people can drop off items to sell. We will need volunteers and kids.

June 26th is the cut off date for drop offs.

Festival of Races

There is a 1/2 marathon August 21 from 745 a.m. to noon. We need workers to hand out water and each water station makes $250.

New Business

Discussed band camp picnic which is August 5th. We can't have the picnic at Cayuga Lake so a discussion was had as to where the picnic will be. Options include Gillie Lake, Jordan Pool, Emerson Park, VanBuren pool, Fair Haven and Fillmore Glen. Erika will call to find availability.

JEBB Elections

Elections for the 2016-2017 Jordan Elbridge Band Booster Executive Board.

First vote for President

Fiona Richardson announced Erika Kiteveles nominated for President

Open to the floor for nominations. Nominations closed.

Lone vote for President cast by Michelle Field as secretary

So voted Erika Kiteveles for President for the 2016-2017 fiscal year

Fiona Richardson announced Jennifer LaFleur and Amanda Piper

Open to the floor for nominations, Gina MacBeth nominated.

Votes were cast and counted:

Gina received 14 votes

Amanda received 4 votes

Jennifer received 6 votes

Gina MacBeth as Assistant President for the 2016-2017 fiscal year

Nominations for Vice President

Fiona Richardson announced Michael Chiaramonte nominated.

Open to the floor for nominations. Nominations closed.

Lone vote for Vice President cast by Michelle Field as secretary.

Michael Chiaramonte as Vice President for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

Nominations for Treasurer

Fiona Richardson announced Tammy Kunz and Jennifer LaFleur as treasurer.

Open to the floor for nominations, Carrie Mocyk nominated.

Votes were cast and counted:

Majority not reached, revote.

Second revote, majority not reached.

Each candidate spoke about their desire and qualifications to be treasurer.

Third vote as follows:

Tammy received 13 votes

Jennifer received 7 votes.

Carrie received 3 votes.

Tammy Kunz as Treasurer for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

Nominations for Secretary

Fiona Richardson announced Michelle Field nominated.

Open to floor for nominations. Nominations closed

Lone vote for secretary cast by Mary Jo Davis as President.

Michelle Field as Secretary for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

Congrats to the new board.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 pm.

Next general meeting June 21, 2016

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Field

JEBB Secretary