Maximo Development Team Communication Plan
The Maximo Development Team has completed a review of this year’s Programming Services Survey, with a focus on responses about Maximo. We have also included feedback from other sources and have developed a plan to begin addressing that feedback. The Maximo Development Team is collaborating to improve communication about what is being worked on and how to best use Maximo. Here is how we intend to start:
- Begin publishing the “Maximo Monthly” newsletter again.
- In addition to being distributed to FS-MAXIMOUSERS-L and posted on the Maximo website, the newsletter will also be posted on the FS website and sent to FS-L.
- We will continue to include progress updates in the newsletter as we have in the past.
- Content will be developed by the Core User Group and compiled/ distributed by Mike Baker.
- Offer more specialized training session to individual work groups.
- This will be done by the Maximo Development Team.
- Offer specialized focus groups to individual work groups where they can bring forward a limit of the top two items which are affecting them.
- To be chaired by Mike Baker.
- Begin populating the Cornell Maximo Help Library.
- Add institutional knowledge such as business rules, which fields are audited, how validation rules work, which fields are copied and from where, etc.
- Include an FAQ section for each application and add to that FAQ when trouble tickets are submitted that could be solved procedurally/ with training. Once this list becomes comprehensive, add a reminder when users submit trouble tickets reminding them to first view the online help library.
- This will initially be worked on by Heather Jordan and Mike Baker.
- Send out a weekly e-mail summary of outages, uptime, recent/ upcoming changes
- This information will be distributed to FS-MAXIMOUSERS-L.
- This will be done by Mike Baker.
- Make the Maximo Website more interactive
- Ideas include: polls, reliability data, change log/ release notes, etc.
- Information collected from polls would be used for specialized training sessions, focus groups, and the newsletter.
- The website will continue to be maintained by Mike Baker.
- Publish information in HSB using the CUView service (LCD screen).
- Ideas include: reliability data, recent/ upcoming changes, upcoming maintenance, upcoming training, etc.
- Other departments in HSB will utilize the CUView service as well.
- Jim Gibbs has been contacted about who could maintain this.