Horace O. Porter School

College Hill Alternative Learning Center

Alternative School

Student Handbook


Table of Contents

I.  Statements of Purpose………………..………………………...….2

II.  Letter to Student Assigned to Alternative School.……………...2,3

III.  Alternative School Staff………………………….………………..3

IV.  Alternative School Leveling System ……………………….… 3,7

V.  Alternative School Policy/Procedure….….……………………....7

VI.  Dress Code……………………………………..……………..…7,8

VII. Consequence of Negative Behavior………..…………………..…8

VIII.  Alternative School Hours……………………………………....….8

IX.  Attendance……………………………………………………..….9

X.  Transportation………………………………………………..……9

XI.  Medications……………………………………………………….9

XII. Check In/Out……………….…………………………….…...…..9

XIII.  Lunch/Breakfast………………………………………….……….9

XIV.  Restroom Policy…………………………………………………10

XV. Visitor Policy……………………………..…………….………..10

XVI.  Random Drug Testing…………………………..…………….…10

XVII.  Grievances…………………………………………….…………10

XVIII.  Physical Restraint Policy………………………………………...10

XIX.  Social Worker……………………………..…..…….…………...10

I. Statements of Purpose

The primary purpose of the College Hill Alternative Learning Center is to serve as an academic/graduation platform for students in grades Kindergarten through 12 who have been assigned through the Maury County Public Schools Disciplinary Hearing Authority.

Our ultimate mission is to return the student to their regular school program, with academic progress, and with self-understanding to make better decisions in regards to behavior in the future. With that in mind, we must work together to direct the student’s academic and behavior through the Alternative School Rules and Procedures.

The purpose of this Alternative School Handbook is intended to inform students and parents/guardians of some of the Maury County School System’s operating policies and procedures.

Important Note: This is not an exclusive list of student policies.

II.  Letter to the Student Assigned to Alternative School

Welcome to College Hill Alternative Learning Center for grades Kindergarten through twelve located at Horace O. Porter School. You are a member of a select group. A caring panel of Maury County educators has decided that an alternative education placement is the one that will best meet your total needs as a public education student. This school truly is an alternative place to receive an education. You will notice that our rules, regulations, policies, and procedures are very different from your home school.

Always keep in mind that these differences were developed with you in mind. It is our sincere belief as a staff that with these alternative ways of structuring your school environment, you can achieve the academic and social success that will help you not only to graduate from high school, but that will allow you to be a fully functioning and thriving member of the larger society in which we find ourselves. We hope that your time here will be a productive one. We will do our part to make sure that this happens. We ask that you and your parents do your part.

Your rules must be with you at all times. Keep it in your folder and refer to it as often as you need to. You may also be asked to refer to it by a staff member when it is felt that you need a reminder.

It is important that a student learn how to appropriately conduct him/herself while attending Horace O. Porter. As a part of this program, we will use discipline methods appropriate to the student and the situation. Parents will be contacted when students do not follow the rules. Parents should contact the school regularly to keep up with their child’s progress.

Parents are required to initial the Point Sheet each night and sign the Point Sheet on Friday. This is intended to keep the parents informed about their child’s progress in the program. Do not sign for the entire week at one time; this defeats the purpose of the program. On Friday a current grade will be posted on their point for that student’s class. Please encourage your child to better themselves each week and reward good grades and behavior.


III.  Alternative School Staff

We have a dedicated staff consisting of administration, counselor, teachers, and educational assistants that will work with your child at the Alternative School.

v  The Alternative School’s Staff will provide students with curriculum, counseling, and resources to enable the student to master life skills that are critical to social, emotional, and academic growth and success.

v  The Alternative School’s Staff will provide any needed special education or 504 services.

v  The Alternative School’s Teachers will supervise all assigned course work and, where necessary, will devise additional curriculum matched as closely as possible to the home school’s expectations.

v  Teachers are available during their planning time to answer your questions or to give you feedback on your child’s progress. Please call or email to schedule a time to meet with teachers. Go to www.mauryk12.org, open the schools tab and navigate to H.O. Porter School’s website for teacher email addresses.

v  Administration and counselors can be reached during the school day by email or telephone.

IV.  Alternative School Level System

The level system is a positive motivational system for behavioral improvement. The student will have total control over how he/she performs. The student and staff will consistently and continuously evaluate the student’s responsibilities. The levels represent the kind of expectations that the “real world” has for all of its citizens. At each level, a student’s responsibilities and privileges will increase. Before moving to the next level, the student will have to meet certain requirements for a specific period of time. By meeting the level requirements consistently, the student will begin a commitment to making positive changes in behaviors that have not worked in the past. The student will exhibit new behaviors that will help him/her become a more successful person.

As a student moves through each level, more will be expected of him/her in terms of responsibility and being a positive influence on his/her classmates. With these additional responsibilities, the student will gain increased privileges. In order to keep privileges, a student must handle them responsibly.

Movement to each level depends on meeting all requirements for that level, and a committee of staff approval. A student must complete each level and may not skip a requirement. However, failure to meet responsibilities of that level may result in level demotion.

Classroom Standards

There are three classroom standards that are the foundation of the point and level system. The standards are:

1. Be Safe

2. Be Respectful

3. Be Responsible

Description of the standards are listed below:

Be Safe

·  No communication OR Appearance of Communication

·  No sleeping OR Appearance of sleeping

·  Ignoring peers who choose to talk or not follow the rules

·  Remaining calm during challenging situations

·  Staying in designated area, or own personal space

·  Refrain from throwing objects

·  The use of appropriate language at all times

·  No horseplay, keep hands and feet to yourself

Be Respectful

·  Addressing faculty and staff as Mr. or Mrs., and responding with yes Sir or yes Ma’am (Or a respectful yes or no)

·  Being supportive and helpful to others

·  Making positive comments about self/acknowledging success

·  No negative comments or language directed to self or others

·  No writing on, breaking or mistreating any classroom materials or property

·  Demonstrating good communication skills

·  Using a positive tone of voice

·  Showing respectful eye contact when being spoken to

·  Listening to other’s point of view without interrupting

·  Displaying positive body language

·  Considering what other have to say, being patient and open-minded

·  Doing what staff members ask of you without arguments or prompts

·  Following requests positively and promptly (Within 5 seconds)

·  Following implied request of school and classroom rules

·  No spitting

Be Responsible

·  Take responsibility for your choice/actions without being defensive or argumentative

·  Being open and honest regarding evaluations and/or his/her part in a problem

·  Willingly, voluntarily and sincerely apologizing when wrong

·  Going to and remaining in designated area

·  Being prepared and bringing proper materials

·  Beginning assignment on time (When the teacher says begin)

·  Staying on task the entire class period

·  Showing positive effort

·  Producing positive work (based on individual ability)

·  Completing a reasonable amount of neat and well-ordered class work within a specific time period

·  Asking for assistance only when necessary

·  Fully participating throughout class in a positive manner no matter if it is: discussion, work project, goal setting, problem solving and/or evaluation

·  Listening to the speaker, sitting up straight with head up, NO SLOUCHING

·  Following discussion procedures

·  Continuing to do work when others are not

·  Leading by example and keeping commitments

·  No talking without permission anywhere or any time

·  Presenting a clean, neat appearance, adhering to the dress code

Personal Goals

Personal goals are one of the most important aspects in helping a student overcome the behaviors that resulted in placement in the alternative program. By mastering personal goals, students will have measurable evidence in every period that they are making the necessary gains toward returning to their home-school. This will help the staff and student maintain concentrated focus on a limited number of behaviors instead of attempting to change everything at once. The more successful students become at meeting their personal goals, the better they will feel about themselves, which in turn will enable them to have a greater desire to improve.

A student will be expected and held responsible for setting and working on his/her own personal goals. Initially, the staff and class will help identify a personal improvement goal that will become a students’ target behavior, which will be rated daily. The only way goals can help will be by the student’s commitment to work on them, to honestly evaluate his/her progress, and to listen to and follow the feedback given by teachers. The goal a student chooses needs to be stated in specific and positive manner so that a student can monitor progress. If goals are realistic and the student puts forth the necessary amount of effort, each goal will be mastered within two to three weeks.

The primary focus will be the self-improvement a student makes in these important areas. Staff and peers will do their best to assist each student with their personal goal throughout the day. The student will be evaluated daily on progress.

For example:

·  I will request permission before speaking

·  I will address all adults as “Sir or Ma’am”


Black (Re-Entry/Suspension)

If a student is returned to H.O.P., or suspended while at the program they will be placed on the Re-entry level. A maximum of 3 points for each category is all that is available to students on black level. (45 per day)

·  Students on Re-entry status must earn 35 points per day for 10 cumulative days (350 points)

·  Then students must complete 40 points per day for five consecutive days before they will be allowed to be on level one. They will also have to pass a handbook test and receive committee approval.

·  Students on Re-Entry level do not have level one privileges.

·  P/T of 20 laps, 100 jumping jacks, 50 squats, 100 line hops

Level / Daily Points / Accumulation Period: 10 Days per time returning / Number of Consecutive Days
Re-Entry / 35 per day / 10 Days / 5
2nd Time Re-Entry / 35 per day / 20 Days / 5
3rd Time Re-Entry / 35 per day / 30 Days / 5

Purple (Level One)

All students entering H.O.P. for the first time will begin on level one. This is at least a 15 day period in which a student will become familiar with the program structure and standards, classroom procedures, and the staff. It is also a time when staff will learn about the new student.


·  Students must earn 960 points (80 per day) then 85 points per day for three consecutive days.

·  P/T of 10 laps, 50 jumping jacks, 25 squats, 50 line hops

·  Attendance (More than 2 missed days will reduce points)

·  Any argument with points will result in automatic point deduction.

·  Must complete level change. Form needs to be turned in 3 days before the consecutive days are complete. A letter to home school teachers (Of the incident), and handbook test.


·  Cannot bring lunch from home (if a special diet lunch will be allowed with a Doctor’s note)

·  No juice during lunch.

Yellow (Level Two)

Level two is the level at which the student not only knows what the program requirements are, but is meeting the expectations most of the time. This is a compliance level. As a Level two student, the students need to have begun demonstrating an understanding of their behavior and how it affects themselves and others. As a student moves through level two she/he will need to be showing improvement on their personal goals and begin working on the problems that resulted in their admittance into the alternative program. The student will need to begin to set realistic goals for themselves and accept suggestions on goals, which need to be worked. At school, the student’s attendance will need to be excellent and they should have fewer behavioral problems as they move to level three.


·  Students must earn 2040 points (90 per day) then 95 points per day for five consecutive days.

·  Attendance (More than 2 missed days will reduce points)

·  Any argument with points will result in automatic point deduction.

·  Must complete level change. Form needs to be turned in 3 days before the consecutive days are complete, and an essay about themselves, life goal set and how to get there. Pass handbook test.


·  Set and meet personal goals to achieve personal improvement.

·  Choice of flavored milk or juice

·  Out of class activities

·  Use of snack machine (Staff permission)


·  Cannot bring lunch from home (if a special diet lunch will be allowed with a Doctor’s note)

Green Level (Level Three)

Once a student has reached this level they have shown the behaviors needed for them to be successful at their home-school. Students at this level are leaders at H.O.P. and show other students how procedures should be followed.