Regular Session November 13, 2008
6:03 p.m. H.O. Porter School at College Hill
Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge led by Brown Elementary School students, after which a moment of silence was observed. The Chair asked that the family of Supervisor of Career and Technical Education Susan Chapman be remembered due to the death of her mother. The
following members were present: Shaw Daniels, James Pennings, Talvin Barner, Loretta Goodloe, Steve Kindler, Joe Foster, Jerry Lassiter, Jim Morrison, Rob Burcham and Tommy Dudley. Daniel McCulley was absent.
Culleoka Unit School Student Allison Paige Knight was introduced by Culleoka Unit School Principal Jeff Quirk and recognized as Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee 2008 Student of Integrity Scholarship Award Recipient. She was commended for her efforts.
Santa Fe Unit School Student Kelly R. Burdett and Hampshire Unit School Student Kimberly Nicole Young
were introduced and recognized by their respective Principals and commended for their selection of Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee 2008 Student of Integrity Scholarship Finalists.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dudley, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved the Agenda with the following revisions: request by Ms. Goodloe to move VIII Other Business A Committee Reports # 4 forward on agenda
to IV Public Delegations; request from Chair to add under VII Business # 2 FYI: I Can Learn information;
request from Chair to add under VIII Other Business D Finance # 2 Budget Amendment # BA9009; request from Chair to add under VII Business # 3 consideration of MPHS field house bids and request from Mr. Lassiter to add under VII Business # 4 discussion regarding traffic issues in school zones.
Vulcan Materials, Columbia Pediatric Clinic, McDonalds of Columbia and Middle TN Bone & Joint Clinic were recognized and presented Certificates of Appreciation by Community Relations Chair Loretta Goodloe
for their efforts in the many ways they assist schools in the system as Partners in Education.
Rhonda Burkeen, MCEA President, speaking on behalf of the MCEA membership, encouraged Board members to visit a school during American Education Week November 16-22 and see what a great system we have and then go back into the community and share the wonderful findings that makes Maury County School System the best of the best.
Upon a motion by Mr. Foster, seconded by Mr. Morrison, Board approved: Minutes (October 2, 2008 Regular Session, October 23, 2008 Spec. Cld. Session), Executive Committee Report approving request from Spring Hill Pop Warner Football to use the football field at SHHS 11-1-08 starting at 7:45 am for day for game with all use of facilities fees waived; request for volunteer coach: Cox Middle School girls basketball-Danielle Grimes-Eady; request for student trip: SHHS FCCLA Leadership Conference-Jacksonville, FL-Nov. 13-16, 2008; request from Mt. Pleasant Jr. Basketball League to use the gym at MPES Nov. 3-28, 2008 for team practice with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Special Education Dept. to make application for Assistive Technology Grant for 2009-10SY with staff authorized to submit amendments, addenda, correspondence, pertaining thereto; request from Columbia Parks & Recreation Dept. to use the gymnasium and cafeteria at Highland Elementary for fall playground program 2008/spring playground program 2009/youth basketball league practice 2008-09 with all use of facilities fees waived; request from First Baptist Church of Spring Hill to use the cafeteria dining area at SHES Nov. 15, 2008 from 4 until 9 pm for Thanksgiving Meal with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Girl Scouts to use the cafeteria at Howell Elementary Wednesdays 4:30 until 5:30 pm 2008-09SY for meetings with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Boy Scouts to use the cafeteria at Howell Elementary Oct. 23, 2008 and every 3rd Thursday 6 until 7:30 pm 2008-09SY for meetings with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Sheriff’s Department to use SHHS 10-09-08 from 8 am until 5 pm for training with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Columbia Cardinals Travel Baseball to use the baseball field at SHHS 10-11-08 with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Boy Scouts to use the small cafeteria at SHHS Oct. 27, 2008 from 5:45 until 9 pm for meeting with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Mt. Pleasant Jr. Basketball League to use the gym at MPMS Dec. 1, 2008/March 31, 2009 for practices and games with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Maury Monarchs VBC to use the gymnasium at Central High School Nov. 16, 2008 from 1 until 6 pm and Sundays Jan./April 2009 from 1 until 5:30 pm for practices and games with all use of facilities fees waived; request for student trip: SHHS Operation Pride-Alabama-November 8, 2008; request from parent Jackie Scroggins to allow her child return to her home school from out-of-zone; request from Boy Scouts to use the lunch room at Howell Elementary 1st, 3rd, 4th Mondays from 6 until 7:30 pm for 2008-09SY for den meetings with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Indian Community of Columbia to use the cafeteria & gym at Howell Elementary Nov. 14-15-16 (Nov. 14-7 until 9 pm-Nov. 15,16-9 am until 2 m) for religious activity with the following use of facilities fees to apply:$150 Facility Use Fee per day x 2 = $300, custodian $15 per hour x 19 hours = $285, utilities $20 per hour x 19 hours = $380 due and payable on or before the event; request from Mt. Pleasant Elementary PTO to use the front porch/front lawn weather permitting (dining room/gym) at MPES Nov. 1, 2008 from 8 am until 3 pm for fundraiser Fall Festival with all use of facilities fees waived; request from WXRQ Radio to use the auditorium, stage & lobby at MPMS Nov. 7-8, 2008 from 4 until 10:30 pm for fall concert with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Girl Scouts to use room 314 at SHES twice monthly 2008-09SY from 3:45 until 4:45 pm for meetings with all use of facilities fees waived; request from MPMS to make application for grant offered by Goody’s Corporation (amount of $10,000 for educational equipment with no “in-kind” funds due) with staff authorized to submit amendments, addenda, correspondence, pertaining thereto; request for volunteer coach: Jerica Yvette Baker-MPMS Basketball; request from Girl Scouts to use the dining room area at MPES Oct. 2008/May 2009 from 4:30 until 6 pm for troop meetings with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Columbia Parks & Recreation to use the gymnasium at Riverside Elementary evenings and Saturdays November/March for youth basketball league practice and games with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Boy Scouts to use the gym, stage and restrooms at Howell Elementary 10-12, 2008 from noon until 5 pm for scout banquet with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Brownie Scouts to use the cafeteria at Howell Elementary Wednesdays from 5:45 until 6:45 pm 2008-09SY for meetings with all use of facilities fees waived; request from WM. County Soccer Assoc. to use the grass area next to SHES Thursday Nov. 6, 2008 from 5:30 until 7:30 pm for practice with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Pop Warner to use the gymnasium at Central High October 25, 2008 from 3 until 10 pm for cheerleading competition with all use of facilities fees waived; Attendance Report, Low Bids/Purchases Over $10,000:
1. Community Safe (Emergency Call System) $ 2.00 per student
2. Harcourt Achieve (Title I leveled reading books) $14,524.89
3. Steps to Literacy (Title I Balanced Literacy Books) $16,703.38
4. Schoolwide, Inc. (classroom libraries & leveled books) $16,350.41
5. Newbridge Educational Publishing (leveled reading books) $11,988.69
6. RJ Young & Digital Bus. Machine (Copier lease) $ 2,141.57 monthly,
the following student trips:
1. SHHS Band Clinic-St. Louis, MO-April 24-28, 2009
2. SHHS Band Festival-Cookeville, TN-February 12-14, 2009
3. SHHS Band Honor Band Contest-Murfreesboro, TN-January 8-10, 2009
4. MPMS Choir Festival-St. Louis, MO-April 30-May 3, 2009
5. Culleoka Boys Basketball Tournament-Evansville, TN-January 2-3, 2009
6. Culleoka Boys Basketball Tournament-Whitwell, TN-November 28-29, 2008,
the following school volunteers:
Baker Elementary-Library-Carrie Bell
Brown Elementary-Library-Loretta Goodloe
Cox Middle-Percussion Private-Lessons-Bryon Larrance
Highland Park Elementary-Library-Mitzi Fann, Loretta Goodloe,
Howell Elementary-Library-Christy McKee, Cross Country-Kristen Brock
McDowell Elementary-Library-Stephanie Robinette
Santa Fe-Boys Basketball-David Hill, Girls Basketball-Lauren Gardner
SHHS-Cheerleading-Grace Dalton, Step Team-Sharika Alred
Whitthorne Middle-Brass Private Lessons-Jason Gospodarek
Wright Elementary-Library-Loretta Goodloe, Stephanie Robinette, Mitzi Fann, Carrie Bell,
Board Members notification from WMS of acceptance of grant in amount of $5,000 and Howell Elementary of acceptance of grant in amount of $2,500 from Jordan Fundamentals; to MCPS $3,300 for Newsletter printing from First Farmers & Merchants Bank; $1,800 to Howell Elementary for art instruction program; $1,500 to MPMS for art instruction program; $425 + $300 for Brown Elementary; $1,000 to Brown Elementary for performance of Pinocchio; $73.40, $73.84, $96.99, $96.15 for Howell Elementary from Maury Alliance and $119.38 for Howell Elementary from Target; office furnishings for Highland Park Elementary from Regions Bank; $200 for McDowell Elementary from Jump-Rope-for-Heart from Ed Cox; $1,500 from Intl’ Assurance of TN-$265 from Intl’ Assurance of TN-$1,000 from Linda Black-$250 from Tina & Jeff Adams-$1,650 from Bigbyville United Methodist Church to WMS; $250 from Roger Witherow & Assoc.-$250 from Dixie Diesel-$125 from Wal-Mart-$350 from Best One Tire-$150 from Heritage Bank for Bus Rodeo; $105.68 from Target to Wright Elementary; $7,500 from Coca-Cola and $500 from American Legion to SHHS; $49.05 from Trustee’s Office to SHES, $100 from Jean-Marie Hull’s music classroom to Baker Elementary, $25 from Community South Bank-$100 from Santa Fe Methodist Women’s Circle-$140 from Jason & Becky Clayborne-$28.75 from Target-$200 from Goshen Methodist Church to Santa Fe School.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dudley, seconded by Mr. Foster, Board approved request from Director to charge committee with naming Spring Hill middle school and Maintenance Building. Assistant Director of Schools Mary Ruth Campbell will head committee to name the maintenance building and Supervisor of Middle Schools Dr. Jan Hanvy will develop a committee to name Spring Hill middle school.
A. Committee Reports
Copies of correspondence requested by Board to the two parties who offered for sale possible land for school sites were provided as requested from the Zoning and Facilities Committee.
Budget Committee Chair Shaw Daniels reported that committee would meet in January 2009.
Policy Committee Chair Joe Foster reported the November meeting was cancelled due to lack of items needing review. The next meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2008.
Community Relations Committee Chair Loretta Goodloe stated her committee will meet January 12, 2009 at 4:30 pm in the Conference Room at the Central Office.
B. Personnel
No consent items.
C. Instruction
A proclamation denoting Child Health Week October 13-19 was presented to the Board.
After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Dudley, seconded by Mr. Burcham, Board approved 2009-10 and 2010-11 School Calendars with yellow days in October and March changed to green (professional development days changed to school days). Mr. Foster voted no.
Upon a motion by Mr. Lassiter, seconded by Mr. Dudley, Board approved Textbook Adoption Committees as presented.
Upon a motion by Mr. Kindler, seconded by Mr. Burcham, Board approved Howell Elementary request to partner on WeatherBug Project.
D. Finance
Walter Bobo, Manager of Business & Finance presented the Report of Monthly Revenues & Expenditures.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dudley, seconded by Mr. Foster, Board approved Budget Amendment BA BA9007, BA9008 and BA9009.
Upon a motion by Mr. Pennings, seconded by Mr. Dudley, Board approved TDS Group as the 403 (b) Tax Sheltered Annuity Agent as presented.
E. Other
Director of Schools’ Report on Personnel was provided to Board Members for their information as follows:
The Director of Schools has approved the election of the following personnel:
Classified personnel:
David Shepard, Spring Hill High School Biology Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Karmen Lockridge, Baker Elementary School Kindergarten Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Joe Holloway, Santa Fe Unit School Biology Teacher/Girls Basketball Coach, effective
October 20, 2008
Joan Dorfman, Central High School Sp. Education Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Jim Honey, Mt. Pleasant Middle School Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Brian Sansom, E.A. Cox Middle School Interim 8th Grade History Teacher, effective
September 16, 2008
Dana Melton, Spring Hill High School Interim Math Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Connie Hawsey, Whitthorne Middle School Interim 6th Grade Reading Teacher, effective
October 24, 2008
Jennifer Wiencek, Highland Park Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher, effective October 16, 2008
Eric Hazlett, Systemwide ELL Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Amy Hertzske, Riverside Elementary School Interim 1st Grade Teacher, effective October 20, 2008
Tina Hernandez, Countywide Cafeterias Substitute Food Service Associate, effective
September 25, 2008
Joseph Davis, Central High School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective October 1, 2008
William Bryson, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective October 2, 2008
Robert Haley, Transportation Substitute Bus Driver, effective October 2, 2008
Carolyn Duncan, Woodard Elementary School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective October 2, 2008
Klista Ervin, Central High School Part-time 10 Month Custodian, effective October 2, 2008
James Pierce, Central High School 10 Month Custodian, effective October 2, 2008
Julie Foote, Marvin Wright Elementary School Cafeteria Part-time Food Service Associate,
effective October 20, 2008
Kyle Rowekamp, Whitthorne Middle School Sp. Ed. Inclusion Assistant, effective October 20, 2008
Tammy Crews, McDowell Elementary School Interim Teacher, effective October 3, 2008
Meredith Paul, Woodard Elementary School Sp. Ed. Educational Assistant, effective October 20, 2008
Sean James, Spring Hill High School Substitute Custodian, effective October 22, 2008
Andrea Baker, Brown Elementary School Part-time Title 1 Educational Assistant, effective