Marketing 1210: Principles of Marketing

MARKETING 1210 (Telecourse)






TO: Students in MKT 1210 - Principles of Marketing Telecourse

FROM: Bob Reese, Marketing Instructor

SUBJECT: Welcome to the wonderful world of marketing!

Principles of Marketing (MKT 1210) is a 3 credit hour comprehensive telecourse which offers a thorough introduction to marketing as it relates to contemporary living and society's changing needs.

As a complete learning system, this course includes twenty-five television programs, a basic text, and a study guide coordinated with the text. Please review carefully the procedures outlined in the syllabus. Since you will not attend regular class sessions, you will be responsible for the pacing of your own learning. The Reading and Examination Schedule gives you exact dates for taking exams so the course will be completed within the semester.




Marketing is a vital part of every organization, large or small. The success of an organization depends upon successfully satisfying customer needs and wants. Marketing is not just advertising or selling; it encompasses a myriad of concepts, techniques, and activities -- all directed toward distribution of goods and services to chosen consumer segments.

Not only is marketing a vital part of every organization, but it exerts a vital influence on each of us. No matter what role you play, whether you own your own business, work for a major corporation or are just a consumer, you are affected every day by marketing issues. Therefore, learning the basics of marketing is an essential part of understanding our complex economic society.


The Marketing telecourse will give you an understanding of the marketing process and thus help you to identify the elements and relationships of marketing decisions, marketing research, target markets, consumer behavior, product strategy, channels of distribution, promotion, and pricing.

To help you reach these goals, the course emphasizes vocabulary and terms related to concepts and principles of contemporary marketing.

Seven to ten specific learning objectives have been identified for each of the seventeen lessons covered in the course.


COURSE MATERIALS -- (available at the Illinois Valley Community College Bookstore & MAKE SURE YOU ALSO GET THE TELECOURSE TRANSITION GUIDE!!!!!!

1. Textbook: Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz.

Contemporary Marketing. 11th ed.;

Thomson/South-Western, 2004

2. Telecourse Student Guide for Marketing. 7th ed.;

Harcourt College Publishers, 2001.


The television component of Marketing consists of half-hour lessons on tape. These programs look at over twenty companies (both large and small) to give you "case studies" illustrating marketing concepts and principles.

The producers of Marketing used two criteria to select the companies used as "case studies." The first was that the specific case study would assist you in grasping the lesson's learning objectives. The second was that the cases be intrinsically interesting. You will find that the video lessons appeal to a general audience as well as a student of marketing.

The following pages list the study guide chapters, television programs/case study companies and textbook chapters for all five module tests that make up this course.

To insure coverage and viewing of all the programs, you may want to maintain a

running notebook, which lists the theme and key concept of each video unit. Not only will the notebook serve as a fine way to review for exams, but it is also a good way to keep questions and comments.


Five module tests are required. Tests cover the material in the text, telecourse guide, and videotapes. Each of the five module tests are worth 50 points and consist of multiple choice and essay questions.

This course is designed to be completed in one (1) semester (or one summer session if taken during the summer). Each test must be completed by the test date specified on the Orientation Sheet. If the test is not taken by that date, a grade of 0% will be received and CANNOT be made up.

Only under extreme extenuating circumstances will I consider granting any student an incomplete. In such a case the student must have completed at least three (3) module tests.

If you find yourself falling behind, consider dropping the course and trying again another semester.


"If you do withdraw by the last day for automatic withdrawal, you will earn a "W" grade, which does not affect your grade point average (GPA). Please note: In order to withdrawal for this course, YOU must request a withdrawal from the instructor. This request may be in the form of an office visit, a phone call, a letter, or an e-mail. In the absence of the instructor, the student must contact the Dean of Natural Sciences and Business (Ron Groleau). I will only withdraw a student if he or she has initiated the proper request or has not taken any quizzes or tests by midterm. All withdrawals earn a grade of "W" which does not affect the GPA but deletes the course credit(s) for the involved course(s). Please see the IVCC catalog for a full description of the college’s withdrawal policy. It is your responsibility to initiate a withdrawal."

See the Course Orientation Information for withdrawal date.


Grades will be based on the following:

5 module tests @ 50 points each 250 points

Tests consist of multiple choice and essay questions.

POINTS: 224 - 250 points = A

199 - 223 points = B

174 - 198 points = C

149 - 173 points = D

148 points & below = F


Lesson No. & Title of



Module One

1. The Marketing Process The Mouse That Roared: 1

A Marketing Overview

2. Marketing Decisions The Road to Success: A Case 3

Study in Marketing Decisions

25. Nonprofit Marketing The Green Machine: A Case 1 and 3

Study in Nonprofit Marketing

Module Two

4. Planning and Forecasting Great Expectations: A Case 2 and 7

Study in Marketing Planning

and Forecasting

5. Marketing Research Prophesy: A Case Study in 7

Market Research

Module Three

6. Consumer Behavior I Driving Passion: A Case 9

Study in Understanding

Consumer Behavior

7. Consumer Behavior II Breaking through the Clutter: 9

A Case Study in Understanding

Consumer Behavior

8. Business to Business Skyfox: A Case Study in 10

Marketing Industrial Markets

9. Market Segmentation Gold in the Hills: A Case 8

Study in Market Segmentation

Module Four

18. Promotion Polishing the Apple: A Case 17

Study in Promotion

19. Advertising The Fastest Game in Town: 18

A Case Study in Promotion

20. Sales Promotion Off and Running: A Case Study 18

in Promotional Advertising

21. Public Relations Just Another Oil Company? A 17 & 18

Case Study in Public Relations

22. Selling 'Tis the Season: A Case 19

Study in Selling

Module Five

23. Pricing Leader of the Pack: A Case 13

Study in Pricing

24. Pricing Strategy What the Market Will Bear: 14

Great Moments in Pricing

3. International A Hunger for Pesos/A Yen for 4

Marketing Dollars: A Case Study in

International Marketing


Module No. 1

Text Chapter 1 Customer Driven Marketing

Chapter 3 Marketing Environment, Ethics, and Social Responsibility

Telecourse Guide Lesson 1 The Marketing Process

Lesson 2 Marketing Decisions

Lesson 25 Nonprofit Marketing


Module No. 2

Text Chapter 2 Strategic Planning and Forecasting

Chapter 7 Marketing Research and Decision Support Systems

Telecourse Guide Lesson 4 Planning and Forecasting

Lesson 5 Marketing Research


Module No. 3

Text Chapter 8 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

Chapter 9 Consumer Behavior

Chapter 10 Business-to-Business Marketing

Telecourse Guide Lesson 6 Consumer Behavior I

Lesson 7 Consumer Behavior II

Lesson 8 Business to Business Marketing

Lesson 9 Market Segmentation


Module No. 4

Text Chapter 17 Integrated Marketing Communications

Chapter 18 Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations

Chapter 19 Personal Selling and Sales Management

Telecourse Guide Lesson 18 Promotion

Lesson 19 Advertising

Lesson 20 Sales Promotion

Lesson 21 Public Relations

Lesson 22 Selling


Module No. 5

Text Chapter 13 Price Determination

Chapter 14 Managing the Pricing Function

Chapter 4 Global Dimensions of Marketing

Telecourse Guide Lesson 23 Pricing

Lesson 24 Pricing Strategy

Lesson 3 International Marketing



Using the Telecourse Student Guide.

In your Telecourse Student Guide for Marketing, it refers to readings in Contemporary Marketing, 10th edition. The latest edition of the text is the 11th. The guide below correlates the corresponding readings in the student guide with the eleventh edition of your text.

The changes below only affect the readings “Before viewing the video program.” The instructions for “View the video program” and “After viewing the video program” remain the same.

Before viewing the video program:

Lesson 1:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 1, “Customer-Driven Marketing,” pages 2-14 and 20-32.

Lesson 2:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 3, “The Marketing Environment, Ethics, and Social Responsibility,” pages 60-82. (The balance of the chapter will be assigned in a later lesson.)

Lesson 3:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 4, “Global Dimensions of Marketing,” pages 96-125.

Lesson 4:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 2, “Strategic Planning and the Marketing Process,” pages 36-56, and Chapter 7, “Marketing Research, Decision-Support Systems, and Sales Forecasting,” particularly pages 213-215, “Sales Forecasting.”

Lesson 5:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 7, “Marketing Research, Decision-Support Systems, and Sales Forecasting,” pages 192-213 and 216.

Lesson 6:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 9, “Consumer Behavior,” pages 252-267. (The balance of the chapter will be assigned in the next lesson.)

Lesson 7:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 9, “Consumer Behavior,” pages 267-278.

Lesson 8:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 10, “Business to Business (B2B) Marketing,” pages 282-310

Lesson 9:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 8, “Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning,” pages 222-247.

Lesson 10:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 11, “Product Strategies,” pages 316-339.

Lesson 11:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 12, “Category and Brand Management, Product Identification, and New-Product Planning,” pages 346-369.

Lesson 12:**

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 11, “Product Strategies,” particularly pages 319-330, “What are Goods and Services?” and pages 320-328, “Classifying Goods and Services for Consumer and Business Markets.”

Lesson 13:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 13, “Marketing Channels, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management,” pages 388-449. (The balance of the chapter will be assigned in a later lesson.)

Lesson 14:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 16, “Direct Marketing and Marketing Resellers: Retailers and Wholesalers,” particularly pages, 480-486, “Wholesaling Intermediaries.”

Lesson 15:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 16, “Direct Marketing and Marketing Resellers: Retailers and Wholesalers,” pages 464-475. (The balance of the chapter will be assigned in the next lesson.) Also read Chapter 6, “Relationship Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM),” particularly pages 182-183, “National Account Selling,” “Electronic Data Interchange,” and “Vendor-Managed Inventory.”

Lesson 16:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 16, “Direct Marketing and Marketing Resellers: Retailers and Wholesalers,” pages 475-480; pages 486-489 and review pages 472-474, “Locations in Planned Shopping Centers.”

Lesson 17:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 15, “Marketing Channels, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management,” pages 450-460.

Lesson 18:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 17, “Integrated Marketing Communications,” pages 494-525.

Lesson 19:

·  Read the Learning Objectives and Overview (Lesson Notes and Video Program Notes) for this lesson.

·  Read Contemporary Marketing, 11th edition, Chapter 18, “Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations,” pages 530-549, and “Measuring Advertising Effectiveness,” pages 557-558. (The remaining sections of the chapter will be assigned in the next two lessons.)