No.: 340/QD-BNN-HTQT /


Independence – Freedom – Happiness

Hanoi,February 5th, 2007


On Establishment of SO of National Target Program for RWSS, phase 2006-2010


Pursuant to Decree no. 86/2003/ND-CP dated 18/7/2003 of the GoV regarding functions, responsibilities and organisational structure of MARD;

Pursuant to Decision 277/2006/QD-TTg dated 11/12/2006 of the Prime Minister regarding approval of NTP for RWSS during 2006-2010;

Based on Decision 270/QD-BNN-TCCB dated 30/01/2007 of MARD Minister regarding Establishment of PSC of NTP for RWSS, phase 2006-2010;

Considering the proposals of Directors of WRD and Personnel Department,


Article 1. Establish the SO of NTP for RWSS, phase 2006-2010 to be located in MARD WRD (below called SO).

The SO shall use the WRD’s stamp for its planned activities and the WRD’s account at State Treasury according to relevant regulations.

Funds for SO operation shall be allocated annually in the GoV budgeting for WRD.

Article 2. SO shall assist the PSC to:

– Prepare work plan; prepare agendum and programs for meetings, workshops, seminars, and reports upon request of PSC Chairman.

– Propose annual budget contribution structure and budget needs as well as mechanism, policies, and solutions for effective and sustainable implementation of the Program.

– Coordinate donors, international organisations and NGOs to mobilise financial support for Program.

Set up plans for direction, collaboration, inspection, review and guidelines preparation for line ministries, provinces involving in the Program.

Consolidate program progress reports and recommend solutions for newly arising problems.

Perform filing, administrative, and financial management duties of SO in accordance with regulations.

Perform other tasks as assigned by the Director of WRD and Chairman of PSC.

Article 3.Organisational structure of the SO:

1. Director of SO shall be the WRD Director, who shall be fully responsible for SO operation before PSC and by law.

2. Deputy Director of SO shall assist Director of SO. MARD is to authorisethe Director of WRD to assign/terminate Deputy Director of SO for permanent responsibility of the daily operation of SO. Deputy Director is totake full responsibility of his/herassignments before Director of SO and by law.

SO shall be entitled to recruit employees on temporary contract basis. WRD Director shall mobilise certain number of staff from CERWASS to involve in the SO.

Article 4.SO Director is to submit MARD Minister the PSC operation regulation for approval and promulgate SO operation guidelines.

Article 5. This decision will come into effect since signing date.

Article 6. Head of Ministry Office, Directors of Personnel Department, WRD and leaders of relevant departments of MARD are obligated to pursue this decision.

As in Article 6;
Departments under MARD;
Filing: Ministry Office, Personnel Dept. / MINISTER OF MARD
Cao Duc Phat