Business 18


Mr. Anderson

Due Date: Thursday October 25, 2018

Senior Prom

In exchange for herpromise to go with him to the Armijo High School homecoming dance on November 22, 2014,17 year old Nadia, the most popular student at Armijo High School, and 17year old Matthew, a, star football playerand one of the most popular senior students at Armijo High, and the son of the Principal of Armijo High School,agreed to escort Nadiato Armijo High’s Senior Prom at the Rancho Solano Country Club that would be held on Saturday May 23, 2015. Matthew only agreed to escort Nadia to the Prom to make his friend Michelle jealous. Matthewwould be celebratinghis 18th birthday the day after Armijo High’sProm.

Matthew knew Michellewho also attended Armijo High would be at the homecoming dance because she was Armijo High’s homecoming queen. Matthew’s plan was to gain enough attention from Michelle whereby she would ask him to the Armijo High School Senior Prom. Nadia kept her end of the bargain and attended the homecoming dance with Matthew.At the homecoming dance, Michelle and Nadia got into an ugly altercation. After the ugly altercation between Michelle and Nadia, MichelleaskedMatthew to escort her to the Armijo High Senior Prom and Matthew agreed.

Months later, Nadia still expected Matthew to escort her to theArmijo HighSenior Prom and she was unaware that Matthewalso had agreed to escort Michelle to the Prom. Because of Nadia’s immense popularity and in an effort to create the proper impression for the most popular female student at Armijo High, Nadiaspent lavishly preparing for her Prom. She purchased the Prom tickets ($75 each). She rented a tuxedo for Matthew ($200.00). She purchaseda new evening gown and new shoes for herself from Nordstrom. She also spent over $400 for a facial, a manicure, a pedicure and for her hair to be styled. Nadiaalso arranged for a personal videographer to videotape the evening’s festivities.

Matthew rented a stretch Limo for the evening’s transportation. On the Tuesday before theProm, Nadiatexted Matthew to confirm their date.Unfortunately, Matthew never responded to Nadia’s text.On the day before the Prom Nadia dropped off Matthew’s tuxedo at his home. There, she briefly spoke with Matthews mother, Armijo High’s principal.Matthew’s mother was somewhat confused because she knew Matthew would be escorting Michelle to the Prom. She failed to mention this to Nadia and told Nadia she would let Matthew know that she had dropped off the tux. Matthewalso failed to inform Nadia that he would also be escorting Michelle to the Prom.

On the evening of the Prom Matthew got dressed in the Tux that Nadia had provided and then proceeded to Michelle’s house to pick her up in the stretch limo. They then proceeded to Nadia’s house to pick her up (Michelle waited in the Limo). As Nadia was entering the limo she saw Michelle and became very upset, irate and angry.She told Matthew she would not be attending the prom with him if Michellewas also going to be his prom date. Matthew told Nadia that Michelle was going to be his prom date too and if she did not like it she could stay at home. Nadia decided to forego Prom and to stay at home.

Under what legal theory or theories can NadiasueMattheworMatthew’s motherto recoverher Promexpenses? What, if any Prom expenses can Nadia recover?ShouldNadiasucceed? Please Explain.


Courts usually prefer to avoid becoming involved in Romance and Relationship disputes. But it is not fair - or accurate - to say that a Court will never get involved with these issues.

Can you think of some Romance or Relationship agreements,contracts, or Promises the Court would likely stay away from? Can you think of some Romance or Relationship disputes the Court might choose to try to resolve?

Hint: is there a difference between a date andagreement to meet after the High School footballor basketball game for a burger and fries or pizza?Why or why not? Is there a difference between the Promise often offered on a first date where a man states “I'll still love you in the morning," and the Promise after a year of dating, to show up for a wedding ceremony? Why or why not?

You do not need to find much law in the textbook for this homework assignment. Here, could you use some basic common sense? Or do you have to apply a rule or two about contracts that we have discussed in class. Focus on the concept of what a reasonable person would expect in various romance/relationship situations. The concept of Reasonable Expectations is a common one Courts use to help resolve disputes. Ask yourself, as you look at the many possibilities in this problem, what would a reasonable person expect here?