Meeting Minutes
Meeting: / BSHP Executive Board MeetingMeeting date: / 9 October 2012
At: / Mercian Housing Association, Gee Business Centre, Birmingham B7 5JR
Apologies: / Peter Richmond (Chair)
Carmel McCarthy
Jean-Luc Priez
Simon Clark
Jonathan Driffill
Lucy Hales
Simon Kimberley
Sue Murray
Michelle Musgrave (part-time)
Amanda Nicholls
Martin O’Neill (part-time)
Mike Walsh
David Rhead (part-time)
Gemma Duggan
Anne-Marie Powell / CVCHA
Family HA
Lench’s Trust
Sanctuary Group
Friendship Care and Housing
Nehemiah UCHA
Optima/WM Housing Group
Bromford Group
Midland Heart
Ashram/Accord Group
Birmingham City Council
Birmingham City Council
Birmingham City Council
Minute No / Action
1. / Welcome, introductions and apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were given.
2. / Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
The minutes of the 27 June 2012 meeting were accepted as an accurate record.
Matters arising:
Treasurer’s report, Strategic Tenancy Policy, Regional Committee update and Green issues – all are on the agenda for discussion later.
NHF standard letter to MPs – to be sent in January 2013
NHF Housing and Health paper – expected to be available at the end of October.
Invitation to Jim McManus’ replacement deferred.
Interviews for ASB post about to take place.
3. / Chair’s Report
Agreement was made at the BSHP Exec. Awayday that Peter Richmond takes on role of BSHP Chair.
All to consider Vice Chair role for January’s meeting.
Carmel had volunteered to take on the role of Treasurer – this was welcomed and agreed.
The CHP meeting on 6 September had been cancelled – the next meeting to be held on 30 October when Cllr Steve Bedser is expected to attend to discuss partnership. Elaine is to chair this meeting. CHP remains in Louise Collett’s Division: Adults and Communities – reporting to Peter Hay. / BSHP Exec.
4. / Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was distributed and explained. There were no questions and the report was agreed.
5. / HCA Update
David Rhead apologised that no report was available for the meeting and expects to update shortly – currently collating data.
The concerns about delivery continue there are also concerns about what is reflected in the figures where those not converting to affordable rent cannot be included in the data – outside HCA programme.
David updated on the £200m Department of Health programme for Learning disabilities/Older people; Empty Homes and Get Britain Building.
Where land in Birmingham is not available at affordable prices, supply is moving elsewhere where there are more opportunities. Some developers are moving supply into Birmingham.
Clarification was sought on the City’s policy in regard to RPs wishing to take properties as affordable rent where the agreement was signed for social rent.
Each LA has a different approach. HCA need to resolve this nationally – it is not a purely Birmingham issue.
There is uncertainty in regard to whether there are any identifiable issues about land not being released and, if so, whether there is an impact on delivery for 2015.
It was agreed that all options should be considered to use all available funding in Birmingham e.g. through City Deal signed on 18 September.
The letter to Sir Albert Bore was discussed and it was noted that a further meeting with Sir Albert Bore has been arranged for 1 November.
6. / BCC Update
a. Allocations Scheme Review:
Mike Walsh distributed papers outlining a proposed 4 band system to replace the current points based system which is complex and lacks clarity.
A further paper distributed gave details of workshop 5 – allocating priority.
BSHP’s views and input are welcome - formal consultation in November. Go Live date of December 2013. Draft Policy will go for Statutory Consultation March 2013, time will then be needed for IT build and implementation.
b. Nominations Agreement:
This had been referred to BSHP Homelessness and Housing Needs Group for comments. Some operational comments had been received and referred to the operational group. However a number of fundamental issues had been raised in terms of agreed policy. It was felt that the agreement needs more flexibility to ensure sustainability. Whilst continuing the Exec. Board’s support to the spirit of the agreement, it was felt that the detail is in need of review and both parties need to engage in negotiation/revision. Sue Murray is to lead on this for BSHP.
c. Strategic Tenancy Policy:
Mike Walsh to forward to JM for circulation.
d. WMBUS/BSHP Terms of Reference:
This query, raised by Bernadette Nolan at July’s Homelessness and Housing Needs Group meeting, has been resolved – Bernadette now attends WMBUS Board meetings.
e. Implementation of Strategic Tenancy Policy
Carried forward to January meeting (from June’s meeting). / MW/JM
7. / Welfare Reform
a. Update from Martin O’Neill:
A further £10bn savings had been announced by the Government – in respect of HB for under 25s – the Government continues to focus on future savings.
BCC have written to HA’s regarding size criteria – in general everything is working as well as can be expected.
There was a discrepancy in the first scan for the benefit cap – taken from old data. The second scan showed 2,300 HB inc. in Birmingham.
Some LAs have included a paragraph from the landlord in the letters sent out – meaning that there is joint action. The DWP impose a password which means that Martin is not able to share information.
b. New BSHP Welfare Reform Strategy Group and Financial Inclusion Summit:
A meeting of BSHP members held in September confirmed a strong appetite to have a BSHP Welfare Reform Strategy Group. This will sit above the HB and Financial Inclusion Working Groups and link into Be Birmingham’s Social Inclusion work. John Cotton chaired a Social Inclusion Summit attended by Jonathan Driffill representing BSHP. DWP also attended the Summit. Jonathan will circulate draft Terms of Reference and the membership list (which recognises the 3rd sector). There is a proposal to reinvigorate the Birmingham Financial Inclusion Partnership to share information/events and to bring everyone into one group – with the aims to mitigate the impact and to lobby Central Government.
c. Learning from Pilots:
The pilots have provided valuable experience – test April-June showed tenants either ‘burying their head in the sand’ or asking for help to move – sometimes while already in arrears.
There is a proposal to encourage local delivery partnerships. The migration plan could be subject to some movement e.g. may be only single people in a particular geography going into universal credit initially. It is anticipated that it will cost more and that more financial advice staff will be needed or even ‘rent officer’ type collectors to ensure payment is made. This will change the relationship between providers and tenants. Difficulties are expected due to HB being paid in arrears (initially expected to be 6 weeks in arrears) and to exempt service charges if not in SP e.g. alarms etc. - there may be some movement on service charges. No announcement re: direct payments in supported housing – interim system of 12-18 months.
Loan shops may start offering services – people coming in to have their cheques cashed.
d. Council Tax Benefit:
The draft scheme is on the website for consultation – 4 public meetings and 6 thousand hits on the website so far.
e. Social Fund:
The scheme is to be developed for April 2013 – responsibility for this has been passed to Martin O’Neill’s’ department.
Discretionary housing payments and discretionary housing benefits – LAs have discretion to cover a tiny proportion – feed back is welcomed.
Allocations are not yet known. This will not cover under-occupation e.g. foster carers, disabled.
HAs need to advise tenants.
f. CAB Proposal:
It was agreed that it would be worth having a discussion with CAB – tenants will be going to CAB which is an independent organisation. This discussion to be through the new BSHP Welfare Reform Strategy Group. Jonathan Driffill will arrange to meet to discuss – Simon Kimberley to respond to Ken Lawrence from CAB. / JD
8. / Birmingham SHLAA 2012
This looks at all land available for housing in Birmingham – developers and planners attend and are involved. BSHP should be represented – approx. 5 meetings until March 2013. Could send a Planning/Development colleague. All to feed back to SPK.
(Martin O’Neill and David Rhead left the meeting.) / ALL
9. / BSHP Workplan
Thanks were recorded to Gemma Duggan for facilitating the BSHP Exec. Awayday and producing the notes and letter to stakeholders.
The letter to stakeholders was agreed – PR to send out.
Survey of members – this could be a quick survey e.g. survey monkey, to check that BSHP members are happy with BSHP’s current work and focus. This is to be included on the AGM agenda for discussion.
Some information collated by Peter Richmond earlier in the year for reviewing the fees structure showed that most members are involved and attend meetings and lunchtime briefings. Mapping could be instigated, Peter to look into this.
Peter proposed drawing up a stakeholder management and communications - to bring this back to January’s meeting. This would cover items such as use of BSHP stand at NHF Annual Conference and AGM for stakeholder engagement.
a. Community Safety
It was agreed that the new Safeguarding Group would come under the Community Safety Portfolio. JM to confirm to Safeguarding Group Chair.
Peter is about to interview for the Community Safety Co-ordinator post.
Birmingham Victims charter – BSHP signed up to this.
b. Sustainability and Green Issues
November’s Lunchtime briefing will be on this topic.
Tim had passed on Sandy Taylor’s contact details but there have been difficulties in arranging a meeting so far.
c. Housing and Health
Kyle Stott from Birmingham Public Health is to be invited to give a presentation on the Healthy Urban Development Group for Birmingham (which is consulted on all Birmingham planning applications) at the Development/Regeneration lunchtime briefing. Kyle had been involved in the BSHP Stand at NHF Annual Conference.
Amy Beddis, NHF, had brokered a meeting with Health and Well-being – Jonathan and Jean-Luc had attended.
Andrew Bull and John Denley, BPH, had met with Jonathan, Laurice and Simon – and a useful briefing paper had been circulated prior to today’s meeting.
Every contact counts – Community Health Champions – Andrew is hoping to link this in with Neighbourhood Champions. (Contact is Tracey Quirke at FCH if anyone would like further details: )
Andrew Bull had confirmed that there is no spare NHS land at cluster level – the Secretary of State is “appropriating for social housing”. Anticipated housing announcement in the Govt. Autumn statement.
d. Care and support/SP
Lucy asked whether anyone knew of a proposal for a Trust to be developed for ExtraCare funded care teams – or where to follow this up. Any updates to be fed-back to Lucy.
e. Homelessness and Housing Needs
Michelle updated on discussions at September’s Homelessness and Housing Needs Group meeting in regard to the Nominations Agreement. A list of issues raised was given to Peter for a formal response from BSHP Exec. Board. These include:
- Best use of stock
- Withholding 20 per cent
- Council tax on void properties – longer letting time through the noms agreement
- Neighbourhood sustainability
- Keeping some properties for transfers
- How to continue with current agreement
- Financial sustainability.
The agreement needs to work on both sides and a fair and open negotiation is needed to deal with these issues quickly and equitably.
Sue Murray is to take this forward.
f. Development
The meeting arranged for 1 November with Sir Albert Bore will be looking at future opportunities and impact of 2012-15 programme. BSHP needs to be realistic in what can be offered/delivered.
- Restraint on use of recycled capital grant fund.
- By working together to ensure resources are not lost – deferred land values.
- Need to investigate models, sit down with officers and identify objectives.
The harsh reality is that there is no grant and welfare reform will have an impact. BSHP want to work with the City to find a way forward. Free land may help but it will not be the whole answer - the City needs the money.
Sir Albert has a Housing Summit in mind. Cllr Trickett is launching Housing Scrutiny 19 October.
CHP – BSHP supports reinvigoration of CHP.
Simon Kimberley, Peter Richmond, Jonathan Driffill and Simon Clark to attend for BSHP with Simon Nunn if available. All to confirm to Simon Kimberley.
g. Financial Inclusion and Welfare Reform
(This portfolio discussed earlier in the meeting.)
John Cotton is the BCC nomination on BVSC Board. / PR
10. / NHF Update
The Regional Committee Awayday is scheduled for 11 Oct – this will feed into national planning.
Board members were sought/co-opted onto the committee based on their experience in health etc.
· Danielle Oum - Board member at Family Housing
· Andy Ballard - a lawyer and Board Member at Herefordshire Housing
· Jon Crockett - an NHS expert and Board member at Heantun Housing Association.
Elections will take place at the AGM on 7 March – immediately before the West Midlands Annual Conference.
4-5 places vacant – Chief Executives will be emailed – GD will keep BSHP informed. Simon Kimberley and Michelle Musgrave will remain on the committee.
Forthcoming events/campaigns:
1 November – Welfare Reform conference – workshop based event at “The Public”
January 2013 – West Midlands Homelessness conference to be arranged
‘Yes to Homes’ campaign – focus on the public – each region has an area of focus this is Worcestershire in the West Midlands -this is work towards next general election
Home truths national launch 22 October – regional launch is on 21 November at Houses of Parliament – please attend and please bring councillors.
Welfare Reform survey IPSOS Mori – please complete by deadline 15 October.
New West Midlands Employment and Skills Regional Interest Group – meeting later today, 40 attending, Stakeholders interested
Gemma confirmed this as her last meeting before starting maternity leave. Thanks and best wishes from the Executive Board were recorded. Gemma advised that her maternity cover would be offered as a secondment post – all to contact Gemma if anyone suitable to be put forward. / ALL
11. / Lunchtime Briefings
These events continue to be well attended – all suggestions for speakers, ideas for topics and offers to chair to Jean please. / ALL
12. / Any Other Business
Mike Walsh encouraged all to refer tenants to the Stay Warm Stay Well scheme again this year – Vanessa Cusack/Jeff Shaw – want to target individuals directly.
Strategic Housing Assessment events – report to be available in next 2 weeks. / ALL
13. / Date of Next Meeting:
23 January 2013
deadline for agenda items/papers: Tuesday 9 January 2013
Matters arising List Summary