PRESENT: / 27 Members in total / APOLOGIES:Mr Cyril Key / Chairman / T Marker / F Finlay
Mr Trevor Warburton / Vice Chairman / I Simpson / W Jones
Mr John Gooding / Secretary / J Summers / J Searby
Mr C Spring / Welfare Officer / R Chapman / M Penn
K Johnson / J Green
No / ITEM /
/1. / Minutes of the meeting on 15th July 2010:
Read and agreed as true record by all present.
2. /
Matters arising from previous meeting:
Chairman gave a further update on Regt Memorial in Sobraon Park, feasibility study now underway. Suggestion by Regt Secretary for each branch to put £500 into central fund to pay for it. / C.Key3. / Treasurers Report: Read and accepted by those present. / I.Simpson
4. / Welfare Report: Jack Summers in hospital with slight infection
5. / New Members: None / M Reams
6. / Correspondence: Email from Terry Marker. He’s trying to put together a short history of the Lincolns from the time they landed in France until they withdrew in June 1940 and was requesting if anyone knew of any written history of the battalion, or had personal recollections, or details of their movements over that period or have any suggestions of who he may contact for further information could they get in touch with him. Secretary can supply contact details.
Bob Stanley from Tannersville USA had been in touch and thanked the branch profusely for his lifetime membership certificate.
The secretary had accidently bumped into John Woodisse at Warcop camp and had a long chat with him about the information he had sent about Ben Hayes and promised to keep him updated on developments. Sgt Maj Edwards of Sobraon Detachment, Lincs ACF had been approached by the secretary and was very supportive of the idea of the cadets adopting the upkeep of any memorial as a community project.
7. / Any Other Business:
The Chairman thanked Percy, Harry, Brian and Trevor for their sterling efforts at the collection at Morrison’s, Gainsborough which raised £481.10.
Members were reminded of the curry lunch to be held at Sobraon Barracks on Thurs Sept 2, 12:30pm, Tickets £7 from Chris Spring.
The Chairman gave an update on the regimental association gathering, AGM and lunch on 26th Sept, and also the regimental reunion at Duxford.
The proceeds of tonights raffle would be donated to Mrs Gawthorne to boost the takings at the Garden Party she will be attending on Sat 28 August at the home of Ken Johnson, 10 Westfield Ave, Nth Greetwell to raise funds to host guests from France who generously look after so many veterans on their visits to Normandy It was requested that Regimental Blazers and medals be worn. Lots of stalls and activities as well as a flypast by a replica Tiger Moth.
Chris Spring informed the branch of an event that his wife Val was organising a visit to on the afternoon of thurs 25th November, at the Theatre Royal, Lincoln. “A Very, Very Christmas Musical” tickets would be £10 all enquiries to Chris as soon as possible.
Next Coffee morning Monday 23rd August 10am
8. / Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 16th September 2010