Attendees / Chris Nattress (CN) / Lesley Sanczuk (LS)
Eileen Teasdale (ET) / Michael Priestley (MP)
Gina Hackes (GH) / Noleen Devlin (ND)
Janette Baines (JBa) / Paul Walker – (PW) Chair
Justin Bibby (JB) / Russell Norman (RN)
John Macilwraith (JM) / Rebecca Whent (RW)
Cllr Keith Little (KL) / Steph Crosthwaite (SC)
Keith Opie (KO) / Sue Toomey (ST)
Dave Willetts (DW)
Beverly Morgan (BM) / Zoe Lenaghan (ZL)
Katie Moore (KM) notes / Martin Shields (MS)
Date / Thurs 6th Oct 2011 / Directorate/Partnership / Children’s Trust Board
Venue / Howgill Family Centre
Cleator Moor
Apologies / Cllr Wendy Skillicorn (WS), Anne Cartner (AC), Caroline Green (CG), Christine Clarke (CC), Susan Hodkin (SH) and Yvonne Craig (YC) Nick O’Key (NO)
Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
By who
1. The group received a nomination for Paul Walker, CEO Copeland Borough Council, to take on the role of Chair. When he is unable to attend, Jane Muller will assume the role. Welcomed and seconded by DDG.
2. NOK noted that the data from the tactical group community safety partnership is still being developed. He will report back when data has been finalised. / NOK
3. BM informed the group that the Children’s Trust Board are developing a Data Task & Finish Group with data specialists from CTB partners. This group will support the work of the DDG. BM to update the DDG as and when information is available. / BM
4. The group highlighted the importance of facilitating work that takes place outside of the meetings. Examples of work taking place outside of the sessions should be fed back into the group so it can be evidenced in the district delivery outcomes. / ALL
5. BM reminded the group that the Every Disabled Child Matters Charter needs to be considered when thinking about issues.
6. Specific issues can still be added to mapping, and can be raised/worked on in between meetings. This is to be discussed further at the next meeting, which PW suggested the group extends. A thematic issue to go on the next agenda regarding drugs and alcohol as it is a recurring issue for several members. / SH
Action Notes / By who
1. Child Poverty Strategy
The group received and discussed a presentation on the Cumbria Child Poverty Strategy. Reference group already in place that will feed into the DDG and report back at the next meeting on the action plan which will include allocation of project funding for urban hotspots and rural areas. An invitation to contribute to the Reference Group was offered to DDG members - Thurs 13th October at 9.30am at Howgill Family Centre, Cleator Moor.
The group discussed the stigma that can be attached to receiving free school meals and looked at ways to combat this. JM informed the group about research taking place at the Richard Rose Academy in Carlisle, and suggested he contact Richard Corton for FSM data that can be used at the Child Poverty Reference Group.
KL raised the point that schools can only receive the pupil premium for the number of children on free school meals once a year. It was suggested that this be discussed with the Richard Rose research group via Joel Rasbash. / RN
2. Issues and Good Practice Mapping
Group 1 completed an exercise to identify whether the issues in the mapping address the outcomes set by the Children’s Trust Board. The group focused on parenting issues highlighting the need for a mapping exercise to identify who has which qualifications (such as Triple P). It was also agreed that this group would consider the impact of Parenting Orders. SH to facilitate.
Group 2 looked at risk taking behaviour. DW informed the group that the police receive 120 calls a month regarding young people at risk. Positive early intervention is essential and a session is running on Friday evenings from 7pm – 11pm at St. Joseph’s School in Workington. This coincides with the POWW sessions run by Connexions, so that young people are encouraged to engage in youth provision. DW to report back at next meeting. / SH, ZL, RN, ET, CN, YC
3. Other Boards and Partnerships
The group discussed relationships with other county, local and district boards and partnerships e.g. Prevent and Deter; Local Safeguarding Children’s Board; Local Committee, CDRP etc and how their membership can influence and support the DDG, and vice versa. Members agreed to share information across local partnerships and feedback to the DDG. / ALL
4. Building on Good Practice
It was recognised that the DDG priority is to collaboratively plug gaps and deal with identified issues, however the group felt that good practice projects should also be reviewed against the outcomes.
It was agreed to hold an extended meeting in January to allow time for the group to work on this.
PW to work with SH to look at how the DDG can collate, share, build on, reshape and expand current good practice activity relating to the district delivery outcomes. / PW
5. Date of next meeting:
Contact Lindsay Milton at Workington Police Station to book a meeting room for next DDG.
January 2012 – TBA / SH