Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District
Minutes for Regular Commissioners Board Meeting
August 23, 2017
Call to Order: Commissioner Player called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Invocation: Commissioner Cox led everyone in the invocation
Pledge of Allegiance: Commissioner Player led everyone in the pledge of allegiance.
Roll Call: Commissioner Chapman-Moore, Dreikorn, Player and Coxwere present. Commissioner Cammick excused absence.
For the District: Chief Mickuleit, Deputy Chief Brant, Attorney Pritt, and Administrative Assistant Richter.
Setting of Agenda: Linda states that under New Business #3 Resolution 2017-082317 (2) Ranking Proposals for Station 4 as that is for financing can we move it to Chief’s Report for Matlacha Station 4 – RFP for financing. Commissioner Player states and we are going to table under New Business #1 Set Meeting Dates till next meeting. Commissioner Coxmoved to approve the agenda as amended. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dreikorn. Motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes:
1. July 26, 2017Regular Board Meeting -Commissioner Dreikorn moved to acceptminutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously.
2. August 18, 2017 Special Meeting – Commissioner Cox moved to accept minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Chapman-Moore. Motion passed unanimously.
2. August 18, 2017Regular WorkshopMeeting –Commissioner Cox moved to accept minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Chapman-Moore. Motion passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: 7/25/17-8/21/17 presented by Commissioner Cox. Commissioner Dreikorn moved to approve Treasurer’s Report as presented. Motion seconded by CommissionerCox. Motion passed unanimously.Commissioner Player states it is the end of August and we still have money.
Income Statement/ Cash Disbursements: Commissioner Cox moved to accept as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Dreikorn. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners’ Expenses:
Guest Speakers:
Public Comment – Agenda Items:
Volunteers/Explorers:Nothing new.
CERT: Deputy Chief Brant gives update.
Meeting in town with CERT leaders for new ideas on training.
Next month training is mingling with Lee County Sheriff and the firefighters of the District so CERT will get to know the people they will be dealing with in an emergency.
Chief’s Report:
Chief Mickuleit presents the following:
1. Firefighter Recognition – Nothing new.
2. Matlacha Station 4 – RFP for financing –Renee Lynch gives summary matrix of the 3 proposing companies (copy on file). Met with Commissioner Cammick on Monday and thoroughly went through the proposals, since he is the treasurer. Capital Bank in their proposal is that covenant to budget and appropriate we pledge Non-Ad Valorem Revenues unfortunately we don’t have sufficient Non-Ad Valorem revenues to make that an availability to us and Mr. Pritt specifically in his proposal said not to do that. Brief discussion follows of the other two proposals. Renee mentions that Chief stated that you need to try to match life of the building with the term of the loan. Brief discussion follows.Commissioner Dreikorn moves to authorize Chief and counsel of this district to respond to the RFQ respondents for financing and leasing to allow further communication of our district needs and follow up with a supplemental proposal. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2017-082317 (2) resolution to rank proposers was not done will be done with new proposals.
3. Commercial Appraisal – Linda provides list of the 3 appraisal companies that were called to provide bids (copy on file).Commissioner Cox states he has had some experience with Maxwell, Hendry & Simmons and they have been very good; the others I know of but haven’t worked with them. Mr. Pritt states they are all fine he knows all of them. Brief discussion follows. Commissioner Chapman-Moore moved that we offer the appraisal opportunity to Maxwell, Hendry & Simmons as the low cost. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
1. 11980 Pompano Avenue Property –Brief discussion follows. Commissioner Cox will continue to research this.
2. Chapter 164 – update – Chief Mickuleit states it was approved by Cape Coral. Brief discussion follows.
3. Sound or Video System for meetings – Chief Mickuleit states we have the system installed but still working on bugs in the sound and it is the same system the water board uses.
4. Commissioner Dreikorn - Mosquito Control update – Commissioner Dreikorn states the mosquito control (the airfield consolidation on the island) he contacted them last month and solicited some perspective of what they are going to do long term also throughout our branch relative to the district interest they are very encouraged to have the districts support on this at the moment though the best thing we could do collectively and individually would be to ensure that when there is the hearing for the zoning show up and support the rezoning. Everything is contingent on that. Chief Mickuleit states he and the deputy chief went to the ISO class and if you have a 2 acre property you receive extra ISO points. It can’t be used for public use and it has to be fenced so it would benefit the district if we did get something like that. Brief discussion follows.
5. Interlocal Agreement Burgess Island –nothing new just on agenda as it is still unfinished business. Brief discussion of fire on Upper Captiva follows.
New Business:
1. Set Meeting Dates – Commissioner Cammick wants to have two voting meetings a month. This was tabled till next month.
2. Resolution 2017-082317 (1) – A Resolution declaring property owned by the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District located at 7209 Barrancas Avenue, Bokeelia, Lee County, Florida, as surplus property; authorizing the Fire Chief to obtain an appraisal from a qualified appraiser in order to allow the property to be marketed for sale and to be sold. Commissioner Cox moved to approve Resolution 2017-082317 (1). Motion seconded by Commissioner Chapman-Moore.Discussion follows in regards to if it is the right time to sale and if we declare it surplus does that remove any speed bumps in coming back to the commission to sale it. Mr. Pritt states no you can unremoved it as surplus; it doesn’t get sold until you approve it. It has to be declared surplus before you can try to sale it. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Resolution 2017-082317 (2) was moved to under Chief’s report RFP for financing.
4. Resolution 2017-082317 (3) – A Resolution adopting amounts of commitments and assignments of fund balance at September 30, 2017 pursuant to the fund balance policy as amended. Renee Lynch states the districts former fund balance policy stated that our reserves would be identified in the budget the auditors said you have to have a separate resolution so the district amended its fund balance policy therewith, so every year towards the end of the year the district identifies what its fund balances will be in terms of commitments or reserves this formalizes what is already budgeted in the current year.
- $500,000 committed for Contingency/Disaster Reserve
- $-0- for Insurance deductible reserve
- $156,686 for Compensated Absences/Sick pay Reserve
- $50,000 for Station 2 Improvements
- $325,228 for Estimated Station 4 Debt Service payments Reserve
- $-0- No Assignment of Fund Balance
- Anything left over aside from this will go towards our 17% of unassigned fund balance
Commissioner Dreikorn moves to accept Resolution 2017-082317 (3). Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Brief discussion of giving the board a list of anticipated major expenditures over $100,000 over the next 5 years. Motion passed unanimously.
Chief Mickuleit states before we go into executive session he would like to go over the budget again one on one as it is getting fine-tuned and make changes before the September 12th Budget Hearing. Commissioner Chapman-Moore reminds everyone she will be in Europe for the September 12thmeeting. E-mail is to be sent.
Executive Session:
1. Personnel/Litigation Matter
2. Labor Negotiation
The board is now revolving into Executive Session to deal with risk management litigation over a personnel matter.
Meeting was called back into regular session from discussion of Personnel/Litigation Matter.
Commissioner Dreikorn makes a motion to accept the settlement agreement as discussed in Executive Session and hope James Hotwagner the best on behalf of the district. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously.
The board is now revolving into Executive Session to deal with Labor Negotiation.
Meeting was called back into regular session from discussion of Labor Negotiation.
Public Comment – General:
Good of the District:Commissioner Player reminds every one of the Pine Island Playhouse Play is this weekend. Chief Mickuleit reminds every one of the first budget hearing on September 12th. Chief Mickuleit thanks everyone for their help in getting the Interlocal Agreement done it is a huge success.
Commissioner Dreikornmoved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Commissioner Cox. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Richter
District Administrative Assistant
Ken CoxBoard Secretary