Matilda Hartley Media-Technology Professional Learning– August 19, 2014
Vision“Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college or career ready”
"The BibbCountySchool District will develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century global society"
Core Values
BibbCounty develops a learning orientation that mobilizes effective effort to accelerate learning.
BibbCounty is committed to a culture of respect that includes equitable treatment, honesty, openness, and integrity.
BibbCounty uses data and evidence-based decisions to determine the training and support provided to adults, so they can be accountable for the success of all students.
BibbCounty strengthens productive partnerships for education. / Agenda
- Greeting and motivational quote, Everyday improvement(.5 minute)
- Sign In(.5 minute)
- Meeting Norms(.5 minute)
- Announcements (2 minutes)
- Compliance Director – Legal Training
- Site now available. Complete modules asap!
- STAR & AR Testing
- Infinite Campus Gradebook Requirement
- Enter grades weekly! Gradebook check coming soon!
- Sections have been updated by Ms. Shelley.
- Validate Assignments for each section/subject taught.
- Attendance
- Print:Follow guidelines in completing the Student Count Form
- Online:Take attendance in Infinite Campus by 10:00am
- Discipline Referral Form: Completeand turn in to office
- Active Directory Network Log in (Teacher Computer Access)
- User Name: bcsdk12\first.last (i.e. bcsdk12\Jane.Doe)
- Password: Same as your Outlook Email
- Safari Montage -
- Online standards-based videos and print resources
- Built in Drop Box
- User Name: first.last (i.e. Jane.Doe)
- Password: Same as your Outlook Email
- User Name:Certificate Number followed by 611
- Password: Reset (1st Time) or New Password Set
- Navigate to become more familiar with the platform
- E-How:
- Technology and Learning:
- Application Switcher
- Campus Instructional Beta
- SLDS Resources - Search by grade, subject, course, standard
- Weighting Pre-Set: BOE Policy50% assessments; 50% Other Assignments
- Create Task/Add Assignment: Save/Score (Key students’ grades)
- Validation of Assignments:Complete for all sections; Update rosters changes completed by office
- Grading Scale
- Numeric: 0-100
- E, M, N: Replaces S, N, U
- Classroom Media-Technology Needs
Reminder: Bring laptop for each session