Maths Lesson Plan

Date: 15th June 2005 / Year 6: Top set
Learning Objectives:
Mental / Oral: Understand and use place value / Main: Solve mathematical problems and puzzles explaining patterns and relationships; predict.
Organise the recording of possibilities e.g. in an ordered table or list
Key Vocabulary:
Systematic, ordered table, pattern, predict / Resources:
1-6 Die and shaker
Large paper and flip chart
Extra figures
WALT and WILF Powerpoint
Smartboard software for King Arnold
Extension sheet
Mental / oral:

Share learning objective

Roll an ordinary die. Pairs use whiteboards and decide where to place the digit to make the lowest total. (    x   ) Pairs work out their total. The pair with the lowest total wins. / Key Questions:
How did you decide where to place the digits?
(Emphasise that there is an amount of luck as well as skill!)
Whole class input and main teaching activity:
Share learning objective (W.A.L.T)
  • Read problem and discuss.
  • Ask groups to use labels and act out the problem.
  • Share learning outcome (W.I.L.F.) Explain that we are going to look at different recording strategies and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Groups discuss how they might move the knights systematically.
  • Ask all kings to meet together, all Knight A etc. Ask them to share how their groups are moving systematically.
  • Ask original groups to use large paper to record all possibilities. Select groups working systematically to bring to whole class discussion.
  • Extension: What would happen if there were four knights and four empty seats? (Then ask them to consider 5 knights and discuss any difficulties this presents) Can they fill in the table provided for different numbers of knights and find any patterns? Can they find a quick way to work out the number of possibilities?
/ What is the first step in problem solving? (understand the problem)
How might you record it? How have you recorded problems previously?
Would your recording system still work? Are you going to change it? Why? / Why not?
Ask selected groups to explain their recordings and systems. They may use Smartboard software in conjunction with their explanation.
Consolidate by showing prepared tables.
Ask questions to groups who have moved to four (five) knights.
Ask if the recording system still worked?
Draw out that adding an extra column for the 4th seat would be helpful. Knight D could sit here and so there are 6 possible arrangements with the knight in this place.
Ask what we could do next. Swap Knights A and D thus creating another set of 6 seating arrangements.
Pull out the strong effect of the pattern. How many would there be altogether? (24)
If necessary, discuss 5 (120) and extension sheet.
Pupil self – assessment against WILF. Key vocabulary for lesson. / How do you know you have found all possibilities?
Did your recording system help you to know you had them all?
What would happen if there were four knights and four empty seats?
Would your recording system still work? How did you adapt it?
What went well in your group? How did you contribute to the group? What have you achieved?