Mathematics year 7 Medium term overview

Module Title: / Fractions / Syllabus References:
Module Length: / 2 weeks
Overall aims of the scheme:
For all students to improve their understanding of fractions and reach an appropriate level in this topic.
For all students to improve their special awareness / Core activities:
To understand and recognise fractions. To be able use fractions in a variety of ways, to be able to compare fractions / ICT Links:
Inclusion: gifted and talented, SEN, EAL
§  SEN: pathway 2/4
§  G&T: pathway 5/6
§  EAL: to focus on language of transformation
§  PP:
§  LAC:
§  Boys underachievement:
To support so as to reach targets or better
To use MyMaths and 10 QQ Pro to encourage and challenge the boys against each other / Literacy and Learning:
Learning through talk:
Paired and group work
Learning from text:
Work sheets, text books
Learning through writing:
Rich tasks, written explanations of some work
Assessment for Learning Opportunities:
Mini plenaries within lessons
Assessment in week 3 / Numeracy Links:
Cross-Curricular Links:
to use other subjects and newspapers to see the relevance of fractions in real life situations
Student Leadership Opportunities:
. / WrL / Enterprise:
Extension/Enrichment Opportunities:
Fraction wall/fraction jigsaw / SMSC
Fractions / Levels 7/8 / Levels6/7 / Level 5/6 / Level 4 /5 / Level 3/4 / Level 3-
Review / Fractions of fractions
Addition and subtraction of fractions / Equivalent fractions including simplifying
Fractions of amounts / Fractions addition and subtraction in relation to time
Find unit fractions of amounts / Reading fractions off charts
Core / Multiply 2 fractions
Divide fractions
Solve problems involving mixed numbers., / Order fractions using a common denominator.
Find fractions of harder numbers
Convert fractions to decimals by dividing
Dividing an integer by a fraction
+ and – of fractions with different denominators
Multiplying fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions with different fractions / Equivalence and cancelling fractions.
Finding fractions of whole numbers.
Converting between mixed numbers and top heavy fractions.
Adding fractions with a common denominator / Find ½ ¼ ¾ 1/10 of a number
Understand that fractions relate to division
Know the decimal equivalents of ½ ¼ ¾ 1/10
Identify fractions that add up to 1
Understand simple fraction equivalents / Recognise and draw fractions
Recognise diagrams of mixed numbers
Understand equivalent fractions of ½ using diagrams.
Find ½ of a number
Understand that halves etc have to be the same size / Recognise and draw unit fractions
Begin to use half and quarters and relate a half to half a shape
Using equipment split into equal groups
extension / Change/ recognise recurring fractions with 3 or 9 as a denominator / Extend operations to mixed numbers / Order fractions using a common denominator. / Fractions addition and subtraction in relation to time / Find ½ and ¼ of a number
Rich Tasks Yr 7 / Fraction jigsaw (NRIch) / Fraction jigsaw (NRIch) / Fraction jigsaw (NRIch) / Fraction jigsaw (NRIch) / Fraction wall (NRich) / Fraction wall (NRich)
Rich tasks Yr 8 / Harmonic triangle (NRich) / Harmonic triangle (NRich) / Harmonic triangle (NRich)
Rich tasks yr 9