POST Teacher

DATE 1 September 2016


There are differing aspects to this job description.

  • Responsibilities as a teacher
  • Subject Leader (if applicable)

PURPOSE OF JOB: To provide high quality education for pupils



Professional duties

Teaching and Assessment:

  • Having a thorough understanding of the National Curriculum and the school's own schemes of work.
  • Using a variety of teaching methods appropriate to task and learning needs of pupils.
  • Planning and preparing lessons with clear learning outcomes.
  • Teaching, according to their educational needs, the pupils assigned to him/her, including the setting and marking of work to be carried out by the pupil in school and elsewhere.
  • Assessing, recording and reporting on the development, progress and attainment of pupils, in line with national and school requirements.
  • Giving feedback to pupils about their work.


  • Promoting the general progress and well-being of individual pupils and of the class.
  • Maintaining good discipline in line with school behaviour policy.
  • Accepting responsibility for care and safety of children following health and safety guidelines.
  • Liaising with parents and colleagues.

Management and Personal Development

  • Managing own time and pupils' time effectively.
  • Supervising work of Teaching Assistants, voluntary help and students, producing reports as necessary.
  • Participating in appraisal arrangements in accordance with Performance Management policy.
  • Active involvement in further professional development, reviewing personal methods of teaching and programmes of work.


  • Completing weekly plans in line with school policy and following long and medium term plans.
  • Completing annual pupil reports and termly Assertive Mentoring sheets..
  • Registers attendance of pupils in line with school procedures
  • Involvement in parents’ evenings.

Exercise of general professional duties

A teacher shall carry out the professional duties of a teacher as circumstances may require and in accordance with any directions which may reasonably be given to them by the head teacher from time to time

You are to carry out the duties of a school teacher as set out in Pay and Conditions Document 2008 and subject to any amendments due to government legislation. This includes any duties as may be reasonably directed by the Headteacher.

Knowledge and Understanding:

  • Demonstrate a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of the teaching of your subject and take account of wider curriculum developments which are relevant to your work

Teaching and Assessment:

  • Demonstrate that you consistently and effectively plan lessons and sequences of lessons to meet pupils’ individual learning needs
  • Demonstrate that you consistently and effectively use a range of appropriate strategies for teaching and classroom management and with the majority of your lessons at least “good” in OfSTED terms
  • Demonstrate that you consistently and effectively use information about prior attainment to set well-grounded expectations for pupils and monitor progress to give clear and constructive feedback
  • Make distinctive contribution to raising pupil standards.

Pupil Progress:

  • Demonstrate that, as a result of your teaching, your pupils achieve well relative to the pupils’ prior attainment, making progress as good or better than similar pupils nationally. (This should be shown in marks or grades in any relevant national tests or examination, or school-based assessment for pupils where national tests and examinations are not taken)

Wider Professional Effectiveness:

  • Take responsibility for you professional development and use the outcomes to improve your teaching and pupils’ learning
  • Make an active contribution to the policies and aspirations of the school
  • Seek to share your expertise with colleagues

Professional Characteristics:

Demonstrate that you are an effective professional who challenges and supports all pupils to do their best through:

  • Inspiring trust and confidence
  • Building team commitment
  • Engaging and motivation pupils
  • Analytical thinking
  • Taking positive action to improve the quality of pupils’ learning
  • Provide a role model for teaching and learning.

The above job description was agreed on …………………………… (date). It may be reviewed and/or amended at any time but before this happens you will be given appropriate opportunities to discuss any proposed amendments. It will be reviewed as part of the annual performance management process.

Signed…………………………………………………………………. (Teacher) Date…………………………

Signed……………………………………………………..…….. (Headteacher) Date ………………………..