a-n Coaching programme with RD1st
Summer 2017
Application form
- Your contact details including telephone, email, postal details (essential for the application to be considered)
[Boxes will expand as you write into them]
Email (PLEASE NOTE this must be the same as your a-n membership registered email
Include your a-n membership expiry date:
- Outline your travel, childcare, accommodation budget and amount applied for (up to the value of £400).
Expenditure (itemise each £ cost)
This application is for £
- Why is this opportunity crucial to your professional development and how might it fit within your existing practice? (350 words)
- Describe your networks and how they might benefit from your participation in this activity? (200 words)
- Please let us know if you have any health issues you feel that RD1st should be aware of and who to contact in case of an emergency. (This information is confidential). The course can be emotionally ‘stirring’ and RD1st ask that you take full responsibility for your physical and mental well-being.
Sending your application
Send the following 3 pdf files to with ‘a-n Coaching course with RD1st’ in the email header:
- Your application form saved as a pdf (with your name first in the title egFreda_Bloggs_Coaching_Course_Application)
- Your up-to-date CV including links to relevant websites (in 1 pdf file, with your name first in the title egFreda_Bloggs_CV)
- A completed equality and diversity monitoring form(in 1 pdf file with your name first in the title egFreda_Bloggs_EDform)
Please don’t send large files (maximum is 1Mb) as these will not be delivered to our email box. (We ask for files to be in pdf format as this reduces the size when sending).
Applications accepted from now and up to 5pm Tuesday 28 February 2017.
In submitting this applicationform you confirm that you are prepared to meet the commitments of the course and the requirements to:
- Share your experience of coaching with a-n and its members through an a-n blog or other agreed means (usually this would include a minimum of 4 blog posts)
- Deliver 8 free coaching sessions (usually 4 sessions for 2 people) to artists within your peer or studio network. Where possible we would encourage support to be given to a-n members.
- Applications from those who do not hold a current a-n membership will not be considered.
- Places are awarded at the discretion of a-n The Artists Information Company.
- Activity must be completed by December 2018.
- We will contact you 6 months and 1 year after the course to evaluate its success.