Instructor Information
Instructor Name: Hannah Province , Instructor - Mathematics
Office Location: MAC 260 , Macon Cove
Office Hours: TBA
Office Phone: (901) 333-4562
Faculty Website:
Course Information
Course Description: Study of basic statistical concepts including data organization and analysis including frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability theory and distributions; sampling methods; estimation; hypothesis testing; regression and correlation analysis.
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of this course:
•Students will demonstrate the ability to think through a problem, pick the right solution process, use the necessary technology to get the result, and express the answer in a coherent/acceptable manner.
•Students will expand and enhance communication skills through assigned textbook exercises, class discussion/participation and individual learning exercises.
•Students will show responsibility by regular class attendance, punctuality, honoring assignment due dates, exam dates/times, and bringing relevant materials to class.
•Students will be able to recognize the diversity of the course material and its possible global implications.
Prerequisites: DSPM0850 or demonstrated proficiency on the placement examination or the ACT
Corequisites: None
Instructional / Learning Methods: The instructional / learning methods employed in this course are a combination of reading, skills mastery, case studies, and group discussions.
Specific Course Requirements: In order to successfully complete this course in an online environment, students must also possess basic computer skills, the ability to follow written directions, and be able to read for comprehension.
Textbooks, Supplementary Materials, Hardware, and Software Requirements
Textbooks, Supplementary Materials, Hardware, and Software Requirements
Required Text: Elementary Statistics: Picturing the World. 5th edition. Larson. Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-321-69362-0
ISBN: 978-0-321-69362-4
Optional Text: None
Supplementary Materials:
•TI-83 or 84+ graphing utility calculator; MyMath Lab Software
Hardware Requirements:
•minimum 650 or higher Pentium III processor (recommended)
•CD-ROM or DVD drive
•floppy drive, zip drive, or CD-RW drive
•Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
•at least 256 MB of RAM (recommended)
•(optional) printer
Software Requirements: General Software Requirements
•Operating System:
◦Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP (recommended)
◦Mac OS 8.6/9.1/X
•Current Anti-Virus protection
•Reliable Internet connection (broadband recommended but not required)
Assessment and Grading
Method of Evaluation:
•Tests, Homework, Case Studies, Participation
Grading Scale:
•A = 100 - 90
•B = 89 - 80
•C = 79 - 70
•D = 69 - 60
•F = below 60
Comprehensive Final Exam - 30%
Case Study/ Discussions/Stat World - 10%
Homework Average - 10%
Test Average (3 tests) - 50%
Testing Procedure/Policy:
All three tests and the final exam will be proctored in class. The maximum time allowed for each test is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The tentative dates and times for all tests are posted on the Calendar within the course. All tests must be taken on the days listed on the Calendar.
NO make-up tests will be given. If you miss a test for any reason a grade of “0” will be given. The final exam percentage will be used to replace a missed test. The final exam will only replace one test, for this reason DO NOT miss more than one test.
If you must miss a test for a scheduled University function, you must notify the instructor in advance and arrangements can be made to take a test early, but not late.
Major Assignments:
Case Study Assignments: Each student will be responsible for completing and turning in case study assignments. Each assignment consists of a case study from a different chapter. Assignments should be typed in Word. Click on the Case Study link under each chapter for more information about these studies. Late Case Study Assignments will not be accepted
Homework: Homework will be worked and graded in MyMath Lab. The homework average will count as 10% of the final average. Late homework will not be accepted. Click on the Homework link under each chapter for more information on the homework assignments.
Participation/Attendance Policy: Class participation will include a variety of activities.
Discussions: Three times during the semester a discussion topic will be posted on the Discussion Forum. The topic will be a statistical application. The purpose of these discussions is to generate class interaction. You will be graded on how much thoughtful input you contribute to the class discussion of the topic.
Stat World: Three Stat World Assignment will be posted. Through these assignments you will share with the class information that you discover on the internet about statistics in the "real world". These assignments should be posted on the Discussion Forum for the benefit of the entire class.
Additional Policies: All written work should be college-level.
Guidelines for Communications
E-mail: Each student has been provided a Southwest e-mail account. Please do not email your classmates email. E-mails that contain advertisements, solicitations, personal interests, etc. are strictly forbidden. Below are a few guidelines that you should keep in mind when sending email:
•Always include a subject line.
•Typing in all CAPS is considered SHOUTING in Cyberspace. So please use upper and lower case characters when sending e-mails.
•Remember, without facial expressions some comments may be taken the wrong way. Be careful in wording your e-mails. Use of emoticons might be helpful in some cases.
•Use standard fonts.
•Do not send large attachments without permission.
•Respect the privacy of other class members.
Online instructors will respond to all e-mails within 48 hours.
Discussion: Below are a few guidelines that should be adhered to at all times when using the Discussion forum. Messages that contain advertisements, solicitations, personal interests, etc. are strictly forbidden.
•Review the discussion threads thoroughly before entering the discussion.
•Please try to maintain threads by using the "Reply" button rather starting a new topic.
•Do not make insulting or inflammatory statements to other members of the class. Be respectful of other’s ideas.
•Be patient and read the comments of other group members thoroughly before entering your remarks.
•Be positive and constructive in group discussions.
•Respond in a thoughtful and timely manner.
Please post all course content questions on the Discussion forum. By doing this, everyone will have the benefit of seeing my response.
Technical Support
My.Southwest Support: When experiencing problems with My.Southwest click on the following link for assistance:
When requesting help please provide as much information as possible, such as, your name and a full detailed explanation of the problem.
If you are experiencing difficulty with my faculty website, please contact instructor.
WebCT Support: Many problems can be solved by making sure your browser settings are correct. Visit the browser tune-up page to check your browser's compatibility.
Using the My.Southwest Student Technical Support Request is the quickest way to receive an answer to your technical support question. When leaving a request for help, please leave detailed information so that we may provide you the best service possible.
Course Topics
1.Introduction to statistics
2.Frequency distributions and their graphs
3.Measures of Central Tendency
4.Measures of Variation
5.Measures of Position
6.Basic Concepts of Probability
7.Probability Distributions
8.Binomial Probability Distributions
9.The Standard Normal Distribution
10.The Central Limit Theorem
11.Confidence intervals for the mean (large samples)
12.Confidence intervals for the mean (small samples)
13.Introduction to hypothesis testing
14.Hypothesis testing for the mean (large samples)
15.Hypothesis testing for the mean (small samples)
17.Linear regression
Additional Information
Students with Disabilities
Southwest Tennessee Community College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all qualified students with disabilities. The student is responsible for contacting the Career Counseling Center to arrange for appropriate accommodation. When the disability has been documented and verified a counselor will contact the faculty member regarding any special accommodations to be provided.
For more information, refer to the College Catalog under the section entitled, "Student Affairs" or contact the Counseling/Advising Centers located on:
Macon Cove Campus
Farris Building, Room 2140
(901) 333-4223 or (901) 333-4594
Union Avenue Campus
Building B, Room 225
(901) 333-5122
Drop / Withdrawal Dates
See the official college catalog for the current withdrawal policies. Important semester drop and withdrawal dates can be found on the college Web site at
Academic Misconduct
Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. A student guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly, through participation or assistance, is immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. The instructor has the authority to assign an “F” grade or a zero for the exercise or examination, or to assign an “F” for the course. College sanctions for academic misconduct may include suspension or dismissal from the College. Please see the section in the current Catalog on Academic Misconduct.
Anyone suspected of cheating will receive a grade of zero on the assignment or test.
Open Labs
Macon Cove
Academic Support Center - Nabors Auditorium, Room 101
Open Lab - Jennings Building, Room 12
Freeman Library
Union Avenue
Academic Support Center - F Building, Rooms 306, 309, 312
Parrish Library
Academic Support Center - Room 210
Academic Support Center - Room 138
Academic Support Center - Building 6, Room 127
Syllabus Updates
The instructor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the instructor will immediately notify students of such changes.