FRANCIS E. CLARK, page XXX of 23
FRANCIS E. CLARK 01 January 2010
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture
College of Education and Human Development
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-4232
(979) 845-8255 Office
(979) 845-9663 FAX
(979) 693-0651 Home
Administration and Supervision
Communication Technologies
Inquiry Strategies/Methodologies
Learning/Cognitive Theory
Learning from Instruction/Modeling
Learner/Teacher Attributes
Task/Resource Attributes
B.S. Secondary Education, Pittsburg State University, 1964
M.Ed. Industrial Education, Engineering Design Graphics, Texas A&M University, 1965
Ed. D. Industrial Education, Administration and Supervision, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1971
Professor, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture, College of Education, Texas A&M University (IX, 2000 to present)
Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1999 to 2000)
Interim Head and Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (VIII, 1997 to VIII, 1999)
Assistant Head, Coordinator of Graduate Programs and Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (VIII, 1995 to VII, 1997)
Professor, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, Texas A&M University (I, 1991 to VII, 1995)
Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (IX, 1987 to XII, 1990)
Associate Dean, The Graduate College; Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (VI, 1986 to VIII, 1987)
Associate Dean, The Graduate College; Professor, Department of Industrial, Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (IX, 1984 to V, 1986)
Assistant Dean, The Graduate College; Professor, Department of Industrial, Vocational and Technical Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (I - VIII, 1984)
Director, Educational Technology Program and Educational Media Center; Professor, Department of Industrial Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1982 to 1984)
Director, Educational Technology Program and Educational Media Center; Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1976 to 1982)
Director, Educational Technology Program and Educational Media Center; Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Education, College of Education, Texas A&M University (1973 to 1976)
Research and Development Specialist, The Center for Vocational Education, Columbus, Ohio; Assistant Professor, Trade and Industrial Education, College of Education, The Ohio State University (1971 to 1973)
Teaching Assistant (Summers), Department of Practical Arts and Vocational-Technical Education, College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia (1970 to 1971)
Instructor (half-time), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia (1969 to 1971)
Assistant Professor, College of Applied Arts and Technology, Eastern Kentucky University (1966 to 1969)
Instructor, School of Technology and Applied Science, Pittsburg State University (1965 to 1966)
Cabinet maker, ten months, summers and part-time
Draftsman, ten months, summers and part-time
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Special Interest Group on Instructional Technology (SIG/IT)
Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Research and Theory Division (RTD)
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Council of Graduate Schools in the United States (CGS)
Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS)
Southwest Educational Research Association (SERA)
Texas Association for Educational Technology (TAET)
Phi Kappa Phi (PKP)
Phi Delta Kappa (PDK)
Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
Iota Lambda Sigma (ILS)
Epsilon Pi Tau (EPT)
Invited delegate to the "New Spirit in Leadership Conference," Lakeside Laboratory, Okoboji, Iowa, 1980
Texas Delegate to the "Lake Okoboji Educational Media Leadership Conference," Lakeside Laboratory, Okoboji, Iowa, 1979
Fellowship to the "NDEA Institute on Instructional Computer Graphics," Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, 1968
State and National Professional and Honorary Societies
Paper and Symposia Reviewer, AERA Instructional Technology Special Interest Group (SIG/IT), 1993 to present
Consulting Editor, Educational Technology Research and Development, 1989 to present
Paper and Symposia Reviewer, AECT Research and Theory Division, 1980 to present
Planning Committee, Professors of Instructional Design and Technology, 1989 to 1990; 1999 to 2001
PKP Past President, TAMU Chapter, 1989 to 1990; Chair, Outstanding Juniors Committee, 1989 to 1992; President, 1988 to 1989; Vice President, 1987 to 1988; Treasurer, 1985 to 1987; Chair, Initiation Banquet Committee, 1984; Banquet Committee, XXXI Triennial Convention, College Station, Texas, 1980
Conference Coordinator and Member of the Regional Coordinator's Principal Office staff, South Central Region Holmes Group, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1988 to 1989
Editorial Board, Educational Communication and Technology Journal, 1980 to 1983; Consulting Editor, 1983 to 1989
CSGS Committee on Issues and Planning, 1984 to 1989
Conference Coordinator, "Induction: How To Make It Work in Texas," John Gray Institute, Lamar University System, Beaumont, Texas, 1988
AECT Research and Theory Division Board of Directors, 1983 to 1987
Professional Materials Review Panel, Educational Technology, 1981 to 1984
Book Review Board, Instructional Innovator, 1981 to 1983
Editorial Advisory Board, Instructional Innovator, 1981 to 1983
AECT Continuing Education Committee, 1977 to 1983
TAET Executive Committee, 1975 to 1983; Past President 1981 to 1982; President, 1980 to 1981; President Elect, 1979 to 1980; Executive Secretary, 1978 to 1979; Vice President, 1977 to 1978
PDK Past President, TAMU Chapter, 1980 to 1981; President, 1979 to 1980; First Vice President, 1978 to 1979; Second Vice President, 1977 to 1978; Secretary, 1976 to 1977; Awards Committee, 1975 to 1976
Delegate, AECT State Affiliate Relations Conference, Washington, D.C., 1981; Dallas, Texas, 1980; Louisville, Kentucky, 1979; Denver, Colorado, 1978
Delegate, AECT National Convention, Author, ECT Foundation Funded Leadership Development Proposal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1981; Council Steering Committee, Denver, Colorado, 1980; New Orleans, Louisiana, 1979; Kansas City, Missouri, 1978; Miami Beach, Florida, 1977
Delegate, AECT Region VII Leadership Development Conference, (Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas) Hot Springs, Arkansas, 1981; Springfield Missouri, 1980; Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1979; Returning Chair, Monroe, Louisiana, 1978; Elected Chair, Wichita Kansas, 1977; Planning Committee Member, Dallas, Texas, 1976
TAET/NAVA Spring Leadership Conference Coordinator, Dallas, Texas 1981
TAET Chair, Leadership Development Committee, 1978 to 1980
TAET Chair, State Conference, Dallas, Texas, 1980
Conference Coordinator, "TAET Constitutional Revision Workshop," Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1978
TAET Area VI Affiliate President, 1977 to 1978
TAET Area VI Leadership Conference Coordinator, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1978
TAET Membership Committee, 1976 to 1978; Chair, 1977 to 1978
AIAA Curriculum Committee, 1974 to 1978
ACIATE Grants and Awards Committee, 1976 to 1978
ACESIA Newsletter Editor, 1976 to 1978
Referee, The Journal of Vocational Education Research, 1977
Texas A&M University
Graduate Faculty, Texas A&M University, 1974 to present
Chair, University Placement Committee for International Students, 1984 to 1995
Chair, Departmental Focus Group on Technology, 2000 to 2002
Chair, Departmental Committee on Equipment Access, 1999 to 2002
College Strategic Planning Committee for Technology and Distance Learning, 1999 to 2002
Rewarding Teaching/Enhancing Student Learning, 1998 to 2001
Transition Committee for the College of Education, 1999 to 2001
Dean’s Council, College of Education, 1997 to 1999
Graduate Instruction Committee, College of Education, 1995 to 1997
Chair, Graduate Faculty, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1995 to 1997
Faculty Development Leave Committee, Texas A&M University, 1994 to 1997
Committee on Academic Freedom, Responsibility, Tenure, and Promotion, Texas A&M University, 1989 to 1992 and 1994 to 1997
Faculty Advisory Council, College of Education, 1994 to 1997; Chair, 1976 to 1978; Vice Chair, 1975 to 1976
Chair, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1995 to 1997
Faculty Representative Council, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1994 to 1995
ad hoc Faculty Evaluation Advisory Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993, 1994, and 1995
Committee on Teacher Preparation for the Middle Grades, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993 to 1995
Committee on the Mission/Philosophy of Teacher Preparation, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993 to 1995
Teacher Preparation Task Force, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1993 to 1995
College Representative, Committee on University Electronic Information Resource Planning, Texas A&M University, 1993 to 1995
TEC Project Participant, College of Education, 1992 to 1995
Advanced Academic Research Unit, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1991 to 1995
College Representative, Undergraduate International Programs Committee to Study the English Language Proficiency Certification Process, Texas A&M University, 1990 to 1995
Model Middle School Task Force, College of Education, 1990 to 1995
College Representative, Committee to Study Integrated Graphic-Identity Mechanisms; Chair, Subcommittee to Develop Program of Requirements, Texas A&M University, 1988 to 1995
Committee to Respond to Coordinating Board Report, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1991 to 1992
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, College of Education, 1989 to 1992
Steering Committee, NCATE Institutional Report, College of Education, 1989 to 1992
Rules and Regulations Committee, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1989
Computing Council, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1989
SIMS Project Working Groups: Student Records, Admissions, Student Accounting, Student Financial Aid, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1989
Chair, Degree Audit Committee, Texas A&M University, 1986 to 1989
Computer Steering Committee, Texas A&M University, 1986 to 1989
College Delegate to the Fourth Symposium of the Texas A&M University System, 1988
University Academic Forum, 1985 to 1988
Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Subcommittee on Add/Drop Period, Texas A&M University, 1986 to 1987
Transition Committee for the Graduate College, Texas A&M University, 1987
Calendar Committee, Texas A&M University, 1985 to 1987
Academic Operations Committee, Texas A&M University, 1984 to 1987
College Representative, ad hoc Program Planning Committee for the Second Annual Symposium for the Texas A&M University System, 1984
Faculty Selection Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1983 to 1984
ad hoc Committee on Computer Aided Instruction, Texas A&M University, 1982 to 1984
Teaching Excellence Project, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1982 to 1984
Committee on the PLATO Pilot Project, Texas A&M University, 1981 to 1984
American Humanics Youth Agency Leadership Advisory Committee, Texas A&M University, 1981 to 1984
Tenure Advisory Committee, Texas A&M University, 1978 to 1984; Chair, 1982 to 1984; Vice Chair, 1981 to 1982; Secretary, 1978 to 1979
Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Industrial Education, 1978 to 1984
Chair, College of Education Media Center Advisory Committee, 1973 to 1984
Inquiry Group on Research Assistance and Computer Technology; Chair, Subcommittee on Staff Development; Member, Subcommittee on Inquiry Products, College of Education, 1981 to 1983
Steering Committee on Fostering Educational Inquiry, College of Education, 1981 to 1983
Committee on Follow-Up of Graduates and Evaluation of Teacher Preparation Program, College of Education, 1979 to 1983
Instructional Director, Microcomputer Program, Summer Adventures for Gifted and Talented Youth, Galveston Island, July, 1982 to 1983
Coordinator, College of Education Microcomputer Fair and Satellite Teleconference, October, 1982
College Coordinator, Faculty Development Workshops on Microcomputers, January, May, June, 1982
Temporary Graduate Science Education Committee, Department of Educational Curriculum and Instruction, 1981 to 1982
Data Processing Center Coordinator, Department of Industrial Education, 1978 to 1982
Task Force on Faculty and Graduate Student Research, Development, Data Processing, and Computer Usage, College of Education, 1980 to 1981
Task Force on Technological Literacy, College of Education, 1980 to 1981
Interdisciplinary Planning Committee, College of Education, 1980 to 1981
Committee for Examining Faculty Evaluation Procedures and Policies, College of Education, 1980
DHEW Dean's Grant, No. G007801893, Mainstreaming Project, 1978 to 1980
Discussion Leader, Education's Agenda for the 80's, College of Education Faculty Workshop, 1980
Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Education, Texas A&M University, 1979
Faculty Affairs Council, Texas A&M University, 1976 to 1978; Vice Chair, 1977 to 1978
Academic Council, Texas A&M University, 1976 to 1978
Advisory Committee for the research project, "A Study of Structured and Non-Structured Work Experience Programs in Texas," College of Education, 1974
Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2006).
Net generation undergraduates as technology mentors for teacher educators.
National Forum of Teacher Education Journal 17E:3.
Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2006).
Technology mentor fellowship program: A technology integration
professional development model for classroom teachers. National Forum
of Teacher Education Journal 16:3.
Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2005)
Net generation college students as technology mentors for teacher
educators. Preceedings of the Society for Information Technology and
Teacher Education, 2005. 16th International Conference. 3150-3154.
Clark, F. E. (1995). Learning from learning from instruction: Reconceptualizing the research environment. In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 17, 5-9.
Clark, F. E. (1990). Extrapolating from Richard E. Clark's argument. In Simonson, M. R. (Ed), Proceedings of Selected Research Paper Presentations; Research and Theory Division; National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 12, 155-161.
Angert, J. F., Denton, J. J. & Clark, F. E. (1987). A quantitative synthesis of pictorial complexity on learner achievement. In Zellner, R. D., Denton, J. J., Burger, M. J. & Kansky, R. J. (Eds), Technology in education: Implications and applications. College Station, Texas: Instructional Research Laboratory, College of Education, Texas A&M University.
Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G., & O'Conner, M. J. (1985). Assessing instructional strategies and resulting student attitudes regarding two-way television instruction, Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 13 (4), 281-298.
Denton, J. J., Clark, F. E., Rossing, R. G. & O'Conner, M. J. (1984). An examination of instructional strategies used with two-way television. The Journal of Classroom Interaction, 19 (2), 12-20.
Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1984). Is there a light at the end of the tunnel vision? Instructional Innovator, 29 (2), 10-14.
Clark, F. E. & Angert, J. F. (1981). Teacher commitment to instructional design: The problem of media selection and use. Educational Technology, 21 (5), 9-15.