Math Vocabulary Assessment (Module 1-7)

Using the word bank below, write the letter on the line for the definition. There will

beNO words left over.

A absolute value H divisor P multiple X proportion
B addend J dividend Q negative number Y quotient
C algorithm K equivalent ratio R opposites Z rate
E composite number L factor S opposite of opposite AA ratio
F difference M GCF T positive number BB rational number
G divisible N inequality U prime number CC remainder
GG unit rate O LCM W product DD sum
EE terms FF unit HH whole number JJ integers
  1. Sthe number itself
  2. Qnumbers less than zero
  3. Othe least number, other than zero, that is a multiple of all the numbers
  4. Mthe largest common factor of two or more given numbers
  5. BBany number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers
  6. Fthe result when you subtract one number from another
  7. AAa comparison of two quantities by division
  8. Aa number’s distance from zero on a number
  9. Ba number to be added to another number
  10. DDthe result when you add two or more numbers
  11. Gcan be divided by a number without leaving a remainder
  12. Rtwo numbers that are equal distance from zero on a number line
  13. Jis a number that is being divided
  14. C a set of rules or procedures for solving a mathematical problem in a finite number of steps
  15. HHpositive numbers and zero
  16. FFa single item
  17. Na statement that two quantities are not equal
  18. Tnumbers greater than zero
  19. EEthe numbers in a ratio
  20. Xa statement that two ratios or rates are equivalent
  21. JJthe set of all whole numbers and their opposites
  22. La number that is multiplied by another number
  23. GGa rate in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit
  24. Wthe result when you multiply two or more numbers
  25. Pthe product of a number and any non-zero whole number
  26. His the number that does the dividing
  27. Ythe result when you divide one number by another
  28. Za ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units
  29. CCwhole number left over after division when divisor does not divide number evenly
  30. Kratios that name the same comparison
  31. Ua number that has only 2 factors
  32. Ea number that has more than 2 factors