Lee’s Corner 3rd PTA Meeting Minutes
November 01, 2011
The meeting was called to order by Liz Persell, PTA president, in LCES cafeteria at
7:00 p.m. on November 1, 2011.
In Attendance
Michele BowmanKristi PennellMya Iwin
Ray NormanJulie ChangBeth Lizut Eane
Kelly Havbison Lori Walowsky Denise Cognetta
Leslie BarnesCammise McInnis Billy Anderson
Kim Proppe Deb ByLiz Persell
Robin Carter Jasmine Geddis
Danielle HeffronDawn Garey
Tina Pivanik
Carol Klotz
Jennifer Cowett
Susie Garcia
The Principle Bob D’Amato, and Assistant Principle Monica Mohr
Approval of Minutes
There was a request for approval of the minutes by Liz Persell for September 20, 2011 as well as the minutes for October 04, 2011. All in favor say “I”. Minutes were approved.
Updates and Budget
Liz Persell went over some updates she has made a new format to keep updates organized.
Treasurer’s report was presented by Denyse Cognetta about the updated budget.
Hallowingo earned $2,120 this money will help with future family nights and to get a 5year license for movies. Thanks to the chairs Dawn Garey and Laura Healy, and all the volunteers for making this happen.
Clothing drive for the sister school at Bailey Elementary school is going on now through November 17, 2011. Parents can drop clothes or send in with their child.
Book-Fair December 2-December 9, 2011 with Baja Fresh Dec. 9th for family night
Directory Uploaded to Black Board under Lees Corner All, Kit to follow.
Grounds- PTA shed cleaned and organized.
Membership- 219 family members, 4 community members, 59 teachers and staff
Teacher Appreciation –luncheon scheduled December19, 2011
Technology-Website up to date
Welcoming – welcome letter sent to 86 new families
Student Programs
Chess Club-65 students participating-they won first prize trophy
Cultural Arts-The Power of One Assembly held Oct. 12, 2011
French Club-19 students enrolled 6 students French 2, 13 students French 1
Girls on the Run- 20 students, first 5K at Jiffy Lube on Nov 20 2011
Lego- one team stood up participating in FLL tournament on Nov. 12, 2011 at
Franklin MS
Mad Science-41 students enrolled (20 kids in K-2 class and 21 in 3-6 class)
Box Tops- 8428 submitted-842.80 earned
Giant-57 people registered need more
Donations-$130 donated
Corporate Matching-$600.00 donated
Spirit Wear- $1400 earned
Dining Days-$209 Subway, $292 Sweet Frog, Next event Nov. 13 Franklin Farm Subway all day.
Audit Committee Vote
The financial audit has not been done in about 3 years. We need to get it done so that we can maintain our 501 nonprofit status. Ann Appler, Amy Whiteman, and Michele Anderson volunteered to be audit committee then realized they have to be nominated so Dawn Garey, nominated them and Lori Hillburger second the motion. All in favor said “I” and they were nominated as the Audit Committee.
Girls on the Run
Lori Walowsky wanted to thank Tina Pivarnik, and Leslie Barnes for helping out with theGirls on the run, while she was away in Iraq. They are having a practice run on Friday Nov.11th and would like the parents and teachers to come out and show their support.
Principal Time
Bob D’Amato commented on how good the turnout was at Hallowingo night. He talked about how the kids will enjoy the movies and how it will be good for the children when they earn their bears. He then handed the floor to the assistant principle Monica Mohr. She talked about the new report cards and tests that the children will be taking or have already been taken. Some of the tests are mandated by state and some by Fairfax. You can see her power points on the PTA website.
The direct website for testing program by grade is
Bob discussed more upcoming events -The Thanksgiving dinner, Chinese Acrobats, The Franklin Institute. He then dismissed the teachers and started talking about the new report cards.
If you want to learn more about the new report cards you can go to the following:
then go to the parents section then goes to related topics Elementary Progress Report click on it and it should give you more information.
The direct webpage is
Kim Graham
Kim Graham is the minority liaison who informs the PTA and community of minority events and concerns. Shehas been a representative for over 25 years.This program helps tutor all students that are struggling. They set workshops up for parents. They help celebrate Martin Luther King’s Birthday. They have scholarships.
The meeting was called to adjourn.