General Information

Math Pioneers Mathstronauts Programs sponsors a limited number of need-based partial scholarships. Financial aid awards will be applied toward the program tuition. Since financial assistance covers only part of the expenses, applicants are encouraged to explore additional funding sources, such as churches, civic organizations, and businesses.

To be considered for a financial aid award, this completed application along with all requested supplemental documents must be received by May 31, 2008. Incomplete packets will not be considered. Applicants will be notified about award decisions by mail by June 10, 2008.

If you have questions about the financial aid application process, please contact the Director of Mathstronauts, Jenna Lin,at 303-224-0584. To learn more about program offerings, visit the website:

PLEASE NOTE: Students submitting financial aid applications are NOT automatically enrolled in a camp. If awarded a scholarship, students will be placed in spaces reserved for financial aid recipients. If the camper plans to attend the program regardless of whether or not s/he is awarded financial aid, a registration form and nonrefundable deposit must be submitted in addition to the completed financial aid packet.


A completed application includes the following:

1.Financial Aid Application Form

2. 2007 Federal Income Tax Return(s), 2007 W-2 form(s) and other supporting financial documentation

3. Teacher’s Recommendation

4. Student Statement

5.Sample of Work, if applicable.

6.Optional Information Form, if applicable

  • Complete and sign Math Pioneers MathstronautsPrograms Financial Aid Application as directed and provide copies of 2007 Federal Income Tax Return(s) and 2007 W-2 form(s). PLEASE NOTE: If a family does not file a Federal Income Tax Return or receive a W-2 form, please explain why on the Optional Information form provided. In addition, you must list the amounts and sources of nontaxable income and provide certified documentation of any such income.
  • The Teacher’s Recommendation should be completed by a current teacher, who can describe the student's academic abilities and potential. Complete the top of the form with the student’s name and program applied to before giving it to the recommender. The form should be mailed directly to Math PioneersMathstronauts Program, Financial Aid, 6130 South Ivy Street, Centennial, CO80111 and receivedbyMay 31, 2008.
  • All applicants must submit a Student Statement, which summarizes their motivation to attend and what they desire to gain from attending the camp.
  • Students applying for Mathstronauts math and science camps may submit samples of their work.


MAIL TO: Math PioneersMathstronauts

Financial Aid

6130 South Ivy Street

Centennial, CO 80111


I. Personal Information

Student’s Name (Last, First, Middle initial): ______

Mailing Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

Date of Birth: ______
Gender: ___female ___male

Race (optional): Native American  Asian/Oriental Black/African-American

 Hispanic/Latino Caucasian/White  Other: ______

Current Grade in School (2007-2008): ______School is: ____ public ____ private

School Name: ______

School Address: ______

SchoolCity, State, Zip: ______

Recommending Teacher's Name: ______

Parents’ marital status:  single  married  divorced  legally separated  widowed

• If divorced, who is the custodial parent? ______

• Check here if the parent completing this form is NOT the custodial parent: 

Occupation of father/guardian: ______

Occupation of mother/guardian: ______

II. Income Information (Please state income in total dollar annual amounts.)

• Custodial parent must indicate any child support or alimony received from non-custodial parent.

• If legally separated, both parents’ income must be reported.2007

1. Annual income of male parent or guardian (wages, salaries, tips)...... $______

2. Annual income of female parent or guardian (wages, salaries, tips)...... $______

3. Annual interest and/or dividend income (specify source):______$______

4. Annual business income...... $______

5. Other taxable income (specify: pensions, capital gains, etc.):______$______

6. Annual alimony or child support...... $______

7. Annual Social Security benefits...... $______

8. Annual allotment of food stamps...... $______

9. Annual AFDC...... $______

10. Other nontaxable income (specify source):______$______

Total Annual Income (Add lines 1-10) TOTAL $ ______

III. Additional Financial Information

Monthly rental payment or mortgage? $______Total # of dependent children in household: ______

Names & ages of children: ______

What is the approximate amount the family can contribute toward tuition for summer camp? $ ______

What is the approximate amount the family requests toward tuition for summer camp? $ ______

Have you contacted any other funding sources in your community? ______Please, list the names of those people or organizations and the amount, if any, they have pledged. ______


IV. Program Selection

Below select (X) the session(s). If there is more than one session, please rank in order of preference (1- first choice, 2 – second choice, 3 – third choice). Day campers attend M-F, approximately 9am – 4pm. Exact times vary by camp.

Please indicate your preferred living option: _____day/extended day_____residential

____ Rockets and Flying Things, June 30 – July3

____City Builders/Engineering Camp, July 7 – July 11

____ DisasterZone Camp session: ____ July 14 – July18

____ Bots In Space: To Infinity & Beyond Camp, July 21 – July 25

V. Certification

I certify that the information furnished on this form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Signature of Parent/GuardianPrint Name


Relationship to StudentDate

MAIL TO: Math PioneersMathstronauts, Financial Aid

6130 South Ivy Street

Centennial, CO80111

Math PioneersMathstronautsProgram – 2008 Financial Aid Application

Teacher Recommendation

Student’s Name: ______Current Grade in School (2007-08): ____

Applying for Financial Aid to Attend: ______

To the Recommender:

The student named above is applying for financial assistance from Math PioneersMathstronauts Program to attend a summer 2008 math and science day camp program. Math PioneersMathstronautsProgram offer math and science enrichment classes in a day camp setting to expose elementary and middle schools students to the joys of math and science and to encourage them to pursue careers in the mathematical sciences. During the program, students are introduced to rocketry, engineering, meteorology, chemistry, physics, geometry, trigonometry, etc. Your assessment will provide us with valuable information as we consider his/her request for financial assistance.

Please do not return this recommendation to the student. This recommendation is confidential and should be received by May 31, 2008. Please mail to the address given below for Math Pioneers Mathstronauts Program. The student’s application cannot be considered unless this form is received by the deadline. If you have any questions about completing this form or other questions about our programs, you may contact us at 303-224-0584.

Please type or write your recommendation below, on the back of this page, or attach a separate page(s). Evaluate the student’s potential to participate in the program by discussing the following:

1. Student’s strengths as a learner

2. Student’s attitude toward and experience in the math and science

3. Ways in which the student would benefit from this program

4. Unique contributions the student would offer the program

5. Student’s social and emotional maturity

Signature of Recommender: ______Date: ______

Name and Title of Recommender (Please print):______

Name of School: ______Daytime Phone #: (______)______

School Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

MAIL TO: Math PioneersMathstronauts, Financial Aid

6130 South Ivy Street

Centennial, CO80111


email Math Pioneers at

Math Pioneers Mathstronauts Program – 2008 Financial Aid Application

Student Statement

Student Name (Print): ______Student Signature: ______

Program: ______Current Grade in School (2007-2008): ______

In the space below, please describe:

  • why you wish to attend this summer program
  • what you hope to learn from attending the program
  • what you have to contribute to the program
  • anything else that you would like to share about yourself

Please write your statement neatly in ink. You may attach additional page(s) if necessary. Please do not write on the back of any additional pages.


Math Pioneers MathstronautsProgram – 2008 Financial Aid Application

Optional Information

Student's Name: ______

If necessary, in the space below, please explain any unusual circumstances that you think affect your financial need.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Print Name: ______Relationship to student: ______