Math Instruction and Curriculum Resources

  1. We have implemented the online Envision software as a main source for delivering instruction throughout all grade levels.

The benefits are:

  1. Engaging lessons and activities that motivates students and makes learning fun.
  2. The software provides student friendly lessons with explicit vocabulary and clear pictures supporting the content being taught
  3. It provides time for the teacher- student interaction which is a critical component in the classroom for student success.
  4. In addition, the students are able to self- assess their learning by answering the interactive quiz session in the lesson and provides targeted intervention based on the needs of each students
  5. It targets TAKS level questioning to help students prepare for their TAKS examination towards the end of the year.
  6. The Envision Program provides teacher with instant feedback to tailor instruction for any given group of students.
  7. Finally, it allows for teacher collaboration and sharing of ideas to improve student achievement.

Level Readers:

The Envision software provides a wide range of interactive math books for student to read and develop their Math vocabulary and improve their reading fluency levels.

First In Math.

  1. Is another great resource used by students to improve their facts fluency involving addition, subtraction, multiplication,and division.
  1. Students are able to compete with other schools by earning points based on the amount of facts the answer correctly.
  2. This is web base software, therefore students are able to work from home and continue earning points.

Compass Odyssey

  1. Provides opportunity for students to learn lesson from a different source.
  2. It is self pace and students work on lesson as their rotating through workstations.
  3. The program allows teachers to closely monitor lessons via teacher account and provides students with feedback and plans to help them succeed in the classroom.


  1. Our math curriculum assesses students on a 3 week basis. Every three weeks students are assessed on the taught curriculum during that three week period.
  2. Teachers and math department head meet on a weekly basis and discuss data and design intervention instruction to meet the needs of every individual student to help them succeed.

In closing, all these curriculum resources are used in conjunction and alignment with the states TEKS,and provide students with differentiated instruction in the classroom.