Math II Syllabus

Course Overview

Math 2 is the newest curriculum issued to us by the state of North Carolina. It is a blend of Algebra and Geometry delivered with a discovery based learning style. Most of the students in this Math 2 class should have experienced the same type of curriculum in last year’s Math 1. This semester we will be filling in any gaps in learning, digging deeper into previous material from Math 1, as well as adding a bit of depth to things already learned.

Required Text

We will not be using a physical textbook in this class. The material doesn’t align well to the books our school system offers. I have attached some helpful links below in place of the text. I suggest this type of help if struggling.

Course Materials

Marble or spiral Notebook of Graph Paper


Binder (at least 1.5”)

Paper for binder

Dividers for different categories (Notes, Homework, Handouts, etc…)

Grade Distribution





Resources of Great Value to Students Outside of my Class

Khan Academy

Learn Zillion

Discovery Education

Test Information

We will have a review day before each test during which we go over a practice test and the students will be given answers to the practice test. These practice tests will be online for the students to print off before the review day. On the test day I will require that your student place their phone in the front of the classroom on a table for security reasons. They will receive them back once everyone has completed the test, or when the bell rings, whichever comes first. If your student is caught cheating or on his phone during the test when it should be on the table it will result in a 0 for the assessment.

Homework Policy

Homework will be assigned in different ways throughout the semester. We may give handouts on any given night to be completed, but after the initial startup into ALEKS most of the homework’s will be assigned and completed in ALEKS.We always give ample time as the structure of these assignments covers a lot of material. Sometimes the time frame of the homework could be a week or more so that every student has time to do the homework multiple times prior to the ending date. Thus no one should be stuck with a low grade. Half of the ALEKS homework assignments will be a correctness grade shown in ALEKS, the other half of the 100 point score will be based on the work shown in your students ALEKS notebook. It will be taken up on the due date in order to combine scores.

Late Work/Absent Work

All homework assignments are posted online, so any missed assignments should be checked for on my website. If a student is absent for a quiz or test, they will be expected to make up that quiz or test during class, Teal Time, or after school within five school days of their return. It is their responsibility to make arrangements for that make-up assessment.

Bring Your Own Technology

We will have access to a laptop cart daily in my room, students therefore should have all the technology they need in class. However, due to rather large class sizes this year I may need anywhere from 3-5 students to bring their laptop in since our cart only holds 30. If you would like for your child to be one of these student’s, please email and let me know. Any other devices seen out will be confiscated, sent to the control room, and be the cause of discipline for your child.


Students are required by the county to utilize ALEKS weekly in order to strengthen their areas of weakness in Math and excel in their areas of strength. Once started I will be expecting a regular use of ALEKS. This time may be done at home, during Teal Time, or after school in a Math classroom. A single progressive grade will be given as the ALEKS grade, and will be updated regularly. The mastered topics and total topics will go up weekly, but for the semester here are the breakdowns.

1st Quarter / 165 topics
2nd Quarter / 100 topics
Total / 265 total topics

So, as you see in the table, in order to have a 100% for ALEKS in the 1st quarter you must get 165 topics mastered. By the end of the course you should have 265 topics mastered for the highest score possible.

Fall 2016 / Page 1