Optional Course

PROJECT: My Own Green Field in the Petroleum Production

Dear students, today you kick off the course full of special lexical, grammatical, training and video materials. These materials will help to coin the language necessary to speak vividly and professionally about the career of the petroleum engineer. As a result of the Project you are supposed to make a movie illustrating your vision towards different aspects of petroleum engineering.

Text: An Innovative Way of Oil and Gas Production

Grammar Revision: Gerund; Attribute.

Ex.1. Read the following international words and word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

Artificial lift; to assess; carcinogens; correlation; hydrocarbon generation; identification; migration; principal information interpretation; regional potential; reservoir properties; specific structure; submersible pump; technical principles; to examine formations.

Ex.2. Find the definitions to the following terms in the Internet resources. Be aware of interpreter’s “false friends”.

Beneficial, brown field, containment, to commission, core, critical, green field, pad, pay zone, permeability, recycling, regulation, solids, to sample, sophisticated, target.

Ex.3. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to different meanings of the word “once”.

1.  This light oil project once drilled looks to provide a strong and stable cash flow base and gives our company the ability to grow dramatically,” President Robert McAllister said in a statement.

2.  Once formed, oil migrates through permeable and porous rock, and finally accumulates in relatively large amounts.

3.  Once an oil and gas reservoir is discovered a drilling site is to be prepared.

4.  Once the engineer receives the computer and studies the diagrams obtained after the applying a new method he'll definitely post a review about it.

5.  Add more water to make the desired amount of chemical mixture once the concentrate is completely dissolved. After that you can continue your experiment.

6.  Once the oil is separated into fractions, it must be further treated to remove impurities, waxy resins, and asphalt.

7.  DADs (diaryl disulphides) and DMDS (dimethyl disulphide) are well known as once-through sulphur solvents that could be injected into the well or into surface equipment to absorb elemental sulphur.

8.  Impurity used once a week can be very beneficial to deep clean and absorb excess impurities and oil.

9.  Once known largely as a source rock for neighboring formations the Barnet shale field is considered as a world-class, unconventional gas reservoir.

10.  Ordinarily, impurities can be sufficiently removed to a desired degree by bringing the polyphenylene sulfide in the partially dissolved state into contact with the solvent only once.

Ex.4. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the meaning of the word “whether”.

1.  We do not know whether on the whole the present movement in the earth’s crust is proceeding more or less rapidly than in the past.

2.  It is important, when exploring a new area, to determine whether the organic matter has been heated enough to produce oil.

3.  It remains a matter of discussion whether speculations on the origin of oil gave rise to many hypotheses.

4.  Geologists have to evaluate the hydrocarbon accumulation to estimate whether it has enough petroleum to be commercially productive.

5.  We can’t say whether the research into oil genesis will be continued.

6.  We are able to stitch (стачивать) drill to form any shape or size that is required to complete the task, whether it is circular, square or a bespoke size that’s required.

7.  Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, eventually, to change it.

8.  Whether drilling on land or offshore, drill bits of sizable diameter are required to cut through rock.

9.  Some petroleum engineers do work in offices, however, analyzing the reports and recommendations of field engineers and advising corporate decision-makers on whether to proceed.

10.  Whether we like it or not, we rely on the long-term supply of gas and oil. Petroleum engineers play a very important role in resolving this problem and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

Ex.5. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the underlined words of the same root.

1.  The events depended at once on constant and on variable conditions should be examined.

2.  Different authors have used different variables as the basis for subdivision.

3.  The sulphur springs, about fifteen in number, come from a great depth, and vary in temperature, and they are used variously for drinking and for bathing.

4.  Ocean water varies greatly in salinity, or content of dissolved salts.

5.  This Technical Brief outlines simple, low-cost drilling methods which may be used in various ways.

6.  A frequent complaint from citizens has been the considerable variation of the fuel cost.

7.  Microscopic study of igneous and sedimentary rocks shows thousands of different varieties in texture.

8.  These sediments were deposited in the sea or in fresh water in a variety of ways.

9.  Petroleum is a term that includes a wide variety of liquid hydrocarbons though the most familiar types of petroleum are oil, natural gas and tar.

10.  The conversation between the participants of the Oil and Gas Congress was so various, easy and delightful.

Ex.6. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to different forms and functions of the Gerund.

1.  Developing energy from tight-rock formations using horizontal drilling takes four to eight weeks.

2.  Fracking is drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at a high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gas inside.

3.  They remember seeing about 400 tanker trucks to carry water and supplies to the site.

4.  The rest of the toxic fluid looks like leaving in the ground and is not biodegradable.

5.  There is little hope of treating contaminated well water which is used for nearby cities and towns as drinking water.

6.  In fracking up to 600 chemicals are used, including known carcinogens and toxins such as radium, lead, hydrochloric acid, mercury etc…

7.  It’s worth mentioning that methane concentrations are 17 times higher in drinking-water wells near fracturing sites than in normal wells.

8.  Seismic prospecting lowers the risk involved in exploring by allowing scientists to locate and identify oil and gas reservoirs and the best locations to drill.

9.  By reducing the weight on the bit, the bending characteristics of the drill string are changed and the hole will tend to be straighter.

10.  Core taking requires application of special rock cutting tools (core heads) and core receivers.

Ex.7. Say what you know about: a) Methods of oil and gas production;

b) Hydraulic fracturing.

Words to Text A “An Innovative Way of Oil and Gas Production”.

a)  Read the words and pay attention to their pronunciation; translate them. If you don’t know the meaning of any word consult the dictionary.

a hydraulic fracturing / [haɪˈdrɔ:lɪkˈfrækʧərɪ ŋ]
a renaissance / [rɪ ˈneɪs(ə)ns]
technically / [ˈteknɪk(ə)lɪ]
aka / [ˈeɪˌkeɪˈeɪ]
geothermal / [ˈʤi:əˈθɜ:m(ə)l]
a geologic equilibrium / [ˌʤi:əˈlɒʤɪk ˌi:kwɪˈlɪbrɪəm]
a microseismic vibration / [ˌmaɪkrəˈsaɪzmɪk vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n]

b)  Read the words and phrases/sentences with them.

1. vast (adj) / [va:st] / значительный; необъятный; крупный
The Arctic's vast oil resource and the high price of oil are what currently attract attention of many people.
2. shale (n) / [ʃeɪl] / глинистая/сланцевая порода
Shale gas is natural gas that is found trapped within shale formations.
3. tight rock / [ˈtaɪtˈrɒk] / непроницаемая/ вязкая/очень мелкозернистая/упругая порода
In Western Australia, development of natural gas from shale and tight rock is in the early stages of exploration.
4. play (n) / [pleɪ] / зд. месторождение
This oil play is still under active development.
5. casing (n) / [ˈkeɪsɪŋ] / обсадная труба
Casing is a large diameter pipe that is inserted into a drilled section of a well.
6. liner (n) / [ˈlaɪnə] / зд.обсадная колонна-хвостовик
the top of a liner
7. runoff (n) / [ˈrʌnɒf] / утечка
Liquid chemicals runoff during the drilling operations contaminates the soil.
8. proppant (n) / [ˈprɒpənt] / пропант (гранулированный "песок" для гидроразрыва)
A proppant is a solid material which consists of sand or man-made ceramic materials.
9. pit (n) / [pɪt] / зд. бак
Pits are used for toxic elements storage.
10. prior to (prep) / [ˈpraɪətʊ] / до; перед чем-либо
Historically, most drillers dug two pits prior to drilling a well.
11. disposal (n) / [dɪsˈpəʊz(ə)l] / устранение; удаление
Improper disposal of hazardous waste products can cause harmful chemicals to enter the environment and contaminate our land and water.
12. recycling (n) / [ri:ˈsaɪklɪŋ] / переработка отходов
Recycling reduces energy usage, air and water pollution and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
13. refer to as (v) / называться
Liquefied petroleum gas, commonly referred to as LPG.
14. flowback (n) / [ˈfləʊbək] / отток
Spills and flowback can contaminate the surface lands.
15. tailor (n) / [teɪlə] / зд. приспосабливать
Our company can offer products tailored to the needs of our clients.
16. permit(n) / [ˈpɜ:mɪt] / разрешение; лицензия
You cannot enter the drilling site without a permit.
17. nonetheless (adv) / [ˌnʌnðəˈles] / тем не менее; всё же; несмотря на
Nonetheless the severe conditions the team managed to finish the work in time.

Look through the words above and the title of Text A and try to guess what information Text A will deal with. Share your ideas with your groupmates.

Ex.8. Read the text and do the following tasks:

a)  find “-ing” forms and state their functions;

b)  in the text find the facts about hydraulic fracturing which the author considers to be beneficial;

c)  find English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

Десятки тысяч; теоретически/формально извлекаемый сланцевый газ; энергетически независимая страна; самая верхняя часть скважины; многочисленные меры предосторожности; сливать в открытые водоемы; ежедневная работа; чувствительные звукоулавливатели; очистка с повторением одинаковых процессов; первостепенной важности; инвестирует значительные средства; геологические разломы/разрывы; возможности текущего контроля и моделирования.

Text A

An Innovative Way of Oil and Gas Production

1.  Hydraulic fracturing has been used in the oil and natural gas industry since the1940s. Fracking with modern horizontal drilling technology has safely unlocked vast reserves of oil and natural gas found in shale and other tight-rock formations, launching a renaissance in oil and natural gas production, and creating tens of thousands of jobs and fueling economy. And the key to unlocking these reserves is through the process of hydraulic fracturing, aka fracking.

2.  What is hydraulic fracturing? Economically it’s energy and opportunity for better lives and a stronger, more energy-secure country: from one of limited options to one of nearly limitless plenty. Technically it is a well stimulation process used to maximize the extraction of underground resources; including oil, natural gas, geothermal energy.

3.  Developing energy from tight-rock formations using hydraulic fracturing/horizontal drilling takes four to eight weeks – from preparing the site for development to production itself – after which the well can be in production for 20 to 40 years. A well can be a mile or more deep and thousands of feet below groundwater zones before gradually turning horizontal from vertical. The horizontal portion then can stretch more than 6,000 feet. A single well site (or pad) can accommodate a number of wells. Steel pipe known as surface casing is cemented into place at the uppermost portion of a well to protect the groundwater. As the well is drilled deeper, additional casing is installed to isolate the formation(s) from which oil or natural gas is to be produced, further protecting groundwater from the producing formations in the well. Numerous protective measures are in place at well sites, including liners under well pads, rubber composite mats under rigs, storage tanks with secondary containment measures, and barriers to control any potential runoff.

4.  After the wells on a pad are drilled, cased and cemented, a device perforates the horizontal part of the production pipe to make small holes in the casing, exposing the wellbore to the shale. Then a mixture of water (90 percent), sand (9.5 percent) and chemicals (0.5 percent) is pumped into the well under high pressure to create micro-fractures in the shale and free natural gas or oil. When the hydraulic pressure is removed from the well, small grains of hydraulic fracturing proppants (either sand or aluminium oxide) hold open the small fractures once the deep rock achieves geologic equilibrium. The chemicals are chiefly agents to reduce friction and prevent corrosion. After fracturing is completed, the internal pressure of the geologic formation cause the injected fracturing fluids to rise to the surface where it may be stored in tanks or pits prior to disposal or recycling. Recovered fracturing fluids are referred to as flowback. Disposal options for flowback include discharge into surface water or underground injection. Flowback is required to be treated prior to discharge into surface water. Treatment is typically performed by wastewater treatment facilities.

5.  Effective hydraulic fracturing regulation can only be achieved at the state level as state regulations can be tailored to geological and local needs. Key state regulations include: review and approval of permits; well design, location and spacing; drilling operations; water management and disposal; air emissions; wildlife impacts; surface disturbance; worker health and safety; inspection and enforcement of day-to-day oil and gas operations. The development of advanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling has been accompanied by safe and responsible water management strategies employing innovative technologies to allow reuse of fluids produced during the fracturing phase of well development. Fracking is also accompanied by microseismic vibrations that can be recorded with sensitive listening devices and analyzed with established scientific methods. Microseismic mapping is used to understand and optimize field development, well completions, and stage treatments. This monitoring produces extensive data, thus microseismic activity associated with hydraulic fracturing is well understood.

6.  Generally speaking hydraulic fracturing represents minimal risk to humans, animals, structures or the environment. Nonetheless, the industry has made safety a top priority and invests heavily in modeling and mapping the earth’s subsurface to constantly improve its understanding of fault lines and other geological structures. The continued development of monitoring and modeling capabilities to improve the process will provide ongoing assurance of the safety and effectiveness of this critical well-completion procedure.