Integrated Math 4

Course Syllabus 2009-2010

Math Help: I am available during 4thblock, and after school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, upon request.

*****Students are responsible for getting and making up notes, quizzes, tests and class work missed due to an absence. Check the calendar for assignments and the make-up work folder for worksheets, located on the front bulletin board. If you missed a quiz or test it will be taken in the library on a Tuesday morning or during a study hall if you have one. You have 2 days to make up your work if you’re absent. All assignments will also be posted online. Students/Parents can access it from Madison’s home page. Click on “MadisonHigh School”, and then click on Staff Websites and click on “Egnot”, then click on “Integrated Math 4”.

Assignments: Class work is to be done in class and Turned in. All or parts of class work may be graded. ALL work must be shown and all problems must be attempted on every assignment.

If you are absent, you are responsible for making up Warm-Ups as well.

Quizzes: There will be at least one quiz over material every week. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes will contain problems directly from notes and class work/homework, so make sure the assignments are understood. They will usually be on Friday.

Tests: A test will be given at the end of some of the chapters. Students may use their notebook on every test. Cheating during a test or quiz will result in a zero, and a phone call home.

Participation Points: It is important to participate in class, therefore each student is expected to participate in class at least 3 times a week. I keep track of the points on my seating chart.

Participation includes: answering or asking a question(1 point), coming in for help(2 points), or doing a problem(s) on the overhead or on the chalkboard (2 points). Students need 30 points by the end of the quarter.Students can receive up to 10 extra credit points if you get over the required amount. Points will be taken away for being disruptive, shouting out answers, etc.

All students are graded on a point system. Students can keep track of their grades on a grade sheet, so student’s and parent’s can check the student’s grade at any time during the quarter. Infinite campus is not always updated so, if you want to know your grade on a weekly basis or if you are in a sport, you need to keep a grade sheet.

Your grade is derived from: Materials required:

Class work/Homework PENCILS, pen, ruler

Quizzes Hardback binder OR Spiral & Folder

TestsLoose-leaf paper, and Graph Paper

Participation Points TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator

Extra Credit: There are online quizzes at that you can do for extra credit. You will only receive extra credit for that section, if you have done the classroom assignment for that section. You go to the website, then click on the book with the red/orange front. Then click on self-check quizzes located under the student center. Choose a chapter under Chapter activities, then on the lesson(section we are in - in that chapter), then on self-check quizzes twice. You must receive a 5/5 on the quiz to receive bonus. The points will vary on the difficulty. You can retake the quiz as many times as you need to get a 5/5. Make sure to put your name, email address, and mine – or it won’t send.

Passes: Each student has 6 passes persemester. Passes can be used to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, go to the office or locker, etc. If you need passes beyond 6, you will receive a detention. Students are expected to come to class prepared and on time. Go to the bathroom before class if necessary!!! The passes are here for emergency purposes. You Must Have Your Own Planner to Exit the Classroom!

Tardies: Each student is allowed 3 tardies to class each semester. This is the school policy and mine. The 4th,5th and 6th tardies to class receive a ½ hour after school detention. 7th, 8th, and 9th are 1 hour after school detentions. Anything over 9 tardies will receive a 2 hour after school detention.

Classroom Rules:

1.) Respect everyone

2.) Come to class on time and prepared

3.) Talk at appropriate times

4.) Use appropriate language

If these are not followed you may receive one of the following: a verbal warning, a detention, a phone call home or a referral to the office.

No Cell Phones or IPOD’s/mp3 players/cd players etc. are to be on or out at any time during class. If is out it will be taken and given to the office.