Math Concepts Syllabus

Instructor: Tammy Tichenor
Location: Room 117

Class Length: 36 weeks

Description: In Math Concepts, we will refine our knowledge of sets, numerations systems, arithmetic operations/algorithms, problem solving, algebraic, and geometric concepts. We will utilize these skills to prepare for real life concepts such as banking, calculating pay, designing floor plans, comparing unit prices and best deals, and filing taxes. We will also spend time this year preparing for the Compass, ASVAB, ACT, and Work Keys Exams.

Expectations: I expect all students to participate in class and complete all assignments. I will treat each student with respect and expect the same in return.

Due to allergies, no lotions, perfumes, or colognes are to be out or used immediately before or during my class in any way please!
Supplies: Lots of pencils (I do not allow ink on graded work.) Students will also need some kind of notebook, section of a spiral, composition book, or whatever they feel comfortable with using.

Technology: Students will have opportunities to use a variety of technology in my classroom. Any student using any technology for a non-educational purpose during my class time will be sent to administration for discipline. There will be no need for selfies, snapchat, or any non-educational application during my class.

Grades: Course grades are composed as follows:

30% - Classwork
30% - Quizzes/Exit Slips
40% - Tests/Projects

Students who have incomplete grades will be referred to academic ISAP to complete the assignment. If the student does not complete it there, he or she will be referred to behavioral ISAP for a lack of cooperation. Not working during class is NOT an option.

Class Rules: Be on time.

Bring pencil, paper, assignment, and a positive attitude.
Respect others during class.

Respect the classroom. (No writing on walls or desks.)

Be responsible for your belongings.
Keep on your desk only what is necessary for class.
Use class time for my math content.

**School rules and policies will be adhered to in this classroom.

Consequences: See student handbook.

Contact Information: Email at or call me at 274-3366 ext 117. The best time to reach me is after 2:50 or by email. You can follow assignments and class announcements on my web page. I have many extra activities and resources that you can use to help you succeed in math. Go to and find OCHS. On the left will be a teachers’ website tab. Student grades can be monitored via the infinite campus link also on the county website. I often post an assignment ahead of time so students can see upcoming work. They will not have a grade show for it until I post grades.

Math Concepts for Tammy Tichenor

Please sign and return this portion of the form for your 1st classwork grade.
I have read, understand, and agree to follow the guidelines established by this syllabus.

Please tell me your preferred way to be contacted if needed. Include email or best number to call.

Print Student Name______


Print Guardian Name______

Guardian signature______Date:______

A few times during the year, the school will have rewards or testing that will require us to be off schedule. If we have extended time after our math is complete, we may watch a movie. Please sign below if you give your child permission to watch a PG or PG-13 movie.

Parent signature______Date:______