Honors Geometry

Class Policies & Procedures

Mrs. King



The fundamental purpose of the course in Geometry is to formalize and extend students’ geometric experiences from the middle grades. Students explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, moving towards formal mathematical arguments. The Mathematical Practice Standards apply throughout each course and, together with the content standards, prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations.


2 inch 3 ring binder

notebook paper

graph paper


Texas Instrument Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84 or TI-84+)

Compass – a better quality compass can be tightened (has a wheel or a screw)

  • Staedtler Universal Compass or Westcott Student Compass (with a case if possible)

3 by 5 index cards (white and colored)


Grading Policy

Quarter averages are based on the following:

Homework: 25% (daily)

Quizzes: 25%

Tests: 50% (after every unit)


The final assessment in this course will be the New York State Regents Geometry Exam(Common Core). This exam is the first of two components needed for a Advanced Regents Diploma. It will also count as 20% of your final course average.

Homework Policy

You will be given homework on a daily basis in order to reinforce what we have gone over in class and review old material. Homework is expected to be complete at the beginning of the period.

Assignments will be checked daily for completeness. Students will earn from 0 to 4 points on an assignment based on all questions being completed and the appropriate work and diagrams shown.

Periodically homework assignments will be collected for a grade. You will not know ahead of time when it will be collected.

When we go over homework in class you are expected to check your answers, ask questions for clarification, and fix any mistakes on your assignment.

I do not accept late assignments!


It is very important that you be present in class each day. I take careful attendance each day and will follow up with the attendance office. School policy with regards to class absences will be strictly followed (please refer to planner).

ABSENCE FROM CLASS DOES NOT EXCUSE YOU FROM MATERIAL AND WORK COVERED. When you are absent from class, get notes you missed from one of your classmates during the time we are going over homework. If you missed a test or quiz, you will make it up when you come back or very soon thereafter. It is also YOUR responsibility to show your teacher ALL homework you owe by handing it in following your return to class. If you are absent during review for a test, you will still be required to take the test on its scheduled day.

If you are absent due to a music lesson, field trip, or situation that you are aware of in advance, please notify your teacher by filling out an absence form and hand it in to the teacher. Notes will be provided so student can complete their homework. Prolonged absences will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Appropriate Behavior

Instead of listing rules there is a single quote that sums up what is expected of each student.

“Do those things which support your learning and the learning of others!”

No cell phone use in class unless there has been prior approval by the teacher. Your cell phone should not be heard or visible to anyone during class time. Otherwise the teacher will confiscate the phone.

All school policies and rules as stated in your planner will be strictly enforced in class, this includes, tardiness to class, and cheating.

Failure to comply with these expectations will result in a warning, parent phone calls, teacher detention, and school referrals.

Extra Help

Whenever you get confused – get help immediately. Do not wait until the day before the test to ask for extra help. Also use homework time in class to get your questions clarified. This is one reason that time is provided.

I am available for help after school most everyday (except an for an occasional faculty or department meeting).

If you would like extra assistance during my work period, you must make an appointment at least a day in advance as I may have a meeting or other commitments that I must schedule around. My work periods are: ______

The Learning Center has a math certified teacher available for help

  • 1st period in room 218
  • 9th period in room 225
  • after school (2:15 – 3:15) Monday –Thursday in room 225

Contacting the Teacher

The 686-3255 ext 9305 or email (preferred)

I look forward to working with each of you this year. We need to work together to make this a successful and enjoyable year!!


Please sign below to indicate that you have read and are aware of all Mrs. King’s classroom policies and procedures as stated above.

Student Name (please print)______

Student Signature______

Student ID number______

What math class were you in last year?______

Who was your math teacher last year?______

How did you do? (Circle an average range below)

0-64 65-7475-8485-9495-100

How will you change as a student to better your grade for this upcoming year?



Will you come in for extra help if you find yourself struggling to understand the material? (Circle one)

YES, immediately MAYBE, if I have timeNO, never

What period do you have study hall? ______

What period do you have lunch? ______

Tell me something that you are most proud of:



What clubs, teams, or activities are you involved in?


What is YOUR definition of a good teacher? ______



Parents – Please make sure you have read the Class Policies and Procedures on the previous page. If possible please provide an alternate phone number in which I could contact you during the day, if you are not at home.

Parent/Guardian Name / Home Phone Number / Daytime Phone Number / Email Address

Please describe any important information that might be needed when calling home/work or when working with your son/daughter throughout the school year.

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and are aware of all classroom procedures and policies as stated above.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Parent Contact log: (For Mrs. King’s use only)

Date / Notes

Calculator Type:______

Calculator ID Number:______-______-______Found by pressing:`+ 1

Enter this information into my website (calculator information page) where it asks for Calculator Identification Number. Use ALL CAPITALS and no dashes and there is no letter I or O. This helps us locate owners of lost or stolen calcs.