As of 11/6/11
Constitution of the Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire
Article I Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire.
Section 2
The purpose of the Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire is to oversee the execution and continuance of the Medieval and Renaissance Faire at The Ohio StateUniversity.
Section 3
No student shall be denied membership in this organization upon the basis of race, sex,gender identity or expression, color, national origin, religion, age, political views, military veteran status, sexualorientation, or handicap.
Article II Membership
Section 1
Any person interested in the execution of the Medieval and Renaissance Faire at The OhioState University may be a member of the organization with the consent of the majority ofthe officers of the organization.
Section 2
A member who is continually disruptive to the purpose of the organization may beremoved by a vote of two-thirds of the officers of the organization.
Section 3
Voting privileges may beearned for general members by attending at least 60% of the council meetings and any previous official informational meetings dealing with the topic being voted upon.
Section 4
In the event of a tie vote among all voting members, a new vote will be reissued and will be restricted to only those officers mentioned in Article VI of the bylaws.
Section 5
In the event of a tie vote among all officers, the president’s vote will be the deciding vote.
Article III Leadership
Section 1
The officers of the organization shall include the President, the Treasurer, and a Vice President. Any number of additional officers may be selected as required for the efficientfunctionality of the group.
Section 2
Any office, with the exception of the Treasurer, may be jointly held with the approval ofthe officers.
Section 3
If necessary, a single officer may hold more than one office with the approval of theremaining officers. The same officer may not hold both the positions of President andTreasurer, and there may not be less than three total officers.
Section 4
Officers must continually maintain communication, attend the majority of meetingsappropriate to their office, fulfill all commitments, and assist in other duties as mutuallydelegated. These Leaders must be students in good academic standing with the University.(2.00 G.P.A. on a 4.00 scale for Undergraduates or 3.00 G.P.A. on a 4.00 scale forGraduate or Professional students.)
Section 5
Any officer may be impeached provided they repeatedly fail to fulfill the responsibilities of their position. Impeachment may be proposed by an officer and seconded during a general meeting. The officer in question must have a chance to justify the perceived lack of action; if the officer fails to represent their case with adequate reasoning, then on the meeting following the proposal for impeachment a vote is automatically called of all present voting members. A vote of two-thirds of officers excluding the officer in question is required to remove any officer.
Section 6
In the event that either the President position becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the vacant position. In the event that the Vice President position becomes vacant, officers will appoint a new Vice President. In the event any other officer position becomes vacant, the remaining officers shall appoint a member to fill the position as stated in Section 7.
Section 7
If another member of Council is more qualified to be President, section 6 may be invalidated and the new President candidate proposedupon a majority vote of present voting members. A majority vote of all present voting members is needed to confirm the President in office.
Section 8
The President may not hold any office within the Medieval and Renaissance Performers Guild.
Article IV Selection of Officers
Section 1
The current officers of the organization shall appoint three new officers for the next school year on the first Saturday after Faire is completed, including the President and Treasurer.
Section 2
By the end of the term, the newly elected officers shall fill the remaining Council positions, with the advice of the outgoing officers.
Section 3
If an officer position needs be filled in the middle of the school year the current officers shall appoint a member of the organization to fill the position.
Article V Committees
Section 1
Any officer may form a committee of members of the organization to assist them in theirduties.
Section 2
In the case of a jointly held office, both officers shall jointly oversee any committee undersaid office.
Section 3
The officers of the organization may create and dissolve additional committees toaccomplish tasks and goals. These ad hoc committees shall be presided over by a memberof the organization appointed by the officers.
Article VIAdvisor
Section 1
The Advisor shall be a full-time Ohio State University faculty oradministrative/professional staff who has an interest in the execution and continuance ofthe Medieval and Renaissance Faire at The Ohio State University, and who has knowledgeof the workings of the University's bureaucracy.
Section 2
The Advisor shall continually maintain communication with the officers of theorganization, particularly the chairperson, andbe strongly involved in the dealings of the organization with university officials.
Article VIIMeetings
Section 1
Meetings shall be called and presided over by the President of the organization, or anofficer designated by the President.
Section 2
During summer term, the officers of the organization shall meet as is required for thesmooth functioning of the organization.
Section 3
During Autumn and Spring terms the officers shall meet at least every other week.
Section 4
Meetings concerning topics, which are relevant to some but not all members of theorganization, may be called by the President, or a designated representative. The meetingshall be presided over by the President or the designated representative.
Article VIIIAmending the Constitution
Proposed amendments shall initially be discussed during general meeting. Final wording of the proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing the next week and further discussion will take place if necessary. Voting and implementation of the proposed amendment will then take place during the next meeting, two weeks after initial discussion. A two-thirds majority of the officers is required to amend theconstitution.On the day of voting, there must be a 50% attendance of total voting members.
Article IXMethod of Dissolution of the Organization
Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire can be dissolved by a three-quarters voteof the voting members of the organization and with the Advisor's approval. All assets and debts of the Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire will transfer to the Medieval and Renaissance Performers Guild or another consenting Medieval and Renaissance program upon dissolution of the organization.
By-laws of the Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire
Article I Amending the Bylaws
The bylaws to be amended or added shall be submitted in writing to the officers at least one week prior to being voted on. Amendments should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in which they are proposed. A two-thirds majority of the officers is required to amend the constitution.
Article II Parliamentary Authority
Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire shall use Robert's Rules of Order as a lastresort to common sense communication at meetings.
Article III Financial Policies
Finances shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the officers. Checks will be signed by the Treasurer.
Article IVLeadership
Additional officers (as mentioned in Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution) may include,but not be limited to, Performers Coordinator, Vendors Coordinator, Site Coordinator,Madrigal Coordinator, Graphical Designer, Secretary, and the Guild Master of theMedieval and Renaissance Performer’s Guild.
Article VI Position Duties
Section 1
Any of the Council positions, excepting the President and the Treasurer, may be filled bynon-officer members at the approval of the officers of the Council.
Section 2
The President is responsible for calling and running meetings, for making decisions for thecouncil when the officers do not reach a consensus, recruitment of new members and fortaking care of, or delegating any responsibilities that do not fall into the purview of anyother officer.
Section 3
The Treasurer is responsible for managing the budget, and keeping track of the finances ofthe organization. They shall jointly be responsible for fundraising with the PublicRelations Coordinator.
Section 4
The Public Relations Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Council, the Guild,and any volunteers in the advertising efforts for all events sponsored by the Council. Theyare also responsible for finding sponsorship for the organization and its events. They shallbe jointly responsible for fundraising with the Treasurer. Additionally, they are responsiblefor all goodwill relations with the surrounding campus and business community.
Section 5
The Guild Master for the Medieval and Renaissance Performer’s Guild is responsible forall official communication between the Council for the Medieval and Renaissance Fair andthe Medieval and Renaissance Performer’s Guild, and to promote harmony between thosetwo groups.
Section 6
The Vendors Coordinator is responsible for finding and communicating with vendors forthe Medieval and Renaissance Faire.
Section 7
The Performers Coordinator is responsible for finding and communicating with all nonstudentperformers for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire.
Section 8
The Site Coordinator shall be broken into two positions when possible, the FaireCoordinator and the Madrigal Coordinator. The Faire Coordinator is responsible fordrawing up the schedule of events for the Medieval and Renaissance Faire, for running theFaire on the day of the event, and recruiting and managing volunteers for the Faire. TheMadrigal Coordinator is responsible for acquiring the location of the madrigal, contactingthe approved caterer, and coordinating the set-up and tear-down of the madrigal site.Additionally, the Site Coordinator is in charge of and responsible for all non-liquid assets.
Section 9
The Madrigal Director is responsible for managing all actors, singers, instrumentalists,servers, and all performances that are associated with the Madrigal. They are alsoresponsible for coordinating all additional aspects of the Madrigal with the MadrigalCoordinator and the Council.
Section 10
The Graphical Designer is responsible for creating and laying out all graphical materials.
Section 11
The Secretary is responsible for creating and distributing the meeting minutes and a contactsheet for the organization.
Section 12
The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining and updating the Council website and otheronline resources.
Section 13
The Kankmeister is a position given to a senior Council member. The Kankmeister has noset responsibilities other than those for which he or she has volunteered for. This positioncan be held for only one year.
Article VIIStanding Committees
Section 1
The fundraising committee shall be jointly overseen by the Treasurer and the PublicRelations Coordinator.
Section 2
The recruitment committee shall be overseen by the President.
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